City *
State *
- Select - Alabama Alaska American Samoa Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Guam Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Marshall Islands Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Northern Marianas Islands Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Palau Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virgin Islands Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
Please enter your COUNTY (Not CountRy) of residence.
Residents of some states may have to enter a Township or Borough name instead.
County *
ZIP Code *
Mailing Address
Enter your Mailing Address if it is different than your street address.
Home Phone *
Cell Phone *
Work Phone *
Best time to call
Employer *
Please provide Employer Name, Address and Phone Number.
Please give us a brief history *
If you have owned German Shepherds or Shepherd Mixes when you were an adult, please give us a brief history of each.
How long have you been thinking about adopting a dog? *
Why have you decided to get a dog and why, specifically, a shepherd? *
Current Dog 1
Current Dog 2
Current Dog 3
Current Dog 4
Other Current Dog(s) Please provide complete information on all other dogs you currently own. Please provide the same details requested for your other current dogs (above). This is a required field. If none, answer 'NONE'
Please list all other dogs you currently have. *
For each dog, include the NAME, GENDER, BREED, AGE, and WHETHER IT IS SPAYED/NEUTERED. If it is not spayed or neutered, PLEASE EXPLAIN WHY. This is a required field. If none, answer 'NONE'.
Please provide details. *
If you have ever had to give up a pet, please provide details here. This is a required field. If none, answer 'NONE'
Previous Dog 1 Please provide the following information about the first dog you have had in the previous TEN years.
Name *
How long did you have him/her? *
Cause of Death *
Please provide BOTH the cause and date of death. Please be as complete and accurate as possible.
Reason you no longer have him/her *
Please explain why you no longer have this dog. Please be as complete as possible.
Previous Dog 2 Please provide the following information about the second dog you had in the previous TEN years.
Name *
How long did you have him/her? *
Cause of Death *
Please provide BOTH the cause and date of death. Please be as complete and accurate as possible.
Reason you no longer have him/her *
Please explain why you no longer have this dog. Please be as complete as possible.
Previous Dog 3 Please provide the following information about the third dog you had in the previous TEN years.
Name *
How long did you have him/her? *
Cause of Death *
Please provide BOTH the cause and date of death. Please be as complete and accurate as possible.
Reason you no longer have him/her *
Please explain why you no longer have this dog. Please be as complete as possible.
Previous Dog 4 Please provide the following information about the fourth dog you had in the previous TEN years.
Name *
How long did you have him/her? *
Cause of Death *
Please provide BOTH the cause and date of death. Please be as complete and accurate as possible.
Reason you no longer have him/her *
Please explain why you no longer have this dog. Please be as complete as possible.
Other Previous Dogs Please provide complete information on all other dogs you have had in the previous TEN years. Please provide the same details requested for your other previous dogs (above). This is a required field. If none, answer 'NONE'
Please list all other dogs you've had in the past TEN years. *
For each dog, include the NAME, GENDER, BREED, AGE OF THE DOG WHEN ACQUIRED, HOW LONG YOU HAD THE DOG, WHY YOU NO LONGER HAVE THE DOG, and CAUSE OF DEATH (if applicable). This is a required field. If none, answer 'NONE'
Current Pet 1
Current Pet 2
Current Pet 3
Current Pet 4
Other Current Pets Please provide complete information on all your other current pets. Please provide the same details requested for your other pets (above). This is a required field. If none, answer 'NONE'
Please list all other pets you own. *
For each pet, include the NAME, GENDER, SPECIES, AGE WHEN ACQUIRED, and HOW LONG YOU HAVE HAD THE PET. This is a required field. If none, answer 'NONE'
Who will be the primary caretaker of the dog? *
Preferred Color *
Preferred Dog(s)
If there is a specific dog or dogs you're interested in, please list the dogs' names.
Please remember we cannot guarantee or hold dogs. The dog you name may become adopted by the time your application is approved, or may already be scheduled to meet his/her new family. We would suggest continuing with the app process working toward approval so you'll be ready for the next one you see.
How long do you think your dog is going to take to adjust to his/her new home? *
Under what circumstances would you consider returning your dog to MAGSR? *
How would you correct the dog if he/she has a housebreaking accident in your home? *
How would you correct the dog if he/she has chewed something, like shoes or furniture? *
How long have you lived at this address? *
If less than five years, please list your previous address(es) during that period
If you move, what would happen to the dog? *
What if you could not find housing that allowed you to have large dogs? *
If you bring a baby or child into your home what will you do with the dog you adopted? *
If you have temporary financial or health problems, who will care for the dog? *
List the Name(s) and Phone Number(s) of your dog's temporary guardian(s) include area codes *
If you have a fenced yard, what kind of fence and how tall is it at its lowest point? *
How will you handle exercise and toilet duties? *
How many hours a day will your dog be without human contact? *
What provisions will you make for the dog to relieve itself and get exercise during your absence? *
Where will your dog spend the day? *
Please be specific.
Where will your dog spend the night? *
Please be specific.
Have you and your family discussed the time, energy, and effort required to properly care for a dog? *
Are you prepared to assume the financial expenses of owning a dog (routine medical care, emergency medical care, food training/obedience lessons, supplies, grooming, etc.)? *
How much do you anticipate to spend on the dog each year for food, supplies, routine and emergency expenses? *
How many adults reside in the home? *
Their relationship to the applicant *
How old are the children? *
Veterinarian 1
Veterinarian 2
Name of Trainer *
Please provide the name and contact information for each trainer used, for each dog. (E.g. Spot went to All Good Dogs 301-555-2222 and Rex went to Bob Smith for training 410-555-2222.)
Have you ever been charged with or convicted of animal neglect, abuse, or cruelty of any kind? *
If so, please explain below: *
How did you hear about our rescue and/or who referred you to MAGSR? *
Reference 1
Reference 2
Reference 3
If you have anything to add, please feel free to use the space below.