Sad news
We wish there was no sad news to report but...
This page is dedicated to all those trusting and loving dogs out there who have made our lives better by being in them.
We miss them now and forever.
Pet Cremation Urns - Visit for custom pet memorial products. They have a selection of German Shepherd figurine urns among other items.
The Rainbow Bridge | |
There is a bridge connecting heaven and earth. It is called the Rainbow Bridge because of its many colors. Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge there is a land of meadows, hills and valleys with lush green grass. When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this place. There is always food and water and warm spring weather. The old and frail animals are young again. Those who are maimed are made whole again. They play all day with each other. |
There is only one thing missing. They are not with their special person who loved them on earth. So, each day they run and play until the day comes when one suddenly stops playing and looks up! The nose twitches! The ears are up!! The eyes are staring!! And this one suddenly runs from the group! You have been seen, and when you and your special friend meet, you take him or her in your arms and embrace. Your face is kissed again and again and again and again, and you look once more in the eyes of your trusting pet. Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together, never again to be separated. |
These are memorial entries for MAGSR Dogs that have gone to wait at the Bridge.
June 30, 2023
With extreme sadness, I want to tell you that we had to send Jasper to the Rainbow Bridge this morning, after 9 months of his struggles with DM. Complications due to DM and the horrible impacts it had on his ability to move and relieve himself got to the point where he was no longer able to control his bowels. His hind legs became completely non-functional. He was a great dog and we'll miss him dearly. We had three wonderful years with him, albeit a short period of time. My heart is broken and our house feels empty without him. Our veterinarians at Bayside Animal Medical Center in Severna Park, Dr. Oliver and Dr. Buchanan got to know Jasper quite well up until the very end, as we did everything we could to make sure he was as comfortable and healthy as possible, and received the best medical care we could provide.
Jasper was very special to us and we developed a very special bond. Near the end today, as he was being sedated prior to the final shot, I laid next to him and, while stroking his head and telling him what a good boy he was, he gave me two gentle kisses on my cheek. I have a huge hole in my heart right now and it's going to take me time to heal from this loss. Today I cried and cried. Losing a dog like Jasper to DM, a very cruel disease, hurts. I watched Jasper decline physically over time, while mentally he remained alert and aware of his surroundings. His brain was all there until the end, but he was robbed of his physical abilities to enjoy life the way a dog deserves to.
Here's an attachment picture of Jasper that we took today before taking him to our vet:
And lastly, I want to thank you for giving us the opportunity to adopt Jasper and make him a part of our family. Although there is pain in losing him, I'd like to think that our reward lies in giving dogs like Jasper a loving home and a chance to live a good life.
June 12, 2023
It is with heavy hearts that we inform you that we had to say our goodbyes to Jessie yesterday evening. Over the past weekend, her quality of life took a turn south as she lost majority control of her back legs, lost her appetite, and started to visibly look distressed and in discomfort. We consulted with our vet and it was mutually agreed that it would be the right time to assist her in crossing the rainbow bridge peacefully with the love of her family next to her.
A tribute to Jessie: After 9 years of having a dog in the house, it is extra quiet today. We'll miss her excitement to see us as we walked in the door, how she always wanted to lay in our daughter's room at bedtime, her pauses to lean on you during walks, and how she needed to do her bedtime treat routine before she would settle down. Until we meet again, love you forever, Jessie dog. April 12, 2014 (adoption) - June 12, 2023.
Matthew and Megan
June 8, 2023
I am writing to inform you of the passing of Kaia, who we adopted in September, 2014 when she was about 8 months old. Kaia was so sweet and gentle. We learned pretty quickly that Kaia was afraid of men. It took about 3 weeks of working with her daily, for her to get used to my husband. We also learned pretty quickly how stubborn she was, especially when we would come home from work and find she had broken out of her crate. This occurred for many days until we finally got rid of the crate. She did much better without it.
Kaia and our other dog, Nya, were about one year apart and bonded instantly. They were inseparable.
Kaia loved to run and play. Her favorite pastime was eating. She loved her food and had a bottomless pit. But most of all, she loved her squeaky toys. The louder the better, which is often how she greeted us in the morning.
We were blessed to have 9 years with her. Unfortunately, she was diagnosed with lymphoma in December, 2022. We were told she had about 3-6 months. She lost her fight on June 8, 2023. She passed peacefully knowing she was loved.
Our hearts are broken and we miss her tremendously.
Thank you MAGSR for bringing us our sweet angel.
Kathy & Lenny
May 25, 2023
Bria was almost 15 when we made the impossibly difficult decision yesterday. She was such an angel who blessed us by joining our family just shy of 14 years ago. She had so many nicknames, Bree Bree, Fuzzybutt, Precious, Wooly Mammoth, Sweet Girl and so many more. She was a gentle giant who loved us endlessly. A million thanks to magsr for allowing us to be her forever family.
April 17, 2023
I write to you to inform you that our beloved Thor has passed away and crossed the rainbow bridge. In May of 2014 we adopted Thor from MAGSR. He was my soul dog, my partner in crime, and most importantly my son.
Thor was diagnosed with degenerative myelopathy this past year. I believe his organs failed last night. He batted to the end and hid his problems from us.
My family would like to thank you for allowing us to have him. We spoiled him for the last decade.
The Urbaniaks
April 3, 2023
I am writing to inform you of the passing of Mal (fka Malakai) on 3/29/23, who passed away due to kidney failure. Mal had two brothers who were rescued from a farm where they were left to fend for themselves, and all were adopted out by MAGSR. His brother Jasper was adopted about a week before I adopted Mal, and we met his other brother Herb at a MAGSR reunion picnic.
Although Mal seemed to have a sibling rivalry with his brothers, he was the most even keeled GSD I have ever met, taking all of life's ups and downs in stride with no complaints. He had many human and canine family members and friends in the neighborhood who cared about him deeply. He was very loved by the staff at his doggie daycare, who became like his second family. While a lot of training was required to break his bad habits from his past for him to transition to living as an inside dog, the one phrase he always responded to from the beginning is "Mal's a good boy". He certainly was all of that and then some.
I feel fortunate to have been able to give Mal 6+ years of friendship, companionship and love, and I hope he feels the same. Mal will be sorely missed.
October, 2012 to March 24, 2023
I wanted to make you aware of the passing of our beloved Max who we adopted from you in July of 2016. Max went to the Rainbow Bridge on March 24, 2023. Even though Max suffered from debilitating disc disease, he rebounded well after surgery last summer for a ruptured disc only to rupture another soon after that was inoperable. We are grateful for our beloved Max. He is forever my wingman.
Many thanks to MAGSR for bringing Max to us
Martha Spencer
March 24, 2023
Good morning.
Reece [Burke] was a German Shepherd/Malamute mix that was owned by Wayne (Mitch) and Gail Burke. She was adopted from your organization many years ago when they lived in Timonium. Reece was 13 1⁄2 years old and in seriously failing health and Mitch and Gail had her put to sleep on Friday. Our entire family is mourning her loss. She was a wonderful dog that gave them and the rest of the family much love and joy during her life with Mitch and Gail. We would like the donation to be specifically used for your "Sammy's Place" fund to support senior dogs.
If possible, please show that the donation was made by the following people:
Ann & Bob Riemer
Jane Garvey & Mike Millson along with Winston and Mama
Betty, Pat & Echo Murphy
August, 2016 to March 14, 2023
Unfortunately, I have to report that our handsome dog Titan passed away on March 14, 2023. He gave us five wonderful years of love, loyalty and entertainment. He was very happy, active, and seemed healthy right up to the end. Turned out he had pancreatic cancer, which ruptured, and he suddenly died. There were no symptoms. We miss him terribly.
For his human parents, Titan was a big lovable teddy bear who loved affection and any attention. He was big, handsome and smart, with large wonderful fluffy paws, which he would willingly shake. He loved his people and his canine siblings. Titan and our other dog Floyd would play every day, including chasing each other around the woodshed.
Titan instinctively trusted his human parents, but trusted only his human parents. He feared everyone else and everyone else feared him. Titan was large with a ferocious bark. We could not socialize him with anyone, which made family gathering difficult. But we loved him and miss him terribly. Titan knew he was loved and in a safe forever home. Although he only trusted mom and dad, Titan did eventually learn to trust his vet and his kennel staff.
Titan took his watchdog job VERY seriously, protecting us from all manner of dangerous threats; squirrels, chipmunks, bunnies, crows, deer, mowers, leaf blowers, string trimmers, guests, and of course delivery drivers. For five years, Titan saw our neighbors every day, and for five years, Titan barked at our neighbors every day.
Titan did have a number of challenges including massive fur which required frequent attention, skin allergies which we finally had under control, ear infections, and knee surgery.
One of my favorite memories; whenever I would step out of the house into the backyard, Titan would be right there at my side, looking up at me earnestly as if to say “Dad, what do you need me to do? I’m ready, should I bark at something?”
With Titan, we took the good with the bad, and never regretted it for a moment. He gave us five wonderful years of love, loyalty and fun. And we think we gave Titan five good years in return.
Thanks and Regards,
George Schmidt
December, 2013 to March 12, 2023
We adopted Arya from MAGSR in 4/2013( actually she adopted us), as from the first time she came to meet us she placed herself on top of her new dad’s feet and looked up at him as to say, “Hey I’m yours now”.
She spent 9 years with us and we were so blessed to have her. She was so smart and very sweet but she was also protective of her family. Her nightly sleeping spot was in front of our door despite having a comfy bed. She lived her usual life up until her passing with the exception of slowing down a little on her walks. She loved her humans and had her routine with each of us. The one thing I am grateful for is that because of COVID I now work remotely and I was able to spend every day for the last 2 1/2 years with her during her golden years. She will be missed always!
Thank you MAGSR for giving us such a precious gift!
The Abeyta family.
March 4, 2023
My name is Elke Anthony, I adopted a male shepherd named Lord (he was renamed Buddy) about 7 years ago.
Unfortunately he became sick and ending up having a brain tumor. He passed away this Saturday from continuous seizures.
He was a good dog and companion. I will deeply miss him.
Thanks for allowing me to adopt him.
Elke Anthony
February 21, 2023
I’m sorry to say that I’m writing you with sad news today. On June 4th, 2016 I rescued Courage from you, (though you had him down as Jedi originally).
Yesterday, we had to say goodbye and put him to rest as age finally caught up to him.
He has been truly amazing and I thank you for allowing me to give him his fur-ever home.
Thank you,
Domingo Retana
February 6, 2023
On February 6, 2023, Bayli crossed the rainbow bridge. She has been missed truly every minute of every day since then. She will always be missed because we lost a part of us when she left. Bayli was our best friend, baby, and dog soulmate, and losing her has been so painful because of all the joy that she brought into this world.
Bayli came home with us on September 12, 2015 from MAGSR. When we first took her home, she was fearful and anxious, especially of men. In just a few short months she grew into a confident girl. In her early years she loved going for long walks and as she got older and her mobility decreased, she was completely content to lounge around and snuggle. Above all, Bayli loved being with her family, cookies, and laying in her bed (not necessarily in that order). She knew what life was all about.
While there is heartbreak, we are so hopeful when we see adoption stories on MAGSR because we know someone is just beginning their happy journey. We are forever grateful to MAGSR for giving us the chance to know and love her and be loved by her.
January 16, 2023
Losing Riley has been very difficult for us. We adopted her from you in May 2016. From the second she jumped in our truck it was like she had always been with us. She came into our home and went right to the bed we purchased for her. That evening she came up with us to go to bed and immediately walked over and curled up on hers. She slept through the night without issue. She was so amazing and we loved her with all of our heart. She loved to be out on the porch or on the deck and looked forward to evenings around the fire pit and she loved her walks. She was so much more to us than a pet; she was family. We love to vacation in a cabin over in Virginia and we always took her with us. We have not been the past two years because Riley’s degenerative myelopathy made the three hour drive too difficult for her and we would not leave her behind. On January 16th we had to say goodbye to our sweet girl. It was the hardest thing we have ever done. We know in our heart of hearts if she could say anything to us she would tell us to do for another dog what we did for her. Our hearts just are not ready right now. She truly was our world. We thank MAGSR for the opportunity to have her in our lives. We appreciate all you do for so many dogs in need of love, affection, and a good home.
We are forever grateful,
Lora and John Wakefield
December 16, 2022
Our dog Jedi, whom we adopted from MAGSR in 2016, ran free over the Rainbow Bridge on December 16, 2022 after not enough years as a beloved member of our family.
Jedi is loved in continuum by Valerie, Graeme, Ryleigh, and Todd who were blessed to have found a furry companion so loyal, loving, and playful until the last calling. We surrounded him as he passed over and never imagined being so in love with a beast both ferocious and cuddly.
Jedi loved his ball playing more than anything and had to be outside to supervise all grass mowing activities involving the riding mower. His daily treat regime evolved from showing off his paw control to racing Ryleigh to the couch and barking/yipping while sliding through the twisting route from kitchen to living room. Jedi often overpowered Graeme in frequent games of rope pull but I think both let the other win an equal amount of time without admitting to any purposeful losses.
Jedi loved the creek and hated baths, he was a weirdo from start to finish. Use the garden hose fill up his water bowl, or just say water in general and he would disappear. Mention the creek or start hiking through the woods and he would be in the water, over his head, trying to drag logs off the bottom before you could call him back. I'm not sure Jedi understood the creek is made of water, the same water he was so careful to avoid in any other circumstance, he didn't always utilize his rational brain. He did learn how to unlock, and open, the sliding basement door so we are not entirely sure if he was a savant or simply a screwball. We are leaning savant as he learned how to spell the words we couldn't say without an excited reaction.
We still can't believe he's not lying in wait for us to get out of bed, come back from an errand, or monitoring the four of us from a central position. We miss the clack of his nails on the floor, the pilling of GSD fur in all corners, under every piece of furniture, and winding up in every drink or dish prepared.
None of us were ready for him to go but with two torn/bad knees and a late-stage cancer diagnosis we did everything we could to keep him at home with us from hand feeding to carrying him up the stairs when he couldn't get enough momentum to hop all the way up.
Jedi was the heart of our house and the void without him is longingly painful. Jedi was our everything, we love him endlessly and are thankful for the circumstances that brought him to us and angry for the circumstances that took him away.
We are forever richer for having loved Jedi, and we know he is still with us, watching over us, forever our companion.
Todd & Valerie Harshman
December 13, 2022
We adopted dear Tillman from MAGSR on June 30, 2013. Sadly, he crossed the Rainbow Bridge on Tuesday, December 13, 2022. We were blessed with his presence in our lives for nine plus years.
Please accept this donation in Tillman's memory - we miss him dearly.
Sandy and Willie Thompson
December 6, 2022
it is with a saddened heart that we pass along that JUDD, a purebred GSD passed last night. We got him from you in 2016 and he has been an amazing family member since then. Judd suffered from a very large tumor in his abdomen which was causing paralysis in his hind and back. Pair this with difficulty breathing and not being able to eat or drink much of the time - Judd was not himself and in pain. This medical diagnosis was only recently found and the onset of symptoms progressed quickly. Because we did not want to see him suffer, we as a family decided to send him to a place where no pain exists.
Judd spent much of his time "talking to us." He would sit and "yip" at you with this high-pitched voice when you did not pay attention to him or play games with him. He was a talker, providing insight with his voice when he was not happy. Pair this with a deep barrel-chested bark - he was a character. When Judd finally settled into the house years ago - we learned that he LOVED ice cubes from the ice machine. He would eat ice cube after ice cube. It was his favorite treat and knowing where he came from we understood why. It surely was a means of survival in the wild for him. He was an amazing learner - having my youngest son teach him how to play "soccer" was the best of all. Instead of eating a soccer ball, he learned to "kick it." Judd was a handful at first, gaining weight quickly and with such a gain we learned his stomach was "temperamental" to a steady diet. But he was amazing. He took a bit to get comfortable with us at home, but after a few months, he knew where his throne was in the castle.
We would like to thank you for bringing him into our lives and we are ever so thankful we could rescue him from sure death in Tennessee. Judd is buried in a place he called home and we know he is looking down on us and saying "THANK YOU" for giving me a home and a family who loved me.
Chris and Joy Davala
November 12, 2022
I wanted to share our story of adopting our dog Lucy from MAGSR over 15 years ago. She was one of 13 puppies and mom that were found in the side of the road. Lucy was being fostered at a home in Dundalk, she was 3 months old when we met and adopted her. MAGSR named her Flyer. We knew immediately that we wanted her to be a part of our family. Lucy was born the same year, 2006, as our 16 year old grandson. Our younger grandchildren have not known life without Lucy being a part of it. Lucy just passed away on November 12 just short of her 16th birthday. She was the sweetest girl who was a cherished member of our family and her passing had left a hole in our hearts.
We are heartbroken, but happy that Lucy lived such a long, good life full of love.
Thank you,
Robin Evers
November 11, 2022
I am writing to let you know that Leila crossed the rainbow bridge on Friday, November 11. She turned 12 in October and had such a loved-filled life. We brought her home with us on March 17, 2012 and enjoyed every last second with her. In February 2021, we adopted a puppy, and she really took the role of mothering Bo as her top priority. They were two peas in a pod, and Bo misses her terribly. With her medical history, we are so fortunate to have had Leila in our lives for such a long time. She was my shadow, and we are trying to create our new routines without her. We have a hole in our hearts right now, but our wonderful memories will carry us through this tough time.
Much love,
Jennifer, Brian, Sammy, Michael and Lauren Hemann (and Bo)
March, 2023 to October 18, 2022
Max Isaac crossed over on October 18,2022. The vet said he had a spinal cord issue. He became paralyzed and there was nothing more I could do for him. I am sorry to have waited to inform you but my mom passed 3 weeks before Max on September 28th and my grief has been tremendous. My comfort has been knowing they are in heaven together.
Max will be interred at the Baltimore Humane Society Memorial Park in Reisterstown MD. with the rest of his family there to welcome him. He has left me with so much love to share with another dog who needs me too. I am waiting for Max to place one in my path. That is his legacy which I will do my best to honor. I love and miss you so much Max. Godspeed.
October 5, 2022
I wanted to notify the community that my cousin's dog, Koda, crossed over the Rainbow bridge yesterday. Koda was adopted at around 6-8 months old by my cousin and lived most of his life ong Long Island sprinting around his large backyard, being loved by his family, watching over their son and trying to fend off all the fireworks on July 4th. Unfortunately he had a condition that caused an extremely enlarged heart and the hard decision was made yesterday to let him go and be pain free.
My cousin wanted me to extend a huge thank you for the volunteers and community for saving Koda and bringing him into their life! He was truly loved!
December, 2013 to October 1, 2022
Our sweet Sandy passed away on 10/1/22. She was diagnosed with cancer just the week prior.
We adopted her in April 2014 when she was just 4 months old. She was an amazing dog - truly part of our family. We are heartbroken, but we know that she was loved so much. We will miss her always.
Thank you guys for letting us adopt her and bring her into our family.
Thank you!
The Schwaner’s
(Jack, Sheri, Katie and Johnny)
September 30, 2022
Cassie loved to go to work with me, She was a great Book Store dog and had her own fan club
Always ready to get a cookie from the Mailman, FedX, UPS and sales reps. Playing with a tennis ball was her favorite thing to do. Whenever we went outside for anything always had to have a tennis ball.
September 7, 2022
To the MAGSR team -
It is with great sadness that I share with you the passing of Georgia Jenkins. GA was a 7/ 2011 adoption from MAGSR GA was an important part of our family and enjoyed a good furever home with us. She especially liked lounging by the pool, playing with her balls and toys. She also enjoyed traveling and exploring new places in her RV. GA had some significant weight loss and began having some mobility issues, but we had been able to work around those ( she loved her steak and tuna!). However, over the labor day weekend she stopped eating and you could just tell she wasn't feeling well. The doctor believed that she had cancer based on passing black stool and the drastic weight loss. I want to thank you for blessing our home with Georgia - she was a very good girl!
Donna Jenkins
September 2, 2022
We adopted Diamond April 2010 and, sadly, she had to be euthanized on 9/2/22, at the approximate age of 14 years old, after a slow decline led to severe mobility problems and almost complete loss of strength in her hind legs.
She was the sweetest girl and yet a prima donna, with the greatest flair for the dramatic. She always had to tell us all the news of the day, barked in great detail. She followed her mommy everywhere and loved chasing balls. She was great friends with our cat Harley and tolerated her German shepherd sister, Emma. 12 years went by too fast and our hearts are broken at losing her
August 17, 2022
We adopted Miles from you 11 years ago as a puppy. He has been an absolutely gorgeous member of our family and we have loved him as much as possible.
This morning Miles awoke me with his crying and we eventually took him to an Emergency care facility it was determined his abdomen was full of blood from bleeding tumors.
Our primary vet agreed after looking at all the test results so this afternoon we will let myself rest forever.
He was a beautiful dog and we will miss him very much.
August, 2022 to August 15, 2022
Our great and well-loved dog, Bolton, crossed the Rainbow Bridge this afternoon. He will be greatly missed.
He was 2 when we adopted him in 2012 from the Mid-Atlantic German Shepard Rescue group and he was a loyal, smart, obedient and protective companion. We spent many days and hours with a profession trainer to help direct Bolton’s energy and curiosity and it was worth the effort to enjoy his playful personality.
He was well-known in our small community because he would some times escape the house and cruise the neighborhood out of curiosity. All the kids recognized him and and when I showed up in my SUV they’d just point and say, “He went that way.” Luckily he was well trained enough that when he saw me he’d come running and happily jump in the back of the car, so proud of his escape but happy to be with his dad again.
Trips to the dog park were always a treat because his guard-dog genes would kick in and the first thing he’d do is inspect the perimeter fence, all 15 acres. He was also the self-appointed sheriff. If two dogs squabbled he’d immediately run up to them and walk between them as if the say, “Alright, guys calm done.” Then he’d walk away as the “combatants” also left.
A couple of years ago he began suffering from hip dysplasia ( common on large dogs) and arthritis and long walks and trips to the dog park were no longer possible. None the less, he was ALWAYS ready to walk to the mail box for the morning paper followed by a short walk down the street and back.
From the waist forward he was 100 percent pure dog, but his rear legs wouldn’t always cooperate.
The life span of a GSD is 13 years, and our dear furry friend almost made it.
He will be missed terribly as we get accustomed to his absence, his happy welcoming when we returned from errands, and his demands for his 8:30 pm treat before bed time.
Good bye to the “bestest” dog — ever.
July 28, 2022
Max was adopted from MAGSR a little under 5 years ago. This boy was such an athlete. He could catch freebies and loved playing ball all day, every day. Frequently he would go running at least once a week. He loved life and was so happy. We are so glad to have been part of his happiness. We miss him terribly.
July 25, 2022
Today, I had to say goodbye, for now, to Pretty. We captured her in March 2015 and I adopted her in April 2015. Pretty was really something special. Flights risks dogs have so much to offer and while it may take a while (and I mean a while, like years), they do finally trust and bond … over the last 3-4 years, she regularly looked for attention, leans, pets, and kisses.
Even with all the tighter routines I had in place to ensure she was always kept secured, she ended up being probably the easiest dog I’ve ever had, which is kind of hard to believe, but she really was.
I never thought that the skittish girl that came into the rescue, who was trembling that day when I bathed her, and then got loose from her adopters 2 weeks later, then after those 9 weeks out loose and 35 miles of tracking her, that she would finally know she was home here .. but she did.
I remember the night Monty & I captured her down in Beltsville, after 3 weeks of no sightings and then that day .. the phone rang off the hook with sightings … that night we captured her, I just couldn’t believe it; and she was mine already, I just didn’t know it that night.
It will be quiet here without her, as she was the loudmouth lol … and we will miss her. She was the Pretty Princess in this home (and a hooker for food always lol), but she was worth every single minute I had the pleasure of having her in my life. RIP Pretty – you will surely be missed.
~Candi M