
(Rory is represented by: MAGSR)

Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Color: Tan
Date of Birth: 03/22/2024
Date of Birth is estimated: Yes
Current Size: 56 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 60 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Basic Commands
Living With: Kennel
History: Return

Good With Kids: Older kids, over 16
Good with Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Likely

Foster ID:
Foster Needed?: Yes

Represented by: MAGSR
Contact Email:
Contact Name:
Contact Phone No.:

NID#: 16066
Date Added:
Added to DB: Sun, 2025-03-23 11:36
Last updated: Sun, 2025-03-23 11:36

Not Ready for Adoption: No
Commitment Dog: No
Show as New: Yes
Special Needs: No
Dog Record Archived (1=Yes/0=No): 0



Regal Rory was originally welcomed to the MAGSR family as a puppy. She was one of the Baseball Puppies. Having lived with an amazing foster family, Rory had developed a good foundation of social skills and was adopted into a loving household. Although her family had every intention of loving Rory for a lifetime, when a family dynamic shifted, the decision was made that it was in Rory's best interest to return her to the MAGSR family. Surrendering a cherished member of the family is never a decision that is made lightly. Rory's family adored her; however, they knew that she would be more successful if placed in a different home. We know this was not easy for Rory's family, but we promised to find her an incredible match so that she can move forward and meet with success. 

In many ways still a puppy, Rory is young, energetic, and curious about the world around her. However, having left the home she expected to remain in for the rest of her life, she is a little unsure right now. Recognizing that Rory will need some time to decompress and adjust to new people and environments, our team is working with her to help her meet with success. Rory's new family will need to ensure that she is given time, patience, structure, and routine in her new household. This will help lovely Rory thrive. Once comfortable, Rory is a playful and loving girl. She enjoys toys and loves to learn new tricks. When playtime is finished, Rory is an expert cuddler. She is a great balance of joy and affection. Having lived in a loving home, Rory understands many of the ins and outs of living in a household. She is both housebroken and crate trained. However, as is true of all new dogs, she will need time to learn the specific expectations of her new family. Training will be beyond helpful for Rory. Not only will training help Rory build a strong bond with her forever family, but it will also help her develop the skills needed to become a good canine citizen. 

Rory is looking for a patient household that enjoys daily activities with a good cuddle session thrown in from time to time throughout the day. If this little love is the right match for your family, ask to meet Rory today!