Sad news

We wish there was no sad news to report but...
This page is dedicated to all those trusting and loving dogs out there who have made our lives better by being in them. 
We miss them now and forever.

Pet Cremation Urns - Visit for custom pet memorial products. They have a selection of German Shepherd figurine urns among other items.

The Rainbow Bridge
There is a bridge connecting heaven and earth.
It is called the Rainbow Bridge because of its many colors.
Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge there is a land
of meadows, hills and valleys with lush green grass.

When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this place.
There is always food and water and warm spring weather.
The old and frail animals are young again.
Those who are maimed are made whole again.
They play all day with each other.
There is only one thing missing.
They are not with their special person who loved them on earth.
So, each day they run and play until the day comes
when one suddenly stops playing and looks up!
The nose twitches!
The ears are up!!
The eyes are staring!!
And this one suddenly runs from the group!

You have been seen, and when you and your special friend meet,
you take him or her in your arms and embrace.
Your face is kissed again and again and again and again,
and you look once more in the eyes of your trusting pet.
Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together,
never again to be separated.

These are memorial entries for MAGSR Dogs that have gone to wait at the Bridge.

Memorial tributes for our beloved MAGSR pups reported prior to 2016 can be found here.

March 8, 2025


Hi, Mercer Family has some unfortunate news.  Chloe became ill last week, and we were not able to save her.  We made the difficult decision to euthanize Saturday night.  It was a tough weekend without her.  Please see some pictures attached and a brief eulogy below.

Also, thank you sooo much for what you do.  We were incredibly happy with Chloe and Jojo.  They were amazing dogs, and they were able to live out the last few years of their lives in comfort and love because of your work.  I'm sort of tearing up right now....

Our Gird Girl Chloe left us this past weekend.  The sweetest dog we've ever known, she was our love.  She wanted nothing more than cuddle with her people...well, she liked her treats and dinner time, too!  And on walks, she would sniff EVERYTHING.  Walks with her alone took a long time and covered very little ground.  She would spend so much time sniffing the ground, the air, the shrubs.  Her back legs were failing her, but she did not let that slow her down too much.  She earned the name "Thump-Drag" because of the way she would move around the house.  I'm going to miss that noise, and that beautiful face.

We thank MAGSR for the work they do which allowed us to spend an amazing few years with Chloe.


Mercer Family

Danny, Lisa, and Bethany

March 6, 2025


Almost 11 years to the day after we brought him home we said good bye to our Luke. He crossed the rainbow bridge last night and our hearts are so broken but also so full with all the joy and love he brought to our lives. Run free and happy Lukey boy

March 4, 2025

Run free, sweet Aspen
Run free, sweet AspenRun free, sweet Aspen

Aspen and her adopted brother, Bosco, were taken in as a bonded pair of senior pups by their amazing mom. She welcomed them into her family and planned on ensuring that they lived out their lives in the comfort, peace, and security of her home. Aspen and Bosco were their mom's heart; she loved them beyond words. Knowing she would want them to have a place to grieve, rest, and find comfort and MAGSR's commitment to keeping family together, they were welcomed again back to a MAGSR foster home. Soon after, Bosco joined his mom and crossed the rainbow bridge to watch over Aspen as another angel. 

Aspen joined her family just a few months later.

Aspen was always a sweet gem of a girl. She loved affection from people, and was so excited to be around anyone and everyone. Having clearly been showered with love and affection throughout her life, Aspen loved to return this gift as often as possible, a low key kind of girl who enjoyed lounging around in her dog bed or going for short walks around the yard. A big fan of the outdoors, Aspen would get a spunky pep in her step every now and then when outside. When hanging out with her people, Aspen was always willing and ready to accept a good back scratching and ear rubbing from anyone who offers.

Run free with Bosco, sweet girl.

February 23, 2025

Run free, sweet Apollo
Run free, sweet ApolloRun free, sweet ApolloRun free, sweet ApolloRun free, sweet Apollo

It is with great sadness that we announce that Apollo crossed over the rainbow bridge over the weekend with his long time/adopter & foster, Tom. Apollo had long been with MAGSR just shy of 4 years. Apollo was well known at many of the events through his time at MAGSR just due to his size and sweet personality. He had no problems taking over Tom's home and his bed . In the last few months Apollo's back legs started to give out on him as much as MAGSR tried to help give him comfort Apollo was ready.

He was with his buddy/roommate best bud Tom. Apollo was loved by many. 

We cannot thank Tom enough for all the care he provided for the big guy. Run free Apollo

January 18, 2025

RIP Cali
RIP CaliRIP CaliRIP CaliRIP CaliRIP Cali

January 18th we unexpectedly had to let go of our Cali girl.
Cali came into our lives June 2014 Mike picked her and her brother up for us to foster. Within hours Mike knew that was his girl even tho we said we were not going to foster fail. She was our first official foster fail. She was a daddy’s girl through and through she couldn’t wait for him to get home  When she loved you she loved hard. She was a no nonsense girl she loved her humans hard and let her pack know who was boss. She was our queen bee. She had a perfect howl to the sirens , the best smile when you’d come home and she gave the best hugs/nuzzles.
We are lost without our queen. Fly high our sweet Cali girl.
The Pizers

January 17, 2025

RIP Sasha
RIP SashaRIP Sasha

I wish everyone could have known Sasha. If you aren’t a dog person, she would have turned you into one. She was love. Pure love. If you walked by our house, you may have thought otherwise. That bark! It was fierce. She was anything but. The minute complete strangers entered our house, she ran to get her tennis ball and wanted to play. Wait, not just one tennis ball. Two tennis balls. Always.

With either her paw or snout, she would pass the ball to you, wait for you to pass it back, and do it all over again. She had fancy footwork, that girl. Her paws moved so quickly and in such a coordinated fashion, she could have easily been the world’s first four-legged soccer player.

She loved her walks, tummy rubbies and burrowing into you with her signature body twist. We swear she had a hole in her tongue. We’re not sure how she ever got a true drink of water. She was so thoughtful, apparently, she was making sure our kitchen floor didn’t go thirsty.

A couple of years ago, we thought all Sasha-isms were coming to an end, as she got a rare cancerous tumor underneath her eye socket. We certainly were not going to put her through any painful treatment to prolong her life, but doctors at Iowa State University (amazing angels) were confident surgery to remove her chondrosarcoma could be successful, and she could live a normal life. She did. We all enjoyed two and ½ more years.

She knew when you were sad and was quick to provide comfort. She provided SO much joy. So many laughs. So many sneezes and stuffed noses. So many teeth marks on the couch. So many kitchen rugs and mopping sessions. So many lunges to retrieve tennis balls from under the bed…just after we hopped into it, of course. So many excited “tippy taps” and jumps when asked if she wanted to go for a walk.

These final days she and I had some wonderful conversations. When I looked into her beautiful brown eye and told her how much I loved her, I know she understood. That eye communicated so much. Her follow-up kisses were double confirmation.

While our hearts are shattered in a trillion pieces, we are fortunate to have had the privilege of loving her. More importantly, it was an even greater privilege to accept the unwavering love she showered upon us.

My husband, Mark, was Sasha’s person. They were together 24/7. She worked from home with him…providing her constant “feedback” during team Zoom calls. They took walks every single morning. While others gave up on her, Mark didn’t and in 2018 was an immediate foster “fail.”

If you didn’t know Sasha, you do now. At least enough to know she was beyond special and worth all the tears and literal heartache. We love you Sasha, aka “Big Girl,” “Snuggle Bug,” and “Sasha Bear.” Your professional soccer career has just begun.

October, 2015 to December 26, 2024

Tiger's (then Steiger) original MAGSR listingTiger and the baaaaalllTigerTigerTiger and that smile!Tiger, happy to be out in the woodsTigerTigerTigerTiger

I have so many words, and at the same time, I don’t know what to say.

In 2014, we rescued Dottie. She was perfect, but suffered from crippling separation anxiety. We managed, with a combination of medication, doggy day care, and an escape-proof cage we later named Alcatraz. We love her so much but felt terrible for her that her anxiety was so troubling.

In January of 2016, we three bought and moved into our house. That summer, we had a near home invasion. In the middle of the night, several people broke into my car, our garage, and ultimately Kyle came face to face with them, prompting us to call 911 who arrived with multiple German shepherds to run through the neighborhood and track the getaway scents. After this experience, we were rocked. Couldn’t sleep, couldn’t relax, couldn’t even leave our parked cars when we arrived home at the end of a day for fear that we were still a target.

At Kyle’s suggestion, we contacted MAGSR. They asked “boy or girl?” And “what else are you looking for?”

My answer was easy: the biggest, baddest, but bestest doggy. And along came Tiger, at 10 months and already 90 pounds.

Almost immediately, Dottie’s separation anxiety was truly cured (and she never again needed to be crated when we left), we were safe, comfortable and sleeping again, and our family of four was complete. The impact of those big four sheppy paws is something that cannot be described. Tiger was not just any dog. If you knew Tiger, you know how exceptional he was. We were the happiest family all of these years because of our two furry children: and yes, I tell people I have two children.

In June we hiked ten miles. Just last week we were taking long, cold winter walks and he was as healthy and as “puppy” as can be. Last Tuesday, Tiger all of a sudden lost his appetite (so unlike him because food=love just like his mama) and we went to the vet for lab work. On Thursday, we found out he was anemic. On Monday, an ultrasound revealed widely metastatic hemangiosarcoma. Last night, we played gently with about 30 tennis balls. Overnight, his breathing suddenly became labored. And today, we tragically laid one of our babies to rest.

Tiger, you gave us the most incredible years of our lives. We were the luckiest and we always knew it. We played, we ran, we walked, we hiked, we swam, we ate, we snuggled, we protected the neighborhood, and most of all we loved. So desperately. Our hearts are shattered.

Tiger. Tider wider. Tigey. Mr Tiger. Mr no ears. You were the most beautiful, silliest, goofiest, strongest, bravest, most loyal being even up until your last moment. You were, and will always be, loved so incredibly much by all who knew you. As Dr. Smagala said today in your last moments, you are the most incredible German Shepherd she’s ever met. And that says it all.

Our lives will never be the same.
May your memory be for a blessing, baby doggy.

Tiger 10.14.15-12.26.24

December 20, 2024


With heavy hearts I am writing today to inform you that Ranger (adopted 7/4/2020) has crossed the rainbow bridge. He had been battling with Degenerative Myelopathy for over a year now and we knew it was time. He has blessed us with four years of immense love, endless ball throwing and lots of counter surfing because he just couldn't help himself. He will be missed so very much. 

December 19, 2024

We said goodbye to our beloved Truman yesterday.  He was 13.5 and I feel so fortunate that he lived such a long life.  I was his person and he was my world.  Truman was our second foster fail.  He and Kota (we lost her exactly 5 months ago today) were a pack.  Candi called me up in April 10.5 years ago and said there was a dog returned and he couldn't be kenneled.  I immediately went to pick him up.  I was positive I'd let him go and he'd get adopted but at that point Truman had already had two homes and now he was back in the system.  I knew if he was passed on he could end up back in that system again and there was something in his souls and those eys so we welcomed Truman to his forever home.

Truman became the sweetest boy and spent time volunteering at assisted living homes, he was excellent with kids and a true dedicated companion.  He LOVED the ocean and would have a temper tantrum when it was time to leave the beach.  But he loved me and I loved him.  There wasn't a day that he wasn't part of my soul.

See I don't have human children and he was my child.  The connection we had will never be replaced and I'll cherish forever being his Mom.

I wanted Truman with us one last Christmas but yesterday our angel Kota Mae called on Truman, she needed him for Christmas more. His passing was an end to an era for me.  My hearts a bit more broken losing both of my babies so quickly and so close but this pain was worth every moment and I wouldn't have traded it for anything.  May you rest easy my sweet boy.  I'll love you forever and always.

December 9, 2024


Sweet Simone adopted in Oct 2013. In Jan '24 was diagnosed with Splenic Hermangiosarcoma, we chose splenectomy and chemo and hoped to spend as much time as possible. We had a fun 11 months where we spoiled our girl and made sure she lived her best life. On Monday she crossed the bridge and now runs and has all the cookies she wants. Hug all your pups.

December 5, 2024

Milhouse (aka Tannon) passed away at his home on the morning of December 5th. He was adopted from MAGSR on December 17, 2015. He was a stray, found in Pennsylvania, and estimated to be 1-3 years old at the time. Milhouse’s favorite activities were frisbee and swimming. He loved summer weekends where he would jump off the dock, and swim after his frisbee. He saw two baby humans added to his family; whom he diligently protected. Milhouse was an important member of the family. He will be missed.

December 2, 2024

RIP Bowden
RIP BowdenRIP BowdenRIP BowdenRIP BowdenRIP BowdenRIP BowdenRIP BowdenRIP BowdenRIP BowdenRIP BowdenRIP BowdenRIP Bowden

Bowden was a really impressive guy. Confident, intelligent, and charismatic, he had a fun personality and really enjoyed his people. Bowden's family absolutely adored him and did everything they could to ensure he met with success. They put time and energy into extensive training, daily interactions, and endless opportunities to learn about the world around him. As a result, Bowden understood the importance of a pack and the power of unconditional love. Although his family committed to Bowden when they adopted him, sometimes circumstances change and the best decision is to say goodbye. This choice is never easy; it is one of the most difficult decisions families make. However, when this decision was made, we promised that we would care for Bowden as his family had for the many years he lived with them. 

Having lived in a home, Bowden understood many of the ins and outs of living in a household. Knowing many commands, Bowden liked to work and keep his mind busy. Although he clearly understood rules and expectations, Bowden, like many dogs, liked to push the envelope sometimes to ensure that the handler will follow through. As an alpha male, he excelled when given clear rules, boundaries, and expectations for both work and play. Well versed with games such as tug and fetch, Bowden really enjoyed his playtime. A little less focused on play than he was in his younger years, Bowden was always happy to hang with his people once play time is finished. Senior dogs are special, they come with endless loyalty, the knowledge of expectations in the home, and the ability to take it slow some days. Bowden was no exception to this; he was a true gem. 


Bowden was not your typical shepherd -- heck, who knows if he even had any shepherd in him. He was a pull many moons ago in 2015 and he was hell on wheels. At barely a year old, he gave everyone a run for their money; we never thought he would find a home of his own. The dog-god shined down on us and he found a home for 9 years. Sadly through no fault of his own, he came back to MAGSR because once a MAGSR, always a MAGSR. And boy did he become a distinguished gentleman in his old age, but you could still see that hell-on-wheels spinning in there. He became a favorite, was very beloved, and enjoyed getting as much attention as he could. Fly high, Bowden. I am sure you are giving everyone a run for their money up there and eating as many carrots (those were his favorite) as you want. He will always have a home in all of our hearts as MAGSR's Honorary Shepherd. Knowing how you were in cold weather, we hope the rainbow bridge is cozy and warm as you definitely deserve it -- your goofy smile always made our hearts warm. 

MAGSR is so happy and feels so blessed that we got to love this handsome boy all over again throughout his golden years.

November 30, 2024

RIP Sunny :(

After roughly 13.5 healthy years of tennis balls and cuddles, our sweet Sunny Bear (fka Astra) suddenly and quickly crossed the rainbow bridge last night.  

Aneurysm/stroke/seizure.  Not really sure, but she was surrounded by mom and dad and her two terrier sisters.  

Dave and Lacy

November 23, 2024

It is with profound sadness that I must inform you of the passing of our beloved Tessa (MAGSR name Koda) on Nov 23rd 2024 due to a hemangiosarcoma that caused sudden bleeding into her abdomen.  Bill and I are heart broken.  Still, we are so grateful for the years of joy and happiness Tessa brought to our family.  We adopted Tessa in February 2016 when she was just 15 months old.  She lived to be 10 years and was a wonderful loving, loyal member of the family.  We will miss her so very much but we are comforted by the many wonderful memories of her.



November 19, 2024

RIP Sweet boy
RIP Sweet boyRIP Sweet boyRIP Sweet boyRIP Sweet boy

Enclosed is a donation to the Mid-Atlantic German Shepherd Rescue that is being made in memory of Bolt Burke. Bolt was a handsome German Shepherd that was owned by Wayne (Mitch) and Gail Burke. He was adopted from your organization approximately 4 3/4 years ago and lived a wonderful life with the Burkes in York, PA. During the past few years, he developed seizures and recently experienced a severe decline in his overall health. He was under the care of a neurologist, but the trigger for his seizures was never found. It is with great sadness that we share the news that he crossed the Rainbow Bridge on November 19th. He was such a sweet and gentle soul, and his family is in deep mourning over his passing. Since Bolt just celebrated his 8th birthday, please use this donation for your "Sammy's Place" fund to support senior dogs. 

Jane Garvey & Mike Millson along with Winston and Mama Betty, Pat, Bee and Echo Murphy 

October 31, 2024

RIP Freddie

Adopted March 2023. I lost my sweet, beautiful, loving 50% GSD Freddie. He was initially my foster but I fell in love immediately and adopted him.

October 21, 2024

Laci & MayaLaci, Maya, and Zara

It is with tremendous sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved Laci. It's taken some time in our grief to put thoughts into words so that we can write something as an honorable testament to her life.

Several years ago, as a representative of MAGSR, I went to a local shelter to evaluate a 6 year old female who was painted as a reactive, perhaps dog-aggressive dog who literally had one day to live before she was scheduled to be euthanized. Evidently, she was fighting with the other dog in her previous home. The staff thought the world of her but they were having a great deal of difficulty finding the right placement for her. Upon meeting her, I was greeted by an exuberant, friendly, energetic and very drivey dog.

It was immediately clear that she was bred from a strong working line. As I started giving her commands in German and used a ball as a reward for obeying those commands, she lit up like a Christmas tree as if to say "You know those words? I do, too! What do you want me to do next?". It didn't take long and we were connected. It literally happened that quickly.

When I told the staff that MAGSR could take her and that she was leaving the shelter with me, the ladies at the shelter were all in tears with relief. They knew she not only had been saved from euthanasia, but more importantly, she found someone who understands her needs who would help her thrive.

So up the road we went with her proudly sitting in the backseat of my truck wondering where we were headed to. True to her will, she was always up for the next challenge. To this day, that entire day lives so vividly in my memory.

Fast forward, she was not only in our home as our next foster, she had already nestled her way into our hearts and it didn't take long for us to decide to adopt her. Dogs with drive bring their own set of challenges but in return, provide rewards in so many ways. One of the things that she loved was tracking and she was a natural at it. She taught us a lot about scent detection and it was beautiful to watch her track. You could see her mind working when she was on a mission to find the scent article she was looking for. It was not a job for her. It was fun for her and for us humans to watch. Had she not already been 7 years old or so, she would have made an excellent search and rescue dog, this I am absolutely certain of. But our paths were not meant to cross until it was too late to start that journey together. So we fulfilled her need to work in the way we did. In addition to tracking, she had incredible ball drive and loved to chase and retrieve. She also loved swimming, was an excellent dock diver and loved floating on her raft in the pool or hanging out on the boat.

As with just about everything Laci did, as long as it was with us, she loved to ride in the car, eat her meals or meet new people. If I had to describe her in one word, it would be "intense". She did everything with intensity whether it was running full speed for her ball, tracking that scent like the Terminator until she found it or licking our face to show how much she loved us. Laci had such a wonderful, stable minded beautiful spirit. Everyday with her was a gift and there is an enormous void now that she is gone. Memories of her are attached to everything from the most mundane such as her love of ice cubes to the things she loved most in this world which was to enjoy life and celebrate each day. But she left us with an enduring legacy and given our grief, it has taken some time to put this into perspective.

When we adopted Maya (who came along after we had Laci for a few years), who was from a hoarding/abuse case, she was so traumatized and unsocialized, she had no idea how to play ball or how to live life in a home. But she quickly found kinship and comfort in Laci and those two became best of buddies. Laci and Maya could frequently be seen snuggling together on a dog bed. Laci taught Maya how to be a dog around us humans. Laci also taught Maya how to play and have fun. Now, after learning from Laci, Maya has developed strong ball drive as well and most recently, we added Zara who has also learned to play ball.

In hindsight, we adopted Laci about 8 years ago. But had no idea at the time that her presence might positively affect the lives of those who arrived after her for what hopefully will be another 8 years from now, if not longer. Laci taught us a lot in those years that we had and we shared a lot of beautiful memories together. She taught Maya and Zara how to carry on without her even after she was gone. Unfortunately, we humans are struggling to do the same. But we celebrate Laci's life and beautiful soul each day we play ball in the yard together with Maya and Zara. We owe that to her and that is what she would have wanted.

Monty and Sheri


October 20, 2024

RIP Shep
RIP ShepRIP ShepRIP ShepRIP Shep

We adopted Shep on 12/22/13 just before Christmas, the first and only dog my wife and I have adopted together.  From day 1 we changed his name to Ozil and over time he developed a nickname that was eventually shortened to just "D".  In the early part of his life, Ozil and I would go on adventures - long walks through the woods behind my neighborhood, across frozen streams, over railroad tracks and all around my relatively small neighborhood.  Ozil was always mindful of me and so I often walked him with no leash.  He would chase deer, or cats, or foxes, anything he saw.  Because we walked in the early morning it would often lead to me quietly tracking him down in the dark and scolding him.  Ozil and I went to obedience school in his first year and developed a tight bond.  Despite the training, Ozil still did what he wanted and would wait until we left the house to go into rooms he was otherwise not allowed. At one point we taught him how to open doors with his paws.  That only emboldened him further an resulted in a lot of scratched up door.  We eventually had to unteach him that.  He was mostly an unserious goofball.

We've lived in the same house since his adoption and Ozil was the unofficial king of the neighborhood.  He was loud and very confident, but also sweet and quite the looker.  In his early days, he got a compliment from a stranger almost every time we walked (in the daylight).  The cats knew him well and took off hiding when they saw him coming down the street.  He spent his time indoors sitting at the front door barking at anything that passed by.  

He had a good life, getting 2 walks a day, eating good food, good treats, and often jumping in the car with us to go anywhere it was reasonable.  A couple years ago he was diagnosed with degenerative myelopathy and slowly began losing his mobility.  But it didn't stop us from walking completely, just shorter and slower.  Earlier this year, he started having troubles and took a turn in August and did not recover.  Nothing was confirmed, but the vet believed he had pervasive cancer throughout his bowels that took him down just days before his 12th birthday.  He is missed and will be for a while.  

September, 2015 to October 8, 2024

RIP Bosco
RIP Bosco

Bosco and his adopted sister Aspen (now 13yo) were taken in as a bonded pair of senior pups by their amazing mom. She welcomed them into her family and planned on ensuring that they lived out their lives in the comfort, peace, and security of her home. Aspen and Bosco were their mom's heart; she loved them beyond words. Knowing she would want them to have a place to grieve, rest, and find comfort and MAGSR's commitment to keeping family together, they were welcomed again back to a MAGSR foster home. Soon after, Bosco joined his mom and crossed the rainbow bridge to watch over Aspen as another angel. Despite both pups seeing so much loss and facing so many challenges in life, Bosco was one of the sweetest, friendliest, and loving dogs. He was very special and just an easy going guy who goes with the flow. He loves the fresh air and a cozy place to hang. He was cherished by everyone, and still is. 

October 4, 2024


Good afternoon,

We adopted Koda (formerly Goliath) from MAGSR in 2021. Our life was changed forever as if we have got a cloud of glitter and joy and laughs over our heads. His positivity was infectious, his heart was pure and full of love. Koda passed away on October 4th, due to complications from Pneumonia. We are devastated and our world will never be the same. But we are thankful for the opportunity to love him and experience his unconditional love, even if it was way too short. Thank you, MAGSR.

Vaiva and Leonid Matvyeyev
Mourning mom and dad

September 28, 2024


I am very sad to share with you that my dear dog Dushko passed over the rainbow bridge suddenly on Wednesday. Dushko was a wonderful, sweet dog, very intelligent with great intuition. He was a great protector, emotional support dog and companion. He was well loved by many and adored by the doggy daycare staff and dogs where he would go weekly. I am grateful for all the unconditional love he gave me and all our walks and chill time in the house. I trust that he is in a lovely doggy heaven now with lots of yummy food, doggie friends, loving humans and lots of space to run free. 

September 4, 2024

Oliver picked our family on May 12,  2018.  Thank you MAGSR, he was the absolute Best Dog!  

It didn’t really hit me that he was gone until this morning. Mornings were always Ollie and my time. He would lay across the top of the stairs, blocking them  until he could get his morning scratches. Then we would go on patrol to  protect Mom’s plants from deer, rabbits and squirrels. We also would walk down to the corner to watch the cars go by. The sun came up this  morning but it seemed a little darker - I miss my friend.

August 16, 2024


Yesterday, I said goodbye to Hero. Things declined this week, assume the cancer was moving fast, and after consulting with my vet, I concluded that I just couldn’t push Hero to fight anymore – it was enough. I certainly didn’t know the dog that came into my life in 2016 (just temp fostering for the weekend lol), would fill the void the way he did a month after I lost my other GSD, and would be here with me 8 years later with a bond stronger than any other dog I’ve had. I almost lost him in 2018, 2019, and 2022 to ulcers, IBD, etc. but we overcame and got to the other side – Hero fought hard. I couldn’t have done it without the support and patience of my vet who has been with me through many dogs - but my sweet Hero, he touched us both I think in a way I don’t know how to explain .. there’s just something so strong when you fight so hard like with him, until something like this brings it all down. I avoided coming home yesterday as long as possible because I haven’t been dogless in over 20 years - coming home to an empty house with his things everywhere .. it just hits you hard. I absolutely will open my heart again to another dog, because I have a lot to give, but no one will ever take Hero’s place in my heart. He was my amazing miracle and something so precious that I never deserved. #lovehero #everydayisagift

July 19, 2024


My family adopted our pup, Endy (previously Dana) from your organization about 6 years ago. Endy was an incredible addition to our family, and I’m so sad to say that after a very rapid illness, and despite a very thorough work-up and hospitalization, we had to end her suffering last Friday.

I have attached some photos of Endy. We had so many amazing adventures with her. She helped us welcome 2 babies into our home, and fiercely protected her pack. She loved to swim, jump into leave piles in the fall, and get the zombies in the snow. She was the hairiest, most chaotic, and goodest girl, and we will miss her so much. 

July 13, 2024

We mourn the loss of our big man Jojo on July 13th of this year to a sudden condition we could not have seen coming.

Jojo entered our life on March 6th, 2022.  At 10 years old, we expected a mostly chill, sweet old man.  What we got was a sometimes chill, old goofball!  He was so sweet, fun, and silly, everyone who met him fell in love with him.  Well, everyone except some of the neighborhood dogs, who were obviously jealous of his magnificence.

July 9, 2024

Zeus (fka Rocky)
Zeus (fka Rocky)Zeus (fka Rocky)Zeus (fka Rocky)Zeus (fka Rocky)Zeus (fka Rocky)Zeus (fka Rocky)Zeus (fka Rocky)Zeus (fka Rocky)Zeus (fka Rocky)Zeus (fka Rocky)Zeus (fka Rocky)Zeus (fka Rocky)Zeus (fka Rocky)Zeus (fka Rocky)

RIP, Zeus on Tuesday July 9, 2024 (fka Rocky, adopted 12/16/2017). You were the goofiest, smartest, most loyal German Shepherd on the planet. Love you and miss you always, my big boy.

#magsr    #adoptdontshop

My late husband was a Baltimore City K9 officer for 22 0f the 32 years in the department so we have had a succession of German Shepherds (and even a Belgian Malinois) over the years. Zeus, by far, had the biggest and most loving personality. My husband would have loved him.

June 27, 2024


We are devastated to say that we lost our boy, Tango (Oct 2020), yesterday to splenic hemangiosarcoma. The tumor filled his abdomen, was pushing against his lungs, and he started bleeding internally the night prior. To say he was a trooper is an understatement!

Even though he had hip and elbow dysplasia, that didn't stop him from enjoying his favorite activities of chasing the ball and going on long walks with his most favorite person in the whole wide world (me). And though he could barely ever leave my side (velcro dog doesn't even begin to describe it!), he loved our entire family fiercely. He lived a lifetime in the four short years that we had him. He was able to run loose on our 20 acre farm, exploring woods and cooling off in the creeks. He still could win an award for being the most talkative German Shepherd in history! I used to tell people that he had a bark quota that he had to meet daily. The house is now too quiet without him. Our hearts are shattered with how much we miss him.

June 11, 2024

RIP Sweet Lily
RIP Sweet LilyRIP Sweet Lily

Tuesday morning (June 11th) I said goodbye to my sweet lily girl (fka Cessna). I've been trying to post this all but it is nearly impossible. She was the sweetest most innocent pup.

I am forever grateful to MAGSR for the time I had with her.  

My sweet girl

June 3, 2024


I'm writing to let you know our sweet Kenley who we adopted February, 2016 has died. Kenley got sick very fast and we had her put to sleep Monday evening June 3.

She is our second MAGSR dog and she was sweet and goofy. She was always ready to let us know when someone was in our driveway she didn't think should be there, or our neighbors coming out their driveway, which I'm sure they "loved."

She loved her dad and always had to know where he was or was outside with him. She loved food and was the best sous chef and loved sleeping on the sofa or the bed at night.

She had some health issues but weathered them like a trooper. Then Monday morning she was fine but by 3pm she wasn't. We took her to the vet who thought she had a tumor that ruptured and was bleeding internally.

Not wanting her to suffer we made the decision to have her put to sleep.

We had 8 wonderful years with her. We'll miss the beautiful face and brown eyes.

Thank you for allowing us to adopt this wonderful girl that we're going to miss so very much.


Lindsay Bowman

May 26, 2024


Yesterday we said goodbye to our beloved MAGSR dog, Bentley. Thanks to Dr. Andrulis, from Peaceful Passage, he was able to pass quietly in his favorite spot in the front yard, surrounded by his family. Bentley was almost 13 years old, and degenerative myelopathy had taken its toll on him. Bentley joined our family in 2019 and become our friend and protector. He earned many nicknames, including “Bentalou,” “Benlo” and “Bubba.” We will all miss his “hugs” and burying our faces in his soft, furry coat. Mama will miss singing him silly songs and Daddy will miss taking him for car rides. The kids will miss the way Benny would bite at the water spraying from the hose. Lucy will miss her buddy and partner in crime. We’re grateful to MAGSR for getting him major orthopedic surgery and giving him a second chance at life with a new family. We’re also grateful to his foster mom, Tamara, and her family for caring for him after his surgery. They rightly called him “devestatingly handsome” and he was so until the end. Bentley was truly the best boy 
