(Eeyore is represented by: MAGSR) Gender: Male Good With Kids: Likely
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Color: Black & Tan
Date of Birth: 01/26/2024
Date of Birth is estimated: Yes
Current Size: 15 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: Large
Housebroken: No, I'm a puppy!
Obedience Trained: No, I'm a puppy!
Living With: Foster
History: Abuse/Neglect
Good with Cats: Likely
Other Dogs OK: Likely
Foster Needed?: No
Represented by: MAGSR
Contact Email:
Contact Name:
Contact Phone No.:
NID#: 14537
Date Added:
Added to DB: Sat, 2024-04-06 12:34
Last updated: Sun, 2024-05-05 18:59
Not Ready for Adoption: No
Commitment Dog: No
Show as New: No
Special Needs: No
Dog Record Archived (1=Yes/0=No): 0
The Hundred Acre Woods Puppies - Winnie, Piglet, Eeyore, and Tigger - were confiscated in the south due to cruelty and neglect. These babies had been placed in a small, confined area filled with garbage and feces. Unable to fend for themselves, they had limited access to water and were found without access to any food. Due to these horrifying conditions, when animal control officers arrived, the babies were immediately confiscated and brought to a loving foster family that began their road to recovery. Although the pups were finally receiving the care and interaction needed to meet with success, a rescue plea went out as extreme overcrowding has significantly limited shelter's ability to meet the needs of all of the animals in their care. These babies needed safe passage to move forward and MAGSR and another GSD rescue in the area, All Shepherd Rescue, were ready to help.
Working collaboratively with ASR, we were able to ensure that all of the puppies within the 100 Acre Woods litter had a rescue option and loving foster home ready for their arrival. These babies are in many ways your typical GSD puppies. They are playful, interactive, full of energy and puppy snuggles. Although they had a rough start, the puppies are incredibly resilient and are ready for forever families that will cherish them for a lifetime. Although Eeyore is cute as can be, please remember that puppies are a lot of work. They will whine, chew, have accidents, and fill your home with endless puppy antics. With time, training, patience, and structure, we know the 100 Acre Puppies are destined to be incredible adult dogs. If your family is ready for endless hours of puppy joy, please ask to meet Eeyore today!