If you know of a GSD who is in need of help,
please email us here: Email us about helping
If you need to surrender your dog to MAGSR,
click on this link: Owner Surrender
If If you are trying to find your dog a new home, please click on the adopt a pet link to create a listing.
The adoption application form can be found here: Adoption App
If it has been more than 2 weeks since you have heard from us about your application or if you have questions about applying,
please email us here: Email us about an application
If you have been approved to adopt from us in the last year... and would like to potentially meet and/or adopt a dog,
please email us here: Email us about adopting (once already approved)
please email us here: Email us about volunteering
If you have questions or problems with our website,
please email us here: Email us about website
please email us here: Email the customer service team
please email us here: Email us with a General question
If you need to contact the Vetting Coordinator,
please email us here: Email Vetting
If you need to contact our Board of Directors with any other issues,
please email us here: Email the Board of Directors
If you would like to mail us, please use the following address:
Mid-Atlantic German Shepherd Rescue
PO Box 353
Mt. Airy, MD 21771
The above address is for general information ONLY.
Please include your name and the city and state in which you live, to enable us to better assist you.
If you don't have access to email and you wish to leave us a message,
you may call: (410) 644-7763
The above number can only take a message.
If you have a lost MAGSR dog or an injured MAGSR dog, we have an emergency number for this purpose only,
you may call: (301) 531-4477
The above number is for lost, found or injured MAGSR dogs only.
If you have a non MAGSR lost or found dog,
please be advised that we no longer post any lost and found dogs on our website.
Instead, please contact your local SPCA, Local Shelter, or you can contact the the
many websites that specialize in this service, such as dogdetective.com
We do our best to reply within 48 hours, but please understand we are an all-volunteer organization, so we are doing rescue work in addition to maintaining our full time jobs and caring for our families and our own personal dogs and cats, etc. Thank you for your patience and understanding that occasionally we may have other family or work related issues to attend to. In those instances it may take a bit longer to hear back from us.
MAGSR is a recognized charity under IRS Regulations 501(C)(3)