Sad news

We wish there was no sad news to report but...
This page is dedicated to all those trusting and loving dogs out there who have made our lives better by being in them. 
We miss them now and forever.

Pet Cremation Urns - Visit for custom pet memorial products. They have a selection of German Shepherd figurine urns among other items.

The Rainbow Bridge
There is a bridge connecting heaven and earth.
It is called the Rainbow Bridge because of its many colors.
Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge there is a land
of meadows, hills and valleys with lush green grass.

When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this place.
There is always food and water and warm spring weather.
The old and frail animals are young again.
Those who are maimed are made whole again.
They play all day with each other.
There is only one thing missing.
They are not with their special person who loved them on earth.
So, each day they run and play until the day comes
when one suddenly stops playing and looks up!
The nose twitches!
The ears are up!!
The eyes are staring!!
And this one suddenly runs from the group!

You have been seen, and when you and your special friend meet,
you take him or her in your arms and embrace.
Your face is kissed again and again and again and again,
and you look once more in the eyes of your trusting pet.
Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together,
never again to be separated.

These are memorial entries for MAGSR Dogs that have gone to wait at the Bridge.

Memorial tributes for our beloved MAGSR pups reported prior to 2016 can be found here.

May 24, 2016



Haylee was a beautiful dog with a very friendly personality. Once she got to know you, she would cover you with kisses (aka licks). She was happy both running around, acting goofy and relaxing. She was wonderful with children and loved her chew toys too.

This beautiful girl was diagnosed with Addison's Disease in November. Prednisone and steroid injections helped to keep her healthy until now.

Sadly, due to the Addison's and other accumulating health issues, our sweet Haylee crossed the rainbow bridge this evening with her fosters by her side.

Thank you to Haylee’s foster family who opened up their home and hearts to give her so much care and love in her last days.

May 16, 2016


Our handsome senior boy, Wyatt, crossed the rainbow bridge yesterday afternoon. Wyatt came back to MAGSR in January 2016 after his owner was in a serious accident and was still in shock trauma critical care with a severe brain injury. Since coming back to MAGSR, Wyatt was fortunate enough to be loved and cared for by his wonderful foster family. I received weekly updates on and pictures of Wyatt from his foster, as did his prior owner’s family - we even had a kind soul in California find Wyatt on our web page and fell in love, so he donated towards his care. Unfortunately, Wyatt continued to decline over the last month or so. Recognizing that Wyatt was ready for peace and no more pain, he crossed with his foster mom by his side. Run free handsome boy without any more pain.

Thank you to Wyatt’s foster mom who opened up her home and heart to Wyatt and give him so much love in his last days.

May 15, 2016

RIP Bear

On May 15th my family and I tearfully said goodbye to Big Bear. We adopted Bear shortly after our German Shepherd Lani (MAGSR alum) passed away. My family and I felt an immediate connection with Bear when we met him. He helped heal our hearts and brought a lot of love and peace to our home with his kindness and gentle manner. His heart matched his big presence.

We were a little reluctant adopting a senior dog before Bear, but we are so happy we did. People often say that he was lucky to have us being a senior dog but, in retrospect, it is we who are the lucky ones. He was super smart, playful, and a faithful companion. He had so much to offer and so much love to give.

My family and I would like to thank MAGSR for bringing Bear into our lives.

Love you and miss you buddy. Meet you at the Rainbow Bridge.

The Svejda Family


December 7, 2015




MAGSR is so sorry to report that Spartacus will continue his wait for a forever family at the rainbow bridge.

Spartacus was a favorite among the walkers at the kennel for his goofy puppy-like personality.

May Spartacus run free with all the other MAGSR dogs that have crossed the rainbow bridge. He touched a lot of peoples' hearts.

Run free, sweet boy.

November, 2016 to November 8, 2015

RIP Lucky

We are sad to report that our beloved Lucky (formerly India) left us on 11/8/15 to wait for us at the Rainbow Bridge. We adopted her in December 2003 when she was just eight months old. We renamed her Lucky because we knew she was lucky for being rescued but we were even luckier to bring such a sweet dog into our lives. She had been with us for almost 12 years and was the perfect dog for us. She grew up as part of the family and was always one of the kids along with her human siblings (the youngest her same age). She was the perfect hiking and play partner but also enjoyed just hanging by our sides. Age slowed Lucky down and she began to have difficulty moving. Finally, old age took over and we had to make the difficult decision to say goodbye. Our hearts, home, and lives are a bit emptier these days and we miss her wagging tail that greeted us every day. We have attached a picture of her when she was just a year old. This is how we picture her now, running in the tall grass and free of pain.

We thank you for providing us with our wonderful companion.

Jeffrey , Michele, Jared, Ryan and Marissa Ross

June, 1997 to March 15, 2012

I adopted my dear Akira from MAGSR in 2001.  She was a surrender and had her papers so I knew she was born in 1997.  She died in March of 2012.  She was the best dog I have ever had.  

I just adopted Olivia from the GA 38.  I am sure that Olivia will be happy and settle into her new life here even though it is going to take much time and patience and love.
