Libby's Story


Libby was found during a welfare check by animal control officers in the South.  She was filthy and emaciated, in need of immediate care. When brought to a shelter, she was diagnosed positive and with a serious upper respiratory infection. Even while undergoing initial treatment, Libby was placed on the euthanasia list. Fortunately, just hours before that deadline, the MAGSR team learned about Libby and transferred her to safety. 

Her care continued under MAGSR supervision.  At intake, Libby weighed a mere 35lbs. Every bone in her body was visible. The MAGSR team quickly developed a balanced nutrition program to help her move forward. She steadily gained weight and after a few months reached a healthy weight.  This recovery period was a huge hurdle by itself, in that other necessary medical care needed to wait until Libby had regained her strength.

Libby had never had the chance to socialize with people.  She lacked confidence, needing help to become a good canine citizen.  The next step was to bring in one of MAGSR‘s training partners, Mason Dixon K9, for their specialized training. Libby benefited greatly and completed her basic training.  She was noted as having a calm demeanor and independence; while needing time to adjust to new people and situations, she was happy to interact with human companions.

Two steps forward, one step back: during a visit to the vet in January, 2024, Libby was found to have mammary tumors. MAGSR did not hesitate to schedule Libby for surgery. Luckily the tumors were benign, and Libby handled recovery like a champ.

But when it rains it pours.  Libby was also found to have tooth damage. Before her arrival at the rescue, she had been starving, desperate to fill her belly with anything she could find. With some teeth worn completely down, oral surgery was needed.  The MAGSR team worked closely with vetting partners to ensure that Libby received the care she needed. She underwent surgery and had eight teeth removed. Once again, she handled her recovery like a champ.

The final obstacle was heartworm treatment. MAGSR knew this piece of Libby's recovery would significantly improve her overall health and well-being. Once clear, Libby would be free to explore the world, play with as many toys as she wanted, and eventually join her forever family.  Libby underwent heartworm treatment throughout the Spring of 2024. She was monitored closely by her foster and vetting team. Although a little more subdued during that time, Libby continued to bring smiles with her attempted antics.  Every day she demanded a belly rub! There’s a happy end to this story: Libby had her final check up and was given an all-clear.  She was adopted in June, 2024.

Fortunately, not all cases incur such high costs. Even when they do, MAGSR never walks away if a dog can be helped to lead a happy, healthy life.