Adopted MAGSR Dogs

These are the most recent MAGSR adoptions. Dogs adopted prior to 2016 can be found here.


ADOPTED 10/15/2024!

Embedded thumbnail for Storm-MAGSR-2023, Embedded thumbnail for Storm-MAGSR-2023, Embedded thumbnail for Storm-MAGSR-2023, Embedded thumbnail for Storm-MAGSR-2023, Embedded thumbnail for Storm-MAGSR-2023, Embedded thumbnail for Storm-MAGSR-2023, Embedded thumbnail for Storm-MAGSR-2023
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 2 years 3 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 64 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 70 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Basic Commands
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Likely
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Handsome Storm lived in a home. However, due to an issue with the landlord, he was surrendered to a local shelter. Although shepherds typically struggle in shelters, Storm is special as he remained friendly and affectionate with staff. Recognizing that Storm deserved every chance to find a loving forever family, staff began searching for a shepherd rescue that would help this boy on his journey. Working with us to find the right circumstances to welcome Storm, the shelter staff provided this guy with the safety and security needed to move forward. 

Storm is a friendly and playful guy. He has handled all of the changes in his life like a champ. However, it is important that Storm's forever family recognize that he has been through a lot and will need time to adjust to his forever home. Having moved into an incredible foster home, Storm has been enjoying the comforts of a soft bed and calm environment. He has quickly charmed his foster family. As Storm continues to move forward, he will thrive with structure, routine, and leadership. This is typical of all GSDs. Training will go a long way with this boy. Not only will training help Storm develop a strong and healthy bond with his forever family, but it will also help him develop into a good canine citizen. 

While at the shelter, staff noticed some concerns with Storms hips. They took the important steps of getting him to a vet who began running tests and x-rays. It was discovered that Storm has severe hip dysplasia. At this time his right hip is of greatest concern. However, an injury to his cruciate ligament was also found within Storm's right knee. By the time he was seen, he had already lost a lot of muscle around his hips and legs. Storm has begun to receive the care he needs to move forward. He is being monitored by our incredible vetting team while we rebuild muscle. He will also begin working with an orthopedic specialist in order to determine next steps for an orthopedic repair. Storm's care will be very expensive; however, we know he is more than worth the cost. Please consider donating to his medical needs. Your donation will not only help us continue to move Storm forward, but it will also help us continue to support medical dogs in need. Storm will be taking it slow over the next few months while we help him heal. Please continue to watch for updates on his care. 


Another late night update on Mr. Storm. He continues to do well for us. He is getting bored in his cage so today we started playing him some doggie television and he seems to enjoy this. I was able to sit with him a few times today while doing some paperwork - he is very much a lovebug and will try to curl up in your lap. He gives lots of kisses if you allow it. He got some new treats and bones today and we have also been making him some frozen stuffed kongs to keep him occupied. We are trying to work on cleaning his ears - he does not enjoy this but we will get there little by little.

Storm continues to do well and is very much loved by his caregivers. There has been indications of interest of adopting him, and it helped that Ryan and Sandy threw in a board and train for his adopters and Storm.  Here's the link to his latest pics and videos. I love the concern he has for blue noodle number 3.

Storm has been upgraded once again and now has claimed one of our small treatment rooms as his new hotel room. He enjoys looking out the window and gets less worked up by neighboring dogs. He still is working on getting stronger - he can't hold his three legged stands very long but does well with the step overs and backing. He is doing well on his walks and starting with hill work. He really enjoys his time outside. He has a squeaker tennis ball in rehab that is his favorite toy!

After being in a foster home for over a month, we can say that Storm is just a wonderful dog. Storm is all play, all day, but is a great lounge dog at night. He gets along well with other dogs; if he got the chance to live with another playful dog, it would be a dream come true for him. As a true velcro dog, he needs to be where the action is and likes to stick close to his people. If you're sitting still, he will sit on your feet. He does best in a crate when left home alone but is always out otherwise and well-behaved. He's all goofy love and has a HUGE personality. 

MAGSR ID: 13185


ADOPTED 10/15/2024!

Huck Adopted
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Approximate Age: 4 months 2 weeks
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 32 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: Large
Housebroken: Working on it
Obedience Trained: No, I'm a puppy!
Altered: No

Good With Kids: Likely
Good With Cats: Likely
Other Dogs OK: Likely

Huck and his mommy, Happy, were dumped at a small rural shelter. Although they were both shocked to be surrounded by so many stressed animals, it was highly apparent that this stunning pair had been socialized by someone along their journey. They are both friendly and affectionate. However, too skinny and very dirty, both dogs were in need of some good nutrition, a warm bath, and a safe place to move forward. With shelters and rescues sitting at or above capacity right now, the minute they arrived Huck and Happy were in danger. Shelter staff adored the pair, but due to space issues, they knew that a rescue placement was necessary to ensure that both moved forward safely. When a rescue plea went out, we knew the Huck and Happy deserved the safety and security of the MAGSR family. 

Huck is a happy, playful, and intelligent guy. A huge fan of people, toys, and other animals. This little sweetheart is beyond ready to take on the world. As a social butterfly, Huck wants to be part of every interaction. With those soft eyes and a great lean in, it is impossible to exclude him. Clearly an intelligent guy, Huck is meeting with incredible success when crate training and housebreaking. He has yet to have any accidents in the crate and takes care of most of his business outside. Curious about the world around him, Huck can't wait to try everything. He is beyond happy to garner attention from his people and very treat motivated; we are sure Huck is going to be a star in training. Training is critical to Huck's success. Not only will training help him build a strong and healthy bond with his forever family, but it will also help Huck develop the skills needed to become a good canine citizen. 

Although Huck is beyond adorable, please remember that puppies are a lot of work. They will whine, chew, have accidents, and fill your home with endless puppy antics. With time, training, continued socialization,  and patience, we know Huck will grow-up to be an incredible adult dog. Huck will be available for adoption as of October 19th. If this handsome little ball of joy sounds like a good match for your family, set up an appointment to meet him today!

MAGSR ID: 15166


ADOPTED 10/13/2024!

Tasha adopted
Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 4 years 1 month
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 83 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 75 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Basic Commands
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Older Kids Only
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes, Males Only

Tasha was adopted a few years ago to an incredible family that adored her. Although they hoped Tasha would remain with them forever, when unexpected circumstances arose, her family had to make the difficult decision to return her to the MAGSR family. This decision is never made lightly. However, sometimes we all need a little help. Fortunately, MAGSR was more than willing and able to welcome Tasha back so that she could move forward with a new family who would cherish her for a lifetime. 

Tasha is a well socialized lady. She loves people, is affectionate, and is  your typical velcro dog. Clearly a very intelligent girl, Tasha is an expert when reading the handler. She responds best to a calm, confident, and clear handler. Best placed with an experienced GSD household, Tasha is looking for a family that will provide the structure, routine, and leadership that all dogs crave. Having moved around a few times in her life, Tasha can be anxious in new situations. She is not a huge fan of loud sounds, such as thunder or fireworks. However, with a responsive handler, Tasha meets with success. As Tasha moves forward, she is hoping to find a family that will exercise both her body and her mind on a daily basis. This will help her maintain a calm and stable mindset. Training is also critical for Tasha. Not only will training help Tasha build a strong, healthy bond with her forever family, but it will also help her further hone her skills. With some basic training already in place, Tasha cannot wait to continue learning with her new family. This amazing girl is looking for that special family who will provide her with the comforts of a loving home, opportunities to meet with success, and plenty of love. If Tasha sounds like the right match for your family, ask to meet her today!

MAGSR ID: 15110


ADOPTED 10/13/2024!

Nemo Adopted
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Approximate Age: 2 months 3 weeks
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 15 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: Large
Housebroken: No, I'm a puppy!
Obedience Trained: No, I'm a puppy!
Altered: No

Good With Kids: Likely
Good With Cats: Likely
Other Dogs OK: Likely

The Nemo Litter was born under a trailer about ten weeks ago. Fortunately, they were noticed by community members and were monitored carefully. As their mom wasn't comfortable with people, steps were being taken to try to help the entire family, but moving forward required time and patience. Unfortunately, soon after the Nemo babies began crawling around, mom spooked, left, and didn’t return. Recognizing the nine babies in the Nemo litter (Coral, Bubbles, Crush, Dory, Marlin, Nemo, Nigel, Squirt, and Pearl) needed help, community members stepped up to ensure they were cared for and loved. As they got older, the rescue sponsoring them began looking for a breed specific rescue to welcome the Nemo litter and find them all amazing forever families. MAGSR stepped forward to welcome the entire litter into our care. 

Our team was preparing to move the babies into foster homes when it was noticed that something was not right with several members of the litter. They had suddenly become weak, were struggling to keep food down, began experiencing gastrointestinal issues, and clearly needed help. Our team immediately rushed the babies to the emergency room. Tests were administered and it was determined that the Nemo litter was positive for parvo. Parvo is a highly contagious virus; it is particularly challenging for puppies to survive. One of our amazing vetting partners stepped into action and began working with the Nemo litter to keep them hydrated, control their GI upset, and prevent secondary infections, while also keeping them monitored and loved. Parvo care is very expensive. But, we knew these little lives were special and deserved every chance to fight this diagnosis. We have been incredibly lucky to have so many people step forward to support these babies. This has given us the opportunity to provide critical care; however, donations are still needed. Please consider donating to the Nemo litter so that we can continue to welcome dogs with medical needs. 

Although MAGSR fought hard to save the lives of all nine puppies, two members of this litter, Bubbles and Pearl, lost their fight and crossed the rainbow bridge the weekend they arrived. Their siblings have mourned this loss while comforted by our amazing MAGSR volunteers. Although Pearl and Bubbles have left lasting memories that will always be part of this litter's story, the Nemo litter is taking significant steps so that they can continue to move forward. As they heal under the watchful eyes of their foster families, these babies are hoping that forever families are waiting in the wings for them. Once symptoms have ended and ten days have passed, the Nemo puppies will be ready to join their forever families. Nemo is waiting patiently for that special day when his family welcomes him into their home and gives him a last name. If your family is ready to welcome this adorable little guy into your home, ask to set up a meeting with Nemo today! 

MAGSR ID: 15164

Cadi & Ryker

ADOPTED 10/07/2024!

Cadi & Ryker, together forever
Cadi with the ballRyker mugging for the cameraRolling RykerHandsome RykerCadi nibbling her toyCadi & Ryker Tug Of War 1Cadi & Ryker Tug Of War 2Cadi & Ryker Cadi & Ryker
Gender: Pair
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 4 years 1 month
Color: Black & Tan and Brindle
Current Size: 65 & 67 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 65 & 67 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Yes
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes, with proper introduction

Ryker and Cadi were the apple of their daddy's eye. He adored both dogs and ensured that they had everything they needed to meet with success. Living in a home filled with love, this special pair had endless joy, playtime, and cuddles. All was right in their world until Ryker and Cadi's daddy received a serious medical diagnosis. Rather than take any chances, Ryker and Cadi's dad and his family took steps to ensure that both dogs would be well loved and cared for if this diagnosis proved fatal. Although their daddy fought hard, Ryker and Cadi had to say goodbye to their daddy much sooner than anyone thought possible. The grieving process is just as confusing and painful for animals as it is for humans. Helping each other through this process, Ryker and Cadi have been learning to adjust as a unit with the help of an incredible foster family supporting them on this difficult journey.  With their daddy, Tod, as their guardian angel, we know this pair will continue to move forward and will find a new home that will love them in their daddy's absence. 

Typical of a bonded pair, Ryker and Cadi bring their own unique strengths and personalities to their relationship. Ryker, the male, is intelligent and playful. He relies heavily on Cadi, the female, for safety and confidence. She helps Ryker maintain stability and try new things that may seem a little intimidating without Cadi at his side. Known for needing a little time to trust before he is ready for snuggles, Ryker hopes his next family understands that with a little patience he will bloom. Cadi is the fun of the party. Happy to share her joyful activities with Ryker, she loves having her best friend at her side. A huge fan of toys that talk, Cadi is hoping that her next family has a “giggle ball" ready for her upon arrival. As a bonded pair, Cadi and Ryker are looking for a home that has the room in their hearts for two. 

Fortunate to have had a solid foundation put in place, both Cadi and Ryker are fully trained. They understand commands and love to exercise their bodies and minds every day. Although they are on point with basic training, it is important that their next family continue the training process. This will help Cadi and Ryker form a strong and healthy bond with their family. It will also help them continue to develop the skills needed to become good canine citizens. Having lived in a loving home, Ryker and Cadi are house broken, crate trained, and understand many of the ins and outs of living in a home. However, as is true of any new dog, this pair will need time to adjust to the specific expectations, structure, and routines of their new family. When given time, patience, and leadership, we know they will adjust. Ryker and Cadi have been through enormous changes, but they remain incredible dogs. If your family is looking for a pair that is playful, curious, and ready for an adventure, Cadi and Ryker are the right match for you. 


MAGSR ID: 15066


ADOPTED 10/07/2024!

Miney - Prettiest girl
Embedded thumbnail for Miney-MAGSR-2024, Embedded thumbnail for Miney-MAGSR-2024, Embedded thumbnail for Miney-MAGSR-2024
Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Approximate Age: 7 months 3 days
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 22 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: Large
Housebroken: No, I'm a puppy!
Obedience Trained: No, I'm a puppy!
Altered: No

Good With Kids: Likely
Good With Cats: Likely
Other Dogs OK: Likely

Emmie and her seven adorable babies (Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe, Cal, Murray, and Bebe) were dumped at an overcrowded shelter in the south. Although Emmie knew that her future was uncertain, she also knew that the 7 little ones (Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe, Cal, Murray, and Bebe) that she brought with her were also in danger. As puppy season is in full swing, many furry families of all sizes are finding themselves in tough situations where, unfortunately, many animals do not make it out alive. Fortunately, for this special family, shelter staff began working with a network of rescues to find options, a loving foster family, and the medical support needed to move forward. MAGSR was lucky to have so many people pulling together to help this family move forward into our care. We are honored to move them forward. 

Emmie and her pups have been lucky to have lived in a loving foster family. This gave them all the opportunity to learn some of the ins and outs of living in a home. All of the babies did an incredible job with their foster family and have since moved onto foster homes where they are getting additional love and attention in smaller groups. Miney is a confident and playful girl. She is curious and always ready for an adventure. However, when playtime is finished, she is beyond happy to curl up with her people. Having already begun socializing with new people, animals, and in new environments, Miney is already building a solid foundation. It is imperative that her family continue this process as she moves forward. Miney, like all dogs, will thrive in a home with structure, routine, and leadership. With the right set-up, we know this little cutie will be impressive. Although Miney is special, please remember that puppies are a lot of work. They will whine, chew, have accidents, and fill your home with endless puppy antics. With time, patience, and training, Miney will become a stable and confident adult. Miney is looking for a forever family that will cherish her for a lifetime. If she sounds like the right match for your family, ask to meet her today!


Miney is a sweet, energetic pup who loves to play with her foster mom's two German Shepherds. She is pretty submissive to them and likes to follow their leads. As a water dog, Miney loves to play in the puppy pool and has even tried laying in the pool while sunbathing. She does amazingly well with dog puzzles and loves snuffle mats too. As is typical with many young dogs, Miney benefits from daily mental and physical exercise to keep her balanced; she loves the routine and clearly enjoys a familiar schedule. Playful and energetic, she loves to play fetch and will bring the ball back every time! Having experienced the joy of living in a foster home, Miney does well in the crate and is working hard to solidify her potty training. She sleeps from 9pm-5am every night! As socialization is critical to her success, Miney has had many opportunities to interact with dogs and people. When out and about she does well on leash and maintains social norms. It is very important that her forever family continue this trend. Although well-behaved with other dogs, Miney has shown that chasing the resident cat is a good time. However, since she is still young, continued practice with and clear boundaries with a future cat are still an option. Miney will be an amazing addition to her future family! 

Miney is well-loved in her foster home and has a blast exploring the world. As a big snuggler, she loves to curl up under a blankie. Typical of a clever working dog, Miney does really well when given toys that keep her mentally stimulated - she loves her peanut butter Kongs and she's always up to a challenge when she has to work to find her food, like when it's spread out in a snuffle mat or a knotted towel. Now that she's up-to-date on her shots, she can explore all sorts of public places. She absolutely loves walks; as soon as she sees her harness, she runs to the door excitedly! She deserves a loving home with at least one loving human partner to take her on more amazing adventures. Will you be that home?

MAGSR ID: 14709


ADOPTED 10/07/2024!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Approximate Age: 9 years 3 weeks
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 70 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 70 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Yes
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: No
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Aspen and Bosco are a bonded pair of senior MAGSR alumni. Their amazing mom welcomed them as seniors into her family and planned on ensuring that they lived out their lives in the comfort, peace, and security of her home. However, when their mom passed away suddenly, this amazing pair found themselves in need of a new home. Aspen and Bosco were their mom's heart; she loved them beyond words. Knowing she would want them to have a place to grieve, rest, and find comfort, we welcomed Aspen and Bosco back to the MAGSR family.

Unfortunately, both dogs have seen loss before and have said good-bye to their family a few times in their lives. It seems that for some, life simply throws one challenge after another. Although they have seen their fair share of loss, both Bosco and Aspen are sweet, friendly, and loving dogs. They truly are a special pair. Bosco is an easy going guy who goes with the flow. He loves the fresh air and a cozy place to hang. Aspen is social, friendly, and joyful. She brings happiness to everyone she meets. Together they are an impressive pair who are cherished by everyone.

Aspen and Bosco are settling into an amazing foster home. Their foster family is ensuring that they both have everything they need to feel safe and loved. We have promised to honor their mom's memory and provide them with everything she would have wanted for them in their golden years.

MAGSR ID: 15146


ADOPTED 10/05/2024!

Zaniah adopted
ZaniahZaniahZaniahZaniahZaniahZaniahZaniahZaniah and Casper at a MAGSR event!ZaniahZaniahZaniahZaniahZaniahZaniahZaniah
Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 3 years 2 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 73 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 75 lbs
Housebroken: Likely
Obedience Trained: Working on it
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Likely
Good With Cats: Likely
Other Dogs OK: Likely

Like so many other dogs, Zaniah was picked up as a stray and brought to animal services. She waited ever so patiently for her forever family to come and claim her. Although Zaniah's family did not come for her, she was lucky when another rescue stepped in and took over her care. They knew that this lovely lady was incredible and deserved the chance to move forward safely. Knowing Zaniah was heartworm positive, they placed her in an amazing foster family who lovingly walked her through treatment. As they got to know Zaniah, whose nickname is "Z", they realized this girl really was something special. Living with adult dogs and puppies, Z did well with everyone. Her foster family hadn't met such an incredibly solid dog prior to her arrival. Although the rescue and her foster family were very attached to Z, they knew that she would be best placed through a breed specific rescue. When asked if we could continue to move Z forward, we knew this girl was perfect for the MAGSR family. 

Z is a friendly, affectionate, and intelligent girl. She picks up new expectations quickly and is responsive. Sweet as can be, Z was clearly well socialized with people and other animals prior to her arrival. Someone along her journey loved her and did everything they could to help her become a stable and confident pup. It is obvious they did a great job with Z. Having lived in a foster home, Z has had the opportunity to learn about the safety and comfort of a loving household. She did very well adjusting to the routines and expectations of her foster family. However, as every household works a little differently, she will need time to adjust to the expectations of her forever family. With time, patience, structure, and routine, Z will thrive. As Z moves forward it is important that her forever family participate in training. Not only will training gel Z build a strong and healthy bond with her forever family, but it will also help her develop the skills needed to become a good canine citizen. Z has been waiting for the right family that will adore her forever. If Z sounds like the right match for your household, ask to meet her today!

MAGSR ID: 14932


ADOPTED 09/28/2024!

Onya adopted
Onion nka OnyaOnyaOnyaOnya
Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 3 years 6 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 58 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 70 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Basic Commands
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Likely

Onya, previously known as Onion, was adopted by her mom a few years ago. They were an incredible team. With the help of her mom, Onya completed basic obedience, started scent work, and had the opportunity to develop more advanced skills. They brought endless joy into each other's lives with activities during the day and plenty of cuddles at night. It was beyond evident that these two were meant for each other. Everything was going according to plan and it seemed like they would bring joy to each other for many years. Unbeknownst to the pair, an unimaginable medical diagnosis was looming. Onya's mom received news of a terminal illness that would upend their perfect world. When she realized that Onya would need a safe place to land, Onya's mom contacted our team, shared her story with us, and asked for help. Our team did everything we could to bring comfort to this family and welcomed Onya back to MAGSR. 

Onya is a stunning, intelligent, and impressive girl. However, her world has shifted dramatically with the loss of her mom. The grieving process is difficult and can shift personalities sometimes causing skills to go a bit backwards. Until she has fully settled, this sweet girl will likely be skittish and potentially a little over protective of her people. Stability and confidence building will definitely help. Fortunately, Onya is working through this process with the help of a loving foster family. When the right match steps forward, it is imperative that Onya is given time, patience, leadership, and structure in order to make one final adjustment. With routine and clear expectations, we know that this lovely lady will rise to the occasion. Although Onya is in the midst of the grieving process, she does know many of the ins and outs of living in a household. She is housebroken, crate trained, and understands general household routines. However, she will need time to adjust to the expectations of her forever family. Training will also help Onya adjust. Not only will training help Onya develop a strong and healthy bond with her family, but it will also help her continue to develop confidence. Onya is looking for a loving forever family that will provide her with endless adventures and daily snuggles. If this amazing girl sounds like the right match for your household, ask to meet her today!

MAGSR ID: 11190


ADOPTED 09/28/2024!

Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 1 year 1 month
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 42 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 45 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: Working on it
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Likely

Radiant Raven was, like so many others, picked up as a stray and brought to an overcrowded shelter. Although very sweet and affectionate with shelter staff, Raven was living on borrowed time. Shelters everywhere are drowning in homeless animals that are arriving by the droves on a daily basis. Shelters, rescues, and adopters simply cannot keep up with the overwhelming flow of animals in need. When runs became overcrowded, Raven found herself on this list to be euthanized. Fortunately, the right group stepped in and began advocating for Raven. They began making contacts up and down the coast and were able to extend her time enough to allow MAGSR to step in and welcome Raven to the family. 

Raven is simply adorable. As a pocket shepherd, she has a smaller stature and comes in a pint sized portion. Having been socialized by someone along her journey, Raven warms up quickly to calm and confident handlers. However, she can be a little jumpy with fast or unexpected movements. Once comfortable, Raven simply wiggles with excitement. It is clear this little lady still has many puppy like traits and will be more than happy to fill your home with puppy antics. Energetic, intelligent, and a fast-learner, Raven reads the handler well. She looks for direction, guidance, and leadership. She, like all shepherds, will do well when provided with structure and routine. We do not know much about her past; however, it is clear that someone along her way loved this little lady. Raven is looking for a family that will provide her with daily exercise for her body and her mind. Training will be key to her success. Training will not only help Raven create a strong, healthy bond with her family, but it will also help her develop the skills needed to become a good canine citizen. Raven is looking for a family that will take her on adventures, enjoy her antics, and give her plenty of snuggles. If Raven sounds like the right match for your household, please ask to meet her today!

MAGSR ID: 15104


ADOPTED 09/22/2024!

Amir adopted
Embedded thumbnail for Amir-MAGSR-2024
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 1 year 2 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 80 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 90 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: Working on it
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Likely

Amazing Amir was found wandering all alone. Thinking that this sweet guy must belong to someone, his finder began working with animal services to locate his family. Although they searched for his family, no one came forward for Amir. When his stray hold was up and animal control released Amir, the decision was made to try to find rescue placement for this boy rather than send him to an already overcrowded shelter. When asked if we could help Amir continue to move forward, we knew this boy was destined for MAGSR. 

Amir is a big, friendly, and confident guy. It is very evident that someone along his journey socialized him with people and other animals. Although he has been through a lot over the last few weeks, Amir remains stable and interested in meeting new people. He is looking for a forever family that will adore him just as much as we do. As he moves forward, Amir will meet with success when provided with the structure, routine, and leadership that all GSDs crave and deserve. Training is also critical to his success. Not only will training help Amir build a strong and healthy bond with his forever family, but it will also help him develop into a good canine citizen. We do not know much about Amir's past, but we do know that he does understand some of the ins and outs of living in a household. He is beyond happy to stretch out on a comfortable bed and check in for bedtime snuggles. Although Amir has clearly had the luck of living in a home at one point, he will need time to adjust to the routines and expectations of his forever family. Amir is looking for a family that will love him for a lifetime. Could that family be you?


Amir has been a very courteous house guest in his foster home. He's crate trained and has solid leash manners. True to his GSD nature, Amir will get very excited seeing wildlife and will try to chase unless his handler controls it. He's getting along well with the resident senior female dog in the house. Although not allowed on the furniture in his foster home, he seems like he's ready to snuggle down once invited. He sleeps in the weirdest positions! Amir is very affectionate and likes toys. He rides well in a car. He's a great dog and ready to fit into most households. Ask to meet ths big sweet goofball today!

MAGSR ID: 14964

Guy & Fieri

ADOPTED 09/22/2024!

Guy & Fieri adopted!
Guy and FieriGuy & FieriGuy and FieriFieriGuyFieriGuyFieriGuy and FieriGuy and FieriGuy & FieriGuy & FieriGuy & FieriGuy & FieriGuy & FieriGuy & FieriGuy & FieriGuy & FieriGuy & FieriGuy & Fieri
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Approximate Age: 5 years 8 months
Color: White
Current Size: 75 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 75 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Likely
Good With Cats: Likely
Other Dogs OK: Likely

Guy and Fieri were picked up as strays in the south. When they arrived at animal services it was highly evident that they could use a little extra TLC. Underweight, dirty, and needing some medical support, shelter staff immediately moved forward to support both boys. Although the boys had clearly been through a lot together, everyone was simply amazed by how friendly and interactive Guy and Fieri are with everyone they meet. Although shelter staff did everything they could to help both boys move forward, they felt that it would be best if the boys were moved into rescue so that they could find a home with room for two. When asked if we could support Guy and Fieri in the MAGSR family, we immediately stepped forward. 

Guy and Fieri are a bonded pair. As a result, they are looking for a household that has room in their hearts and home for two dogs. Playful, interactive, and friendly with everyone, the boys bring smiles wherever they go. It is clear that these two know just how to win over the hearts and minds of everyone around. Both boys are good with other dogs. They also love people of all ages. Guy has had some additional medical needs having joined the rescue with a very intense yeast infection throughout his body. However, with time, attention, and the right medication, he has made significant strides. These guys are looking for a household that will provide them with structure, routine, and love. If your family has room for two, please ask about Guy and Fieri today!


Guy and Fieri were adopted into a loving household two years ago. They had easily won the heart of their foster family and it was decided that they were officially home. Although the boys loved their family, unfortunately, due to a significant change in circumstances, Guy and Fieri had to be returned to MAGSR's care. We have had a long tradition of caring for our own. Once a MAGSR dog, always a MAGSR dog. When we learned that the boys needed to move back to us, our team immediately stepped forward. 

Unsurprisingly, the boys moved right back in just as sweet and social as they were when they were adopted. Clearly comfortable with varied people and in varied environments, the boys have adapted surprisingly well to their change in circumstance. Big fans of daily playtime and activities, Guy and Fieri keep everyone smiling with their playful antics and goofy personalities. It is highly evident that this is a special pair. Having lived in a home for a few years, the boys understand the ins and outs of living in a household. They are housebroken and crate trained. Although they understand the general expectations of living in a home, it is important that their new family recognize that it will take them time to adjust to the routines and expectations of their new home. As they move forward, training will be key to the boys' success. Training will not only help Guy and Fieri create a healthy bond with their forever family, but it will also help them develop the skills needed to become good canine citizens. Curious and playful, the boys enjoy daily time outside. They love walks, sunshine, and nature. However, they can get a bit too excited about some of the four legged visitors in their yard, particularly the deer. Training will help the boys learn that furry visitors are fun but not necessarily playmates. 

Guy and Fieri are a very special pair. They are looking for a household that has enough room in their hearts for two. If these boys sound like the right match for your family, ask to meet them today!

MAGSR ID: 10987


ADOPTED 09/15/2024!

Koda adopted
KodaKodaKodaKoda and Zeke after a walk
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 3 years 2 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 89 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 92 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Working on it
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Likely
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Likely

Koda and his buddy, Zeke, were absolutely adored by their dad. Both dogs were raised in a loving household that clearly understood the ins and outs of owning, socializing, and training a shepherd. Although he gave them everything they needed and more, due to a change in circumstances, the boys' dad needed to rehome them. This was a very difficult decision, but he knew that the boys deserved more than he could give. When asked if MAGSR could welcome Zeke and Koda into the family, our team stepped forward to ensure that both boys were safe and loved.

Koda is a big, sweet, affectionate guy. Clearly well socialized with people and dogs, Koda has a stable and confident personality. He is patient, observant, and doesn't miss a beat. With absolutely stunning looks and a solid personality, Koda has the type of personality that easily wins over everyone he meets. Having lived in a GSD savvy household, Koda has been given a strong foundation for success. However, as is true of all shepherds, he will only thrive when provided with structure, routine, and leadership. An intelligent guy, Koda reads the handler well. He understands clear expectations and responds accordingly. When provided with consistency and routine, Koda rises to the occasion. As a young guy, Koda is looking for a household that will provide him with daily exercise for both his body and mind. This will help him maintain his impressive personality. Although Koda has had some training already, he is looking forward to attending training class with his forever family. Training will not only help Koda bond with his forever family, but it will also help him solidify the skills needed to become a good canine citizen. Having lived in a household, Koda understands many of the ins and outs of living in a home. He is housebroken and crate trained. However, as is true of any new dog, Koda will need time to adjust to the routines and expectations of his forever family.

Koda is a very special boy who is looking for an amazing family that will love him for a lifetime. If you are looking for a cuddle bug with an impressive personality, look no further than Koda!

MAGSR ID: 15056


ADOPTED 09/08/2024!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 1 year 1 month
Color: Black & Red
Current Size: 60 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 60 lbs
Housebroken: Working on it
Obedience Trained: Working on it
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Likely

Over the winter our emergency line received a call from a shelter in California that one of our senior dogs had been surrendered without our knowledge. As is true of many rescues, our dogs are family and we do not leave them behind. We needed to get this dog back home to MAGSR so that she could move forward with a family that would cherish and protect her throughout her golden years. However, as California is not exactly in our backyard, we began reaching out to rescues near the shelter and were beyond lucky to find CalPaws K9 Rescue. Their incredible team worked with us to get our dog out of the shelter, vetted, and transported back home. We were beyond grateful for all of their support and told them that if help was needed in the future, we would do what we could to repay the favor. This past May, CalPaws asked us for a favor in return when they were faced with a critical situation requiring a fast response. A backyard breeder in their area had endured some significant medical issues and the decision was made that all of the dogs on the property needed to leave within the week. The breeder was housing a large number of dogs, primarily German Shepherds, ranging in age from puppies to six years old. It is estimated that there were at least 25 German Shepherds at the breeder's property, although as CalPaws began working with the property owner, it was thought that the actual number may be higher. With such a large number of dogs needing help, multiple rescues stepped forward to be part of the solution. We joined the effort to help and were able to welcome a couple of dogs to the safety of the MAGSR family. 

Blake made the journey across the country in early June. This handsome guy had never placed a paw off of the property prior to his removal at the end of May. Although many precautions were put into place before anyone was moved, it was known that this change would be extremely stressful for every dog involved. Everything and everyone would be new to this guy. Blake safely made his way across the country thanks to an amazing pair of transporters. Upon his arrival our team recognized that Blake would need a patient and structured household that would support him as he learned to socialize outside his pack. We also recognized that Blake would need time to decompress and adjust to his new life. Placed in a loving foster family, Blake has been learning some of the ins and outs of living in a household. He has adjusted very well to his furry foster family and follows their lead well. Although his foster family has been working very hard with Blake, he continues to need time and opportunities to learn how to socialize with people. As he moves into a forever home, training will be key to Blake's success. Training will help Blake build social skills and the confidence needed to continue to move forward. It will also help him learn to look to the handler for direction while building a healthy bond with his forever family. Blake is looking for a forever family that will give him time to adjust to the rules and routines of the household. He is also hoping that they will be patient and give him endless opportunities to socialize safely in varied environments and with different people. 

This stunning guy has been working hard to develop some of the key foundational skills needed to meet with success. If your family has the patience, structure, and leadership needed to help this special guy thrive, ask to meet him today!

MAGSR ID: 15082


ADOPTED 09/07/2024!

Zeus adopted
Embedded thumbnail for Zeus-MAGSR-2024, Embedded thumbnail for Zeus-MAGSR-2024
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 7 years 5 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 103 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 105 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Working on it
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Yes, older kids
Good With Cats: No
Other Dogs OK: Likely

Handsome Zeus was picked up as a stray and brought to a local shelter. Upon his arrival staff members fell in love with this big, beautiful boy. An immediate staff favorite, Zeus enjoyed interacting with volunteers as it was clear he had been well socialized with people. Although Zeus was noted to be big and friendly, it was also noted that he needed medical support. Zeus was underweight, filthy, missing a significant amount of hair on his back-end, covered in fleas, and suffering from an allergic reaction from the fleas leaving him with open sores. It is not known how long Zeus had been suffering, but it is evident that this level of need did not happen overnight. Although shelter staff began addressing his needs, it was clear that Zeus would be most successful if placed with a rescue so that his specific needs could be met. When MAGSR learned that Zeus needed a safe place to land in order to move forward, our team immediately stepped forward to help. 

Zeus is a happy, intelligent, and playful guy. He enjoys the company of his people, but also reads the handler very well. As is true of many shepherds, Zeus will look to see what he can and cannot get away with just to make life a little more exciting. As he is a lot of dog and can be pushy, Zeus is most successful with a calm, clear, and confident handler. Having clearly been exposed to toys, Zeus loves to play ball and greatly enjoys squeaky plush toys. He often carries a toy around in his mouth on his daily walks. Capable of easily tearing up toys, Zeus is hoping his forever family has an endless supply of tough toys so that there will be time to play every day. Highly food motivated, Zeus will work for treats and food. He already knows a few commands, such as sit and come. However, as a smart guy, he will see if he can get away with getting treats for free without having to work. Training will go a long way with Zeus. Not only will it help him develop a healthy bond with his forever family, but it will also help him develop the skills needed to become a good canine citizen. 

MAGSR has been working hard to ensure that Zeus' medical needs are addressed. In the last few weeks, Zeus has been putting on some much needed weight. He still needs to gain a few more pounds in order to be the ideal size. His foster family has also been working with one of our amazing vetting partners to address Zeus' skin needs. Zeus' sores have healed and he is growing new fur. With his sores closing, Zeus has been getting regular baths and has done very well. His fur is shiny again and his skin is looking much healthier. As Zeus is healing nicely, we are able to focus on giving him increased opportunities to enjoy being a dog. Zeus is looking for a forever home that will provide him with the structure, routine, patience, and leadership that all GSDs crave. His ideal family will fill his days with plenty of toys, regular exercise, and endless snuggles. If Zeus sounds like the right match for your household, ask to meet this incredible guy today!


Zeus has been living with one of our experienced foster families over the last few months. During this time he has had the opportunity to decompress, learn the rules and expectations of the household, and address some of his medical needs. A goofball at heart, Zeus is always trying something new - moving couches to get balls he has lost behind them, shopping on every shelf and in every cabinet for the perfect toy, and finding a way to get his large frame on top of desks just to make sure he can see his foster dad come home. His foster family has greatly enjoyed Zeus' continuous antics and has been working hard to set clear rules and boundaries. They have quickly learned that it's never a dull day when Zeus is in your life. Zeus gets daily opportunities to enjoy the outdoors but when the weather is warm, he prefers short breaks outside and a cool floor to lounge around on inside. All that fur really does keep him warm. He is patiently waiting for winter. 

Daily playtime is a must for Zeus. He has specific toys that bring unending entertainment, such as balls and squeaky fish. He also has toys that are soothing and will often be found sleeping with them right under his chin. Zeus is slowly integrating into his pack, but clear rules and boundaries are best. He would prefer to be in charge and likes things a certain way. In his world, his toys are his and sharing isn't really on the table. Really, don't we all have certain things that we would prefer to keep to ourselves? He also prefers an orderly pack - too much rough housing just isn't his style. He enjoys pack walks and hang time with his foster family both human and furry but prefers to play with his human family only. 

Medically, Zeus has made so much progress since arriving. He now has soft, clean fur covering the entirety of his body. He has well manicured nails and is the perfect weight. The itchy, skinny dog with the open sores now looks and feels much better. Unfortunately, as we began addressing his medical needs, a concern with Zeus' mobility came to the surface. Recognizing that something was off with Zeus' backend, one of our incredible vetting partners began working with Zeus to figure out what was going on. After lab work, tests, and x-rays were run, it was discovered that Zeus has severe spondylosis at the top and the bottom of his spine. Spondylosis is a degenerative joint disease in dogs that causes bony spurs to form along the spine. His condition is so advanced that it is causing vertebral fusion. Although this condition can be very painful, in Zeus' case, pain has not been noted. The lack of pain, weakness in his hind limbs, and overall presentation has resulted in a second diagnosis of early stages of degenerative myopathy (DM). This is an inherited neurological disease that will, overtime, result in an inability to walk. Although the secondary diagnosis was exceptionally difficult to digest, Zeus‘ foster family is providing him with every opportunity to enjoy his world on the daily basis. Please consider donating to Zeus‘s care. Your donation will not only help Zeus continue to get the excellent supportive care needed to remain comfortable but it will also help other medical dogs in need. 

MAGSR ID: 14609


ADOPTED 09/05/2024!

Zeke adopted
Embedded thumbnail for Zeke-MAGSR-2024
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 2 years 2 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 86 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 95 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Working on it
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Likely
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Likely

Zeke and his buddy, Koda, were absolutely adored by their dad. Both dogs were raised in a loving household that clearly understood the ins and outs of owning, socializing, and training a shepherd. Although he gave them everything they needed and more, due to a change in circumstances, the boys' dad needed to rehome them. This was a very difficult decision, but he knew that the boys deserved more than he could give. When asked if MAGSR could welcome Zeke and Koda into the family, our team stepped forward to ensure that both boys were safe and loved.

Zeke is a big, goofy, playful guy. Clearly well socialized with people and dogs, Zeke has a stable and confident personality. With his stunning looks and impressive personality, this guy easily wins over everyone he meets. Having lived in a GSD savvy household, Zeke has a strong foundation. However, as is true of all shepherds, he will only thrive when provided with structure, routine, and leadership. An intelligent guy, Zeke will take advantage of a weak handler just to see what kind of mischief he can get into. When provided with consistency and clear expectations, Zeke rises to the occasion. As an active guy, Zeke is looking for a family that will exercise both his body and his mind on a daily basis. This will help Zeke maintain his amazing personality. Although Zeke has had some training already, he is looking forward to attending training class with his forever family. Training will not only help Zeke bond with his forever family, but it will also help him develop the skills needed to become a good canine citizen. Having lived in a home, Zeke understands many of the ins and outs of the household. He is already housebroken and crate trained. However, as is true for any new dog, Zeke will need time to adjust to the routines and expectations of his forever family.

Zeke is a special guy who is looking for a special family that will cherish him for a lifetime. If you are looking for a sweet guy with a big personality, look no further than Zeke!

MAGSR ID: 15055


ADOPTED 09/01/2024!

Murray adopted
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Approximate Age: 7 months 1 week
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 30 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: Large
Housebroken: No, I'm a puppy!
Obedience Trained: No, I'm a puppy!
Altered: No

Good With Kids: Likely
Good With Cats: Likely
Other Dogs OK: Likely

Emmie and her seven adorable babies (Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe, Cal, Murray, and Bebe) were dumped at an overcrowded shelter in the south. Although Emmie knew that her future was uncertain, she also knew that the 7 little ones (Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe, Cal, Murray, and Bebe) that she brought with her were also in danger. As puppy season is in full swing, many furry families of all sizes are finding themselves in tough situations where, unfortunately, many animals do not make it out alive. Fortunately, for this special family, shelter staff began working with a network of rescues to find options, a loving foster family, and the medical support needed to move forward. MAGSR was lucky to have so many people pulling together to help this family move forward into our care. We are honored to move them forward. 

Emmie and her pups have been lucky to have lived in a loving foster family. This gave them all the opportunity to learn some of the ins and outs of living in a home. All of the babies did an incredible job with their foster family and have since moved onto foster homes where they are getting additional love and attention in smaller groups. Murray is friendly, playful, and an interactive guy who loves to join in and snuggle with everyone. He loves his furry siblings but is also happy to hang out with other dogs and people. Having already begun socializing with new people, animals, and in new environments, Murray is already building a solid foundation. It is imperative that his family continue this process as he moves forward. Murray, like all dogs, will thrive in a home with structure, routine, and leadership. With the right set-up, we know this little sweetheart will be impressive. Although Murray is special, please remember that puppies are a lot of work. They will whine, chew, have accidents, and fill your home with endless puppy antics. With time, patience, and training, Murray will become a stable and confident adult. Murray is looking for a forever family that will cherish him for a lifetime. If he sounds like the right match for your family, ask to meet him today!


Murray is a social dynamo.  He enjoys being with people and particularly enjoys a good long nap on a lap.  He loves to instigate play with his siblings and the larger dogs in the house.  If his eyes are open, he is on the move! He is also farthest along in the housebreaking – he will scratch the back door when he needs to go out.  HOORAY!  He is only 10 weeks old, so he still has a way to go but off to a great start   He is also starting to work on leash walking a bit in the yard.

Little Mur-man is an awesome little pup and a delight in and out of the house. He plays with his foster cousins like a pro: he has lots of fun with our 18mo pup who's taught him the tricks of the trade and respects our older girl's boundaries wonderfully. He definitely enjoys playtime, but has shown an incredible talent for... sitting! When he doesn't know what to do, he just sits right down. Such a good boy, and we know he'll make an amazing addition to his future family.

MAGSR ID: 14692


ADOPTED 08/31/2024!

Falcor adopted
Embedded thumbnail for Falcor-MAGSR-2024
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 1 year 5 months
Color: White
Current Size: 95 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 95 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Working on it
Altered: No

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Likely

Fabulous Falcor was picked up as a stray in the south. Brought to a shelter sitting at critical capacity in January, Falcor hoped a family would come quick and claim him. Although he did well with other people and dogs, the minute his stray hold lifted, Falcor was placed on the list to be euthanized as spaces are simply not available. Recognizing that Falcor deserved a chance to move forward, another rescue pulled him and began addressing his medical needs. Falcor did very well in the other rescue; however, they knew that this handsome guy would be most successful if placed within a breed specific rescue. When asked if we could welcome this guy into the MAGSR family, our team stepped forward and the rest is history.

When he first arrived at the shelter, Falcor was underweight, dirty, and positive for heartworm. Fortunately, since arriving in rescue care, his medical needs have been addressed. Falcor is now a good size, a stunning guy, and has completed the large majority of his heartworm treatment. He will be off restriction in another week or so and will be able to go back to being a typical dog again. As is true of many young dogs, Falcor will thrive with structure, routine, consistency, and leadership. Outgoing and interactive, Falcor has typical young dog energy. Without much in the way of training or leash manners, prior to his arrival, Falcor is, in many ways, a clean slate. Our volunteers are already working with him to develop these skills. A smart guy, Falcor is looking for a calm and confident handler that will take him on daily adventures keeping both his body and his mind engaged. Training will go a long way with this boy. Not only will training help Falcor build a strong and healthy bond with his forever family, but it will also help Falcor develop the skills needed to become a good canine citizen. Falcor is a stunning young guy who is looking for an active family that will cherish him for a lifetime, could that family be you?


After even just a week, we could tell that Falcor is a big white pillowy snuggler. If he is not playing with his big foster brother, then he wants to lean in for all the love he can get. Falcor and his foster mom go on strolls in town and he does very well on a leash with minimal pulling and minimal squirrel chasing. True to his GSD nature, he's much calmer all-around when he's had time to exert some of his energy. Luckily, he loves to play with his foster fur-brother which helps to tire him out! His foster fur-sister is also helping him learn social cues and he picks up on them nicely and corrects himself. Like all of our MAGSR pups, Falcor is lucky to have a strong, confident handler in his foster mom and instructive fur-siblings. Despite only being in his foster home for only a short time, it has been great. A clever boy, Falcor has quickly settled in and is learning his routine and household expectations. 

MAGSR ID: 14685


ADOPTED 08/31/2024!

Obie adopted
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Approximate Age: 7 years 9 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 65 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 65 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Working on it
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Likely
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Likely

Obie was picked up as a stray in the south and brought to a shelter where he waited patiently for his family to come and claim him. Unfortunately, no one stepped forward for this handsome guy. So, he waited patiently for a new family of his very own. As he waited, the shelter staff fell in love with this boy. His happy-go-lucky personality and unending tail wags bring smiles to everyone he meets. Although shelters everywhere are struggling with overwhelming numbers of animals in need, Obie was incredibly lucky when shelter staff endlessly advocated for him to keep him alive and wait for the right placement. Unlike so many others, Obie was protected and waited for 6 months at the shelter for placement. When we learned that Obie needed a chance with a rescue that would make his wish come true, we knew this boy would find success with MAGSR. Obie's incredible team came together for him and made sure that he had the vetting needed and volunteers in place to make his journey to the mid-Atlantic and join MAGSR. We promised all of his fans that we would find him a forever home that would adore him forever. 

Obie is a joyful guy. He is friendly and ready for an adventure. Having done well with other dogs at the shelter, Obie was a good doggy tester and read situations well. We do not know anything about Obie's past prior to his arrival at the shelter, but we do know that this boy was well-socialized with people and other dogs and does well in all environments. Obie seems to go with the flow remarkably well for a dog that has been through so many changes. At this time Obie is settling in with one of our amazing foster families. They are giving him opportunities to interact with new people and other dogs, play with toys, and experience the joy and comfort of a loving home.

Obie, like all of our dogs, will benefit from structure, routine, and leadership. Set expectations and guidance will help him thrive. Although Obie has an endless list of positive attributes, he will need to work on his leash manners. He is so excited about the world that he can forget to walk with his people and tries to pull ahead. Training will be critical to Obie's success. Not only will training help Obie develop a special bond with his family, but it will also help Obie develop into a good canine citizen. If your family is looking for a happy-go-lucky, adventurous guy, ask to meet outstanding Obie today!


Having been with his foster for several months, we can confidently say that Obie is the happiest, friendliest, easiest dog ever! He gets along well with every person and dog he has met. He doesn’t bark and doesn’t jump on people. He is not really interested in playing with toys or chewing on bones; Obie just loves to snuggle on the couch with his people where he can get all the pets and love! Don’t worry, he will get up and follow you to the kitchen or wherever you are going. When you talk to him, he has very expressive eyes, ears and head tilts.

Obie often comes to school pick-up and is very popular with all of the elementary school kids, including his foster family's nine-year-old son and all of his friends. He also does great with his foster mom and dad's older parents. A true lovebug, Obie is very gentle and loves being the center of attention. Obie does the cutest happy dance when you are preparing his meals. Because he's just happy to be loved, Obie is constantly wagging his tail. He loves going for walks, being brushed, and giving endless kisses. He is always ready to go for a ride and quickly jumps right into cars and trucks. Obie is excited when the other dog in the home returns from a walk and greets him at the door. He loves his crate and gladly runs right in when told and often naps in there with the door open. Doesn't he seem like he deserves a loving home? It could be yours!

MAGSR ID: 14284


ADOPTED 08/28/2024!

Pebbles adopted
Embedded thumbnail for Pebbles-MAGSR-2024
Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 6 years 4 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 68 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 70 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Working on it
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Likely

Pebbles is a survivor. She and over 40 other animals (many of which were dogs) were rescued when their home caught fire. Fortunately, neighbors saw smoke rising from her home and called for help. In a matter of minutes, the family (both human and canine) lost their home. A local shelter welcomed all of the animals from the fire into their care. However, with such a large number of animals needing help to move forward, they began reaching out to local groups with the hope that the animals involved in the fire would find safe and loving forever families. As survivors, the shelter knew that these animals may need a little extra time and patience to heal from the trauma of the fire. When asked if we could help Pebbles move forward in the safety of the MAGSR family, we knew that this lovely girl deserved every opportunity to find a forever family. 

Pebbles is absolutely stunning. As an intelligent and curious girl, she is interested in exploring the world around her. However, as a trauma survivor, Pebbles needs time to adjust to new people and new situations. She does very well when given time and patience. Once comfortable, Pebbles is a sweet and loving girl. Recognizing that Pebbles would be most successful if given the chance to build confidence, MAGSR placed her with one of our training partners to set her up for success. Pebbles has greatly benefited from training; however, it is critical that her forever family continue this process. Training will not only help Pebbles create a strong, healthy bond with her forever family, but it will also help her develop the skills needed to become a good canine citizen. Pebbles is looking for an amazing forever family that will cherish her for a lifetime. If this special lady sounds like the right match for your family, ask to meet her today!

MAGSR ID: 14718


ADOPTED 08/18/2024!

Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 3 years 2 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 67 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 70 lbs
Housebroken: Likely
Obedience Trained: Working on it
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Likely

Beautiful Nala is the mother of the Fall puppies - Autumn, Cider, Ember, Maple, Pumpkin, and Sweet Potato (Tator) - and the mate to Simba. Having had an accidental litter last year, their family recognized that it is very difficult to properly train, care for, and provide adequate stimulation for a large number of dogs. Recognizing that this special furry family would be most successful if placed within a breed specific rescue, their family contacted MAGSR. Last fall, dad (Simba) and the Fall puppies were all surrendered to MAGSR. Although we offered to welcome mom (Nala) when the remainder of the furry family was surrendered, Nala's owners wanted to keep her. Unfortunately, circumstances changed almost a year later and Nala needed immediate placement. With a no family left behind policy, our team did not think twice when asked to welcome Nala. With the last member of this family in our care, we will continue our mission to find safe and loving forever homes for every member of the family.

Nala moved into the rescue a few weeks ago. Although she was loved by her family, she was not given many opportunities to socialize outside of her family (both human and canine). She had lived on her family's property throughout her life and did not take many trips out and about. As a result, she is a little overwhelmed by all of the changes happening right now. Our team has been working with Nala to provide her with socialization in controlled settings, with new people, and animals. We are also beginning to teach basic manners and training. Training, as is true with all dogs, is key to Nala's success. It is critical that her forever family continue Nala's socialization and get into a solid training program. Not only will this help Nala develop a healthy bond with her forever family, but it will also help her develop the confidence and stability needed to become a good canine citizen. Nala is an intelligent and active girl, who is looking for a family that will cherish her for a lifetime. Could that family be you? 


MAGSR ID: 14925


ADOPTED 08/18/2024!

Cal Adopted
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Approximate Age: 7 months 1 week
Color: Tan
Current Size: 33 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: Large
Housebroken: No, I'm a puppy!
Obedience Trained: No, I'm a puppy!
Altered: No

Good With Kids: Likely
Good With Cats: Likely
Other Dogs OK: Likely

Emmie and her seven adorable babies (Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe, Cal, Murray, and Bebe) were dumped at an overcrowded shelter in the south. Although Emmie knew that her future was uncertain, she also knew that the 7 little ones (Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe, Cal, Murray, and Bebe) that she brought with her were also in danger. As puppy season is in full swing, many furry families of all sizes are finding themselves in tough situations where, unfortunately, many animals do not make it out alive. Fortunately, for this special family, shelter staff began working with a network of rescues to find options, a loving foster family, and the medical support needed to move forward. MAGSR was lucky to have so many people pulling together to help this family move forward into our care. We are honored to move them forward. 

Emmie and her pups have been lucky to have lived in a loving foster family. This gave them all the opportunity to learn some of the ins and outs of living in a home. All of the babies did an incredible job with their foster family and have since moved onto foster homes where they are getting additional love and attention in smaller groups. Cal is friendly, goofy, and an interactive guy. He loves his furry siblings but is also happy to hang out with other dogs and people. Having already begun socializing with new people, animals, and in new environments, Cal is already building a solid foundation. It is imperative that his family continue this process as he moves forward. Cal, like all dogs, will thrive in a home with structure, routine, and leadership. With the right set-up, we know this little sweetheart will be impressive. Although Cal is special, please remember that puppies are a lot of work. They will whine, chew, have accidents, and fill your home with endless puppy antics. With time, patience, and training, Cal will become a stable and confident adult. Cal is looking for a forever family that will cherish him for a lifetime. If he sounds like the right match for your family, ask to meet him today!


Cal is our little kisser – he is a ball of energy and loves to play and then check in for a kiss.  He loves to play with his brother Murray and explore every inch of the backyard.  He is very bright and curious. He has figured out how to open the gate in the kitchen if it is not locked! He is beginning to recognize potty expectations, but hey, he is only 10 weeks old, so he misses sometimes. He's a typical puppy so messes are expected! He is also starting to work on leash walking a bit in the yard.

MAGSR ID: 14691


ADOPTED 08/18/2024!

Meenie adopted
Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Approximate Age: 7 months 1 week
Color: Tan
Current Size: 21 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: Large
Housebroken: No, I'm a puppy!
Obedience Trained: No, I'm a puppy!
Altered: No

Good With Kids: Likely
Good With Cats: Likely
Other Dogs OK: Likely

Emmie and her seven adorable babies (Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe, Cal, Murray, and Bebe) were dumped at an overcrowded shelter in the south. Although Emmie knew that her future was uncertain, she also knew that the 7 little ones (Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe, Cal, Murray, and Bebe) that she brought with her were also in danger. As puppy season is in full swing, many furry families of all sizes are finding themselves in tough situations where, unfortunately, many animals do not make it out alive. Fortunately, for this special family, shelter staff began working with a network of rescues to find options, a loving foster family, and the medical support needed to move forward. MAGSR was lucky to have so many people pulling together to help this family move forward into our care. We are honored to move them forward. 

Emmie and her pups have been lucky to have lived in a loving foster family. This gave them all the opportunity to learn some of the ins and outs of living in a home. All of the babies did an incredible job with their foster family and have since moved onto foster homes where they are getting additional love and attention in smaller groups. Meenie is a sweet and snuggly girl who loves other dogs of all sizes and thinks that cats could be pretty cool too, if only they'd play with her. Meenie loves her chew toys and is slowly catching on to the joys of fetch. Meenie is an intelligent observer pup - she's bold enough to approach a stranger or new animal and smart enough to take their cues regarding how to proceed. Meenie is already well on her way to being crate trained and housebroken with only an occasional accident in the home. Like any puppy, she thrives when supported by clear boundaries, patience, and a mountain of love and chew toys. This is so helpful when learning the routines of her home. Having already begun socializing with new people, animals, and in new environments, Meenie is already building a solid foundation. It is imperative that her family continue this process as she moves forward. With the right set-up, we know this little darling will be impressive. Although Meenie is special, please remember that puppies are a lot of work. They will whine, chew, have accidents, and fill your home with endless puppy antics. With time, patience, and training, Meenie will become a stable and confident adult. Meenie is looking for a forever family that will cherish her for a lifetime. If she sounds like the right match for your family, ask to meet her today!


She is an absolute doll. Showing how smart of a gal she is, she's doing great learning potty training and crate training. She's an absolute cuddlebug and loves every dog and person that she's met. 

MAGSR ID: 14697


ADOPTED 07/27/2024!

Cooper adopted
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Approximate Age: 1 year 7 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 64 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 72 lbs
Housebroken: Likely
Obedience Trained: Working on it
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Likely

Charming Cooper joined the MAGSR family as an owner-surrender with two of his littermates - Buster and Buddy. Although his previous family loved him, they were overwhelmed by the number of dogs in their care and decided that it was in the boys' best interest to find rescue placement. So, they made the decision to surrender the pups to MAGSR. We know this was a very difficult decision, but we also know that their family wanted these boys to have endless love, attention, and opportunities. We promised Cooper's family that we would find him an incredible forever family that would cherish him for a lifetime. 

Cooper is an intelligent and energetic guy. Quick to pick-up new skills, Cooper is drawn to a calm, confident handler that provides leadership and structure. Although Cooper is an amazing guy, it can take him a few minutes to warm up to new people and situations. Once given the time to adjust and build trust, Cooper relaxes and responds well to the handler. Having lived in a home with other dogs and older kids, Cooper did well with the pack and enjoyed the company of all members of his family. As is true of his brothers, Cooper is crate trained and understands that the crate is a safe and calm place. Cooper will thrive in an environment that has structure, routine, and leadership. As a young guy, Cooper has plenty of energy and enjoys his playtime. He is hoping to find an active forever family that will give him opportunities to learn and play during the day and plenty of snuggles at night. Moving forward, it is critical that Cooper's family provide him with continued socialization and training. These vital components are essential to his success. If your family is looking for a handsome, playful, and adventurous guy, ask to meet Cooper today!

MAGSR ID: 14466


ADOPTED 07/22/2024!

Embedded thumbnail for Hemi-MAGSR-2024, Embedded thumbnail for Hemi-MAGSR-2024, Embedded thumbnail for Hemi-MAGSR-2024
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 1 year 5 months
Color: Black & Red
Current Size: 78 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 88 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Working on it
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: No
Other Dogs OK: Likely

Handsome Hemi was picked up as a stray in the south. He was brought to a shelter while he waited for his family to come and claim him. Although this sweet guy waited patiently, no one stepped forward for Hemi. As shelters are struggling to meet the overwhelming needs within their communities, unfortunately, many dogs are euthanized as stray holds end. With an amazing personality, shelter staff worried that Hemi wouldn't survive if help didn't arrive fast. Recognizing that a rescue plea was his last chance, the call for help was sent out. Although we were also just about at capacity, team MAGSR knew that Hemi was special. We welcomed him to the family and promised to find him an amazing home. 

Hemi is sweet as pie and quickly wins over everyone he meets. Clearly well socialized by someone along his journey, this guy is a lover. In our care he has also done well with other dogs. Although clearly a happy guy, Hemi is also a big, powerful guy. Social, but lacking manners, Hemi is just beginning to learn that those big paws of his belong on the ground. It is clear that general rules and expectations were not in place prior to his arrival. This has made Hemi a clean slate. Hemi is looking for a patient family that will both teach him the ins and outs of living in a household and the expectations of walking on a leash. He will thrive with structure, routine, and clear leadership in place. As he moves forward, it is critical that Hemi participate in training. Training will not only help Hemi create a strong bond with his forever family, but it will also help him develop the skills needed to become a good canine citizen. 

Unfortunately, we have just discovered that Hemi is heartworm positive. This diagnosis could have been avoided if he was kept on monthly preventatives. Heartworm treatment is expensive. However, we know that Hemi is more than worth the cost. He will be undergoing heartworm treatment and taking it easy over the next few months. Please consider donating to Hemi's care. Not only will your donation help Hemi move forward, but it will help us continue to welcome dogs with medical needs. Hemi is hoping to find an incredible forever family that will have the time, patience, and leadership needed to help him succeed. If Hemi sounds like the right match for your family, ask to meet him today!

MAGSR ID: 14729


ADOPTED 07/20/2024!

Bubba adopted
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 3 years 5 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 66 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 70 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: Working on it
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Likely

Bodacious Bubba and his pal, Suzie, were picked up as strays in the south. Although both dogs were friendly, when the pair arrived in an overcrowded shelter they were on borrowed time. Unfortunately, with numbers at critical levels in most places, many shelters are struggling to keep up with the number of animals needing placement. Hoping to ensure that as many animals as possible make it out alive, shelter staff are doing everything they can to transfer dogs to reputable groups. When Bubba and Suzie were not claimed by a family, they were both placed on the list to be euthanized. Knowing that these dogs deserved the chance to move forward, a plea went out to the GSD community for help. Although we were also sitting near capacity, we knew both dogs were out of options. Team MAGSR began working with other groups in the area to pull both dogs to safety at the last second. 

Bubba is a stunning guy. Clearly an intelligent boy, Bubba is food motivated and is ready to start learning the ins and outs of becoming a good canine citizen. Friendly, adventurous, and active, Bubba, like his buddy, Suzie, has a healthy supply of shepherd energy. As a result, he is looking for a forever family that will exercise both his body and his mind on a daily basis. This will help Bubba develop the stability and confidence needed to become a healthy adult dog. In many ways a blank slate, Bubba does not yet know general leash manners or household expectations. However, as a motivated guy, we know he will pick up these skills quickly. Fortunately, our volunteers have already begun working with Bubba to develop some basic manners. Moving forward, training will be critical to Bubba's success. Not only will training help Bubba develop a healthy bond with his forever family, but it will also help him develop the skills needed to become a good canine citizen. Bubba is looking for an active family that will provide him with the structure, routine, and leadership that all GSDs crave. If this handsome boy sounds like the right match for your household, ask to meet Bubba today!

MAGSR ID: 14713


ADOPTED 07/10/2024!

AndoraAndoraAndoraAndora and BuddyAndora and BuddyAndora and BuddyAndora and Buddy
Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Approximate Age: 1 year 5 months
Color: Black
Current Size: 40 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 43 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: Working on it
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Yes, older kids
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Likely

Amazing Andora and her "A Litter" puppies (Annette, Aime, and Abu) were dumped at a crowded shelter. With limited resources and overwhelming numbers, the shelter could not provide for this family. Although they did everything they could to help all members of the family move forward, shelter staff knew that without rescue help, this family would likely be euthanized as spaces are simply not available. Fortunately, rescue groups began working together to help the entire family move forward safely. When asked if we could provide a safe place to land, we were lucky to be able to team up with another local group in order to ensure that all members of the family moved forward safely. 

Andora and her babies are friendly, interactive, and beyond lovable. As a pocket shepherd, Andora is in many ways a mini shepherd. Her lovely eyes and little tail wags simply fill your heart with joy. Having survived in a crowded, underfunded shelter, this little momma and her babies were granted a miracle and they know it. As Andora did an incredible job raising her babies, it is now time for her to move forward with a family that will cherish her for a lifetime. Clearly socialized with people, Andora has done well with everyone she has met. In new situations, she often needs a moment to adjust; however, with a little kindness and a slow hand, Andora can't help but start to wiggle and lean in for pets. This girl is clearly special. Now that she is in the MAGSR family, Andora is living with an incredible foster family that is teaching her the ins and outs of living in a loving home. She thrives with structure, routine, and leadership. Although Andora is learning about the joys of living in a home, it is important that her new family remember that she will need time to adjust to the routines and expectations of her forever family. With time and patience, we know Andora will meet with success. As Andora is still very young, it is important that her family enroll her in training. This is critical as training will provide Andora with opportunities to socialize, skill building strategies to build confidence, and the strategies needed to become a good canine citizen. Andora is looking for a forever family that will cherish her for a lifetime. If she sounds like the right match for your family, ask to meet this precious girl today!


We nicknamed her Dori so she answers to either one. She certainly is a joy to be around. She is fully housebroken and is very quiet unless she senses danger. She melts the heart of anyone she meets. She’s learning to walk on a leash, and how to properly walk through doorways. She has very few bad habits that need to change. She gets along well with children and other dogs. She will become attached to you very quickly. She would love to have a family that would love her as much as she loves them. This is one special little girl.

MAGSR ID: 14608


ADOPTED 07/07/2024!

Babe adopted
BabeBabeBabeBabeBabeBabeBabeBabeBabeBabeBabeBabeBabeBabeBabeBabe and her supervisorBabeBabeBabeBabeBabeBabeBabe loves her raised bed!Babe snuggling with her foster sisterBabe trying to get her foster sister to scoot over - "there's room for me!"Babe trying to get her foster sister to scoot over - "there's room for me!"Babe rocking her doggie lifevestBabe's first time in the pool Babe helping her foster dad grill
Embedded thumbnail for Babe-MAGSR-2024
Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Approximate Age: 7 months 1 week
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 10 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: Large
Housebroken: No, I'm a puppy!
Obedience Trained: No, I'm a puppy!
Altered: No

Good With Kids: Likely
Good With Cats: Likely
Other Dogs OK: Likely

Emmie and her seven adorable babies (Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe, Cal, Murray, and Babe) were dumped at an overcrowded shelter in the south. Although Emmie knew that her future was uncertain, she also knew that the 7 little ones (Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe, Cal, Murray, and Babe) that she brought with her were also in danger. As puppy season is in full swing, many furry families of all sizes are finding themselves in tough situations where, unfortunately, many animals do not make it out alive. Fortunately, for this special family, shelter staff began working with a network of rescues to find options, a loving foster family, and the medical support needed to move forward. MAGSR was lucky to have so many people pulling together to help this family move forward into our care. We are honored to move them forward. 

Emmie and her pups have been lucky to have lived in a loving foster family. This gave them all the opportunity to learn some of the ins and outs of living in a home. All of the babies did an incredible job with their foster family and have since moved onto foster homes where they are getting additional love and attention in smaller groups. Babe is friendly, interactive, and a snuggle bug. She loves her furry siblings but is also happy to hang out with her people. Having already begun socializing with new people, animals, and in new environments, Babe is already building a solid foundation. It is imperative that her family continue this process as she moves forward. Babe, like all dogs, will thrive in a home with structure, routine, and leadership. With the right set-up, we know this little love will be impressive. Although Babe is special, please remember that puppies are a lot of work. They will whine, chew, have accidents, and fill your home with endless puppy antics. With time, patience, and training, Babe will become a stable and confident adult. Babe is looking for a forever family that will cherish her for a lifetime. If she sounds like the right match for your family, ask to meet her today!


Babe is an absolute fluffy love bug.  She is content to sit quietly and watch all the action in the house.  But don’t let her demure demeanor fool you - she will jump in to get into some rowdy play with her siblings too.  She is working on her potty training outside but is definitely a work in progress.  She is beginning to recognize those expectations but hey, she is only 10 weeks old, so she misses sometimes. Typical puppy - messes are expected!  She is also starting to work on leash walking a bit in the yard.  A whole bunch of neighborhood kiddos stopped by the fence to meet her yesterday and she was a friendly and social little gal, happy to kiss and receive rubs from many many little hands.

Babe is growing growing growing!  Her ears seem to be heading horizontal, on their way to vertical we think.   If she is not playing with our one year old GSD, she is knocked out rebooting and re-energizing.  She consistently goes potty outside.  She sleeps very nicely in a crate in our bedroom from about 10:00 to 5:30.

Babe is very curious and loves the challenge of puzzles with treats in them!  You will often find her with a stuffed animal or nylabone, or if left in the kitchen, a croc, in her mouth.  We are really looking forward to getting her out for walks once she finishes her shots – she loves to meet people and is very social!  She is ready and eager to explore the great big world outside of our fenced yard.

If you are looking for a snuggable, smart, curious fun-loving little lady, Babe may be just the pup you are looking for! 

MAGSR ID: 14690


ADOPTED 06/29/2024!

Libby adopted
Libby's recovered!Libby's recovered!Libby's recovered!Libby's recovered!Libby's recovered!Libby's recovered!Libby improvingLibby needs our helpLibby needs our helpLibby needs our helpLibby needs our helpLibby needs our helpLibby needs our helpLibby needs our helpLibby needs our helpLibby needs our helpLibby needs our help
Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 4 years 11 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 70 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 70 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Basic Commands
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Yes, older kids
Good With Cats: No
Other Dogs OK: Likely

Animal control officers were asked to do a welfare check on a set of dogs in the south. When they arrived, they found three dogs living in deplorable conditions on tie-outs outside in the elements. All three dogs were extremely emaciated, covered in filth, heartworm positive and in need of immediate care. Due to the condition of the dogs, all three were confiscated instantly and brought into a shelter. Upon their arrival, staff members at the shelter began working with the dogs to tend to their most critical needs. However, they knew that these dogs would need a lot of help to move forward. Due to overwhelming numbers of dogs in need, all three dogs found themselves on the list to be euthanized as soon as their case was cleared. Another rescue was able to pull two of the dogs. However, lovely Libby was left without many options. Fortunately, our team learned of Libby's plight just hours before she was scheduled to cross and was able to move her to the safety of the MAGSR family.  

Libby is one special little lady. Although scared and unsure in the overcrowded shelter environment, Libby did well with a gentle hand, some extra patience, and plenty of treats. When out of her run and away from the chaos of the shelter environment, staff members noted that Libby has a calm demeanor and independence that make her a unique and endearing companion. Although Libby likes some time and space to herself, she is equally interested in interacting with her human companions. Libby can be shy and timid when first meeting new people, but when given the opportunity to develop trust, her loyalty knows no bounds. When around other dogs at the shelter, Libby maintained her polite composure and gentle interest. Before introducing her to any new furry companions, we have been giving Libby time to rest and heal with an incredible foster family. This has given her the opportunity to learn all about warm baths, good family, comfortable beds, and the routine of living in a home. We have promised Libby that we will make sure her forever family fills her world with endless days of comfort. 

Although she has been working toward recovery, when Libby first arrived in our care she was severely emaciated, filled with worms, suffering from a bad upper respiratory infection, and dealing with untreated heartworms. Since her arrival, our team has been working hard to make sure that Libby receives the attention and care she deserves to move forward in safety and comfort. Although Libby's medical care is expensive, we know she is more than worth the cost. Please consider donating to Libby's continued medical care. Not only will your donation help Libby continue to move forward, but it will also help us continue to welcome dogs with medical needs into the MAGSR family. When ready, Libby will be looking for a patient and loving forever family that will cherish her for a lifetime. Could that be with you? 


There are some people and animals in the world that are simply filled with sunshine. Joy, happiness, and endless smiles are contagious when they are near. Libby is one of those special individuals, she embodies sunshine. Playful, inquisitive, and a complete goofball, Libby loves to bounce around after a ball and flops over quickly for a belly rub every chance she can get. It seems that no matter what comes her way, Libby's light just keeps shining even when it seems like there is an obstacle at every turn.

Over the last several months, our incredible team has been working hard to help Libby overcome several obstacles so that she could share her light with others. Obstacle number one - severe malnutrition. Libby joined the rescue at a mere 35lbs. Every bone in her body was visible; we were worried she may be too far gone. Knowing she needed help, our team quickly began working to provide good nutrition and a balanced program to help Libby move forward. She steadily gained weight over a few months and is now a healthy size. This was a huge obstacle as other medical care needed to wait until Libby gained strength. Obstacle number two - poor socialization with people. With positive human interactions at a minimum before arriving at the shelter last Fall, Libby lacked confidence and needed help to become a good canine citizen. One of our incredible training partners, Mason Dixon K9 stepped up to help Libby overcome this obstacle. She benefited greatly from their balanced approach and has completed her basic training. Libby still needs a little time to adjust to new people and situations; however, once comfortable, this girl shines. She can't wait to show off her skills to her forever family! Obstacle number three - mammary tumors. During a visit to the vet in January, it was discovered that Libby had mammary tumors. Without hesitation, Libby was scheduled for and underwent surgery. Unsurprisingly, she handled recovery like a champ. A lucky girl, everything came back benign and Libby began preparing for her next challenge. Obstacle number four - tooth damage. Having been starved prior to her arrival, Libby found herself desperate to fill her belly with basically anything she could find; this resulted in significant tooth damage to her front teeth on her lower jaw. With some teeth worn completely down to the pulp, oral surgery was needed to help Libby find relief. Knowing this was critical to her quality of life, our team worked closely with our vetting partners to ensure that Libby received the care she needed. Libby underwent surgery and had 8 teeth removed. Once again, Libby handled her recovery like a champ. Another obstacle down, with one left to go - heartworm treatment. MAGSR knew this piece of Libby's recovery would significantly improve her overall health and well-being. Once clear, Libby would be free to explore the world, play with as many toys as she wanted, and get super excited when her family walked in the door. Libby underwent heartworm treatment throughout the Spring. She was monitored very closely by her foster and vetting team. Although a little more subdued than normal during that time, Libby continued to bring smiles with her attempted antics. Even though she was sore from the treatment, she still felt that a good belly rub was required on a daily basis. Libby's treatment is complete. Her final check-up in mid-July will hopefully result in an "all clear." Currently, she is rebuilding muscle, enjoying daily walks, and thrilled to be moving forward. 

Libby has encountered one obstacle after another with grace. Her steady personality and endless sunshine have been constant throughout all that she has endured. Having survived so much, Libby is hoping to settle down with a family of her own very soon. If your home is looking for sunshine, look no further than lovely Libby. 

MAGSR ID: 13804


ADOPTED 06/29/2024!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Approximate Age: 3 years 11 months
Color: Black, Brown, & White
Current Size: 65 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 65 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Working on it
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Likely
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Likely

Magic Mikey’ was a well loved family member, but due to some changes to the family, this poor fella found himself in an unfamiliar situation and in need of a new home.  He is a beautiful, healthy and lively 3-year old GSD mix that did very well in his previous home with strangers, kids and other dogs, but as with most young dogs, tested the boundaries.  He is potty trained (uses his muzzle to let you know he has to go out), is crate trained and loves his people.  As we get to know him a little more, he would do very well with additional training and would excel as he is more than eager to please…Magic Mikey is eager to find the right FUR-ever family, and to lead him through the proper training and would thrive in a home where his family is either familiar with German Shepherds or is eager to learn about the temperament of the breed while providing the essentials -  training, structure, boundaries, routines, and continued guidance.

If ‘MAGIC MIKEY’ sounds like the wonderful moments you would like to emBARK upon, please ask to add him to your family today!

MAGSR ID: 13745


ADOPTED 06/23/2024!

TinkTinkTink and PanTink and PanTinkTinkTinkTink
Embedded thumbnail for Tink-MAGSR-2024
Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Approximate Age: 8 months 2 weeks
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 10 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: Large
Housebroken: No, I'm a puppy!
Obedience Trained: No, I'm a puppy!
Altered: No

Good With Kids: Likely
Good With Cats: Likely
Other Dogs OK: Likely

The Neverland Litter (Hook, Pan, Wendy, Tootles, Pockets, Cubby, Nana, Nibs, Rufio, and Tink) was born on a property that is known for breeding and selling puppies. When these babies turned six weeks old, the owner dropped them along with a second litter at a shelter. Unfortunately, the shelter, like so many others, was sitting at critical capacity and knew they needed help moving the babies forward. Recognizing that a rescue would be the best option for these babies, a plea went out to GSD rescues up and down the coast for help. With puppy season in full swing, many groups are inundated with babies needing a safe place to move forward. When asked if we could welcome this group to the family, team MAGSR stepped forward. 

The Neverland puppies are playful, interactive, and social puppies. Although they did not have the easiest start, they have had many different people in their corner since their arrival at the shelter. In the last few weeks, these babies have had many opportunities to start socializing with new people and in a variety of situations. Socialization is essential to their success; it is critical to their forever families continue this process. Living with some of our amazing foster families, these babies are learning the ins and outs of living in a home. They are learning all about the joys of good food, daily playtime, structure and routine. Although Tink and her siblings are beyond precious, please remember that puppies are a lot of work. They will whine, chew, have accidents, and fill your household with endless puppy antics. With time, training, and patience, we know that the Neverland Litter will grow up to become good canine citizens. If your family is ready to welcome terrific Tink into your home, ask to meet her today. 


She now weighs in at 29lbs. She is crate trained and actually likes sleeping in her crate. She is potty trained but can still have an occasional accident if we’re not diligent on taking her out right after she eats or wakes up. She is a fast learning girl who can now sit, lay down, very patient during work hours,  sits to wait for her food, loves to garden and is pretty good on the leash. She is also a fast little puppy who likes water in case someone is considering doing dog sport.

MAGSR ID: 14575


ADOPTED 06/23/2024!

Talia's going home!
Talia, walking at the farmTalia, walking at the farmTalia, walking at the farmTalia asked Santa for a Forever HomeTaliaTaliaTaliaTaliaTaliaTaliaTaliaTaliaTalia
Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 4 years 11 months
Color: Black and Tan
Current Size: 70 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 70 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Basic Commands
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Likely

Talia and one of her pups were surrendered to an overcrowded shelter in the south. Unfortunately, as is true of so many owner surrenders, they were immediately added to the list for euthanasia. Her puppy was immediately adopted by a local family leaving this lovely girl alone and without options. Talia was not placed in the general population; instead, she went immediately to the euthanasia room. When we learned about Talia's fate, our team began working with other rescue groups in the south and began putting a plan in place. As luck would have it the stars aligned and we were able to pull Talia just hours before she was scheduled to cross. 

Talia, or Tali as her foster family calls her, is a very special girl. It is very clear that humans have not always been kind to her; however, she still wants to interact and snuggle. We are always impressed by the level of resilience and gentleness of a dog who has been mistreated in the past. Talia is clearly a gentle soul who is looking for a patient family who will provide her with the structure and routine needed to move forward. A very submissive girl, Talia approaches most things hesitantly and needs a little time to adjust. When given this opportunity, she is able to meet with success. Once comfortable, Talia greets her people with little tail wags and wiggles. She gives the gentlest kisses and simply wants to be near you at all times. Well behaved in the household, Talia has impressed her foster family with how quiet and well behaved she has been so far. It is clear that this girl has been in a home before, but she is still learning all the ins and outs associated with household living. Her foster family is giving her the chance to slowly build these skills in a calm and positive manner. As Talia continues to move forward, she will benefit greatly from training. Not only will training help Talia develop a strong and healthy bond with her family, but it will also help her develop into a good canine citizen. 

Unfortunately, we have learned that Talia is heartworm positive. This diagnosis could have easily been avoided had her family provided her with monthly heartworm preventatives. As she moves forward, MAGSR will cover the entirety of Talia's heartworm treatment. Heartworm treatment is very expensive; however, this special girl is clearly worth the cost. Please consider donating to Talia's care. Not only will your donation help us provide Talia with everything she needs, but it will also help us continue to welcome medical dogs to the MAGSR family. Fortunately, Talia's treatment has already begun and she is handling this first step well. We can't wait to see this lovely girl continue to move forward. If you are looking for a little lady who is looking for plenty of adventures during the day and snuggles at night, ask to meet Talia today.  


Talia, who is lovingly called Tali by her foster family, has been in her foster home for a few months. She has been very busy learning all the ins and outs of living in a home. At this time Tali is housebroken and crate trained. She thrives on routine and consistency. Preferring a quiet and calm environment, Tali loves to be near her people and is always up for a good snuggle and a belly rub. Her daily snuggle sessions bring her foster family endless giggles. Recognizing the importance of giving Tali positive experiences with new people, Tali was lucky and was chosen to participate in training with one of our training partners. This was an amazing opportunity for our lovely girl as it gave her the opportunity to work with new people and to build confidence. Tali knows several commands at this time but is always ready to learn more. With basic obedience in line, Tali has gained some needed confidence. However, it is still essential that her forever family continue this process in order to build a healthy bond together. 

While Tali has been adjusting to her foster family, we have also been continuing to address her medical needs. Tali completed her first 60 days of heartworm treatment and moved into the next phase of her treatment. Tali has had the first of her melarsomine injections and is resting comfortably while this next stage of the process gets underway. Tali will be taking it easy over the next two months as her body needs time to rest and recover. Her foster family is keeping close tabs on her and making sure she has everything she needs. Heartworm treatment is very expensive. Please consider donating to Tali's care. Your donation will help Tali get the medical care needed to move forward as well as help other dogs with medical needs join the MAGSR family. 

As Talia has made incredible strides over the last few months, she wanted to share her successes with everyone. Having arrived in MAGSR's care as a heartworm positive momma, we worked with Talia to complete heartworm treatment with one of our amazing veterinarians. Although this process did require that Talia limit her activity for a few months, this gorgeous girl did a fantastic job. Crate trained and housebroken, Talia navigated this rest period with grace. We are pleased to announce that heartworm treatment is complete and Talia's follow up tests are all clear! With this news in hand, one of our incredible training partners, Mason Dixon K9, welcomed Talia into their care to help her develop the skills needed to develop into a good canine citizen. A very intelligent girl, Talia has excelled with training. She knows several commands and is very responsive to the handler. With basic training already under her belt, Talia has gained confidence and has an understanding of the expectations needed to meet with success. As Talia has some strong GSD traits, this training has been critical to her success. As she moves forward, her forever family will need to continue training in order to build a strong and healthy bond with Talia; however, they will have a strong foundation to build upon. Due to her past, Talia continues to need some time to adjust to new people. Once comfortable, she is playful, affectionate, and an incredible cuddler. She adores her people and simply fills hearts with joy. Now that Talia is free to enjoy the life of a beloved dog, she cannot wait to find a family that will cherish her forever. 

MAGSR ID: 13750


ADOPTED 06/22/2024!

Sheppy adopted!
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 5 years 9 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 76 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 80 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: No
Other Dogs OK: Likely

Handsome Sheppy was picked up as a stray and brought to a local shelter where he waited patiently for his family to come and claim him. Although he waited, no one came forward for Sheppy. Shelter staff were surprised as this social guy was clearly comfortable with people and did well around other dogs. Recognizing that Sheppy deserved a family that would love him for a lifetime, he was placed on the adoption floor and started looking for a match but with so many dogs looking for homes, he didn't find his match. Recognizing that shepherds are often more successful when adopted out through a breed specific rescue, Sheppy was transferred to the MAGSR family. We are excited to be able to help Sheppy move forward and find the perfect forever family.

Sheppy is a friendly and playful guy. He is a big fan of plushy toys and hopes that his forever family has plenty of them in the household. Sheppy has done a nice job in a large shelter and seems comfortable with other dogs. However, as is true of many shepherds, Sheppy has high-drive. He is looking for a household without cats or other small animals. Although clearly socialized with people, Sheppy did not receive the training needed to meet with success. He will need to learn leash manners and the importance of keeping his paws on the ground. Fortunately, our team has already begun working with Sheppy so that he better understands the ins and outs of becoming a good canine citizen. Training is essential for Sheppy's success. Training will not only help Sheppy develop a strong, healthy bond with his forever family, but it will also help him develop the skills needed to become a stable and confident canine citizen. Sheppy is looking for a forever family that will provide him with routine, structure, patience, and leadership. This set-up is crucial for success with all shepherds. If you are looking for an active, playful, and intelligent guy, look no further than Sheppy!


Sheppy is a GREAT dog!  He is very smart, engaged, happy and eager to please.  He knows lots of commands and really enjoyed the agility work in the indoor play-yard today. He loves to play ball and it was a really good training tool for him.  He is gentle with treats and you can’t help smiling when you are playing with him.  He is an absolute DELIGHT and will just be an amazing addition to any family!

Sheppy is a big sweet boy!  He continues to learn his commands and knows sit, down, and "no".  Most importantly, he is completely housebroken and he understands kennel and is crate trained - though he does have some separation anxiety.  He is good with other dogs, people and children.  He walks well on a leash and loves walks with our 5 year-old GSD Yuki.  Sheppy does not quite realize how big he is and will try to sit in your lap, where he loves to give kisses to his people.  He is a high energy dog and will benefit from an owner/family who enjoys being active.  He is food motivated and responds well to correction and consequently he takes to training well.  

MAGSR ID: 14297


ADOPTED 06/20/2024!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 2 years 5 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 65 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 75 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: Working on it
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Likely

Pyro is a survivor. He and over 40 other animals (many of which were dogs) were rescued when their home caught fire. Fortunately, neighbors saw smoke rising from his home and called for help. In a matter of minutes, the family (both human and canine) lost their home. A local shelter welcomed all of the animals from the fire into their care. However, with such a large number of animals needing help to move forward, they began reaching out to local groups with the hope that the animals involved in the fire would find safe and loving forever families. As survivors, the shelter knew that these animals may need a little extra time and patience to heal from the trauma of the fire. When asked if we could help Pyro move forward in the safety of the MAGSR family, we immediately agreed. 

Pyro is a young, energetic and social guy. Friendly and outgoing with new people, Pyro has clearly had positive interactions prior to his arrival. Although Pyro has a good foundation, it is critical that his family continue to socialize him with new people, animals, and in new environments. As Pyro was living with several other animals, it is likely that he will do well with other dogs. However, as is true with all animals, he will need to adjust to other furry friends. Pyro is still a young guy who is likely still learning the ins and outs of living in a household. He is looking for a family that will provide him with the structure, routine, and leadership that all GSDs crave. With time, patience, and consistency we know he will thrive. Training is essential for this handsome guy. Not only will training help Pyro develop a strong and healthy bond with his forever family, but it will also help him develop into a good canine citizen. Pyro is looking for a loving and active family that will cherish him for a lifetime. If he sounds like the right match for you, ask to meet him today!

MAGSR ID: 14654


ADOPTED 06/19/2024!

Moe adopted
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Approximate Age: 7 months 3 days
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 15 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: Large
Housebroken: No, I'm a puppy!
Obedience Trained: No, I'm a puppy!
Altered: No

Good With Kids: Likely
Good With Cats: Likely
Other Dogs OK: Likely

Emmie and her seven adorable babies (Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe, Cal, Murray, and Bebe) were dumped at an overcrowded shelter in the south. Although Emmie knew that her future was uncertain, she also knew that the 7 little ones (Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe, Cal, Murray, and Babe) that she brought with her were also in danger. As puppy season is in full swing, many furry families of all sizes are finding themselves in tough situations where, unfortunately, many animals do not make it out alive. Fortunately, for this special family, shelter staff began working with a network of rescues to find options, a loving foster family, and the medical support needed to move forward. MAGSR was lucky to have so many people pulling together to help this family move forward into our care. We are honored to move them forward. 

Emmie and her pups have been lucky to have lived in a loving foster family. This gave them all the opportunity to learn some of the ins and outs of living in a home. All of the babies did an incredible job with their foster family and have since moved onto foster homes where they are getting additional love and attention in smaller groups. Moe is an absolute love. A little less confident than some of his siblings, he likes a chance to explore his environment. However, with a trusted handler close by, he quickly adjusts. Having already begun socializing with new people, animals, and in new environments, Moe is already building a solid foundation. It is imperative that his family continue this process as he moves forward. Moe, like all dogs, will thrive in a home with structure, routine, and leadership. With the right set-up, we know this little love bug will be impressive. Although Moe is precious, please remember that puppies are a lot of work. They will whine, chew, have accidents, and fill your home with endless puppy antics. With time, patience, and training, Moe will become a stable and confident adult. Moe is looking for a forever family that will cherish him for a lifetime. If he sounds like the right match for your family, ask to meet him today!

MAGSR ID: 14710


ADOPTED 06/17/2024!

Buster adopted!
Embedded thumbnail for Buster-MAGSR-2024
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Approximate Age: 1 year 7 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 65 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 75 lbs
Housebroken: Likely
Obedience Trained: Working on it
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Older Kids Only
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Likely

Big-hearted Buster joined the MAGSR family as an owner-surrender with two of his littermates - Buddy and Cooper. Although his previous family loved him, they were overwhelmed by the number of dogs in their care and decided that it was in the boys' best interest to find rescue placement. So, they made the decision to surrender the pups to MAGSR. We know this was a very difficult decision, but we also know that their family wanted these boys to have endless love, attention, and opportunities. We promised Buster's family that we would find him an incredible forever family that would cherish him for a lifetime. 

Buster is a playful and affectionate guy. He bonds tightly to his people and fills their days with endless smiles. Although Buster is an absolute love, it can take him a few minutes to warm up to new people. He is gentle but timid at first. Once given a little time to adjust and trust, Buster's goofy side emerges. Having lived in a home with other dogs and older kids, Buster did well with the pack and enjoyed the company of all members of his family. As is true of his brothers, Buster is crate trained and understands that the crate is a safe space. He has also learned some of the rules of living in a home. However, as is true of all new dogs, Buster will need time to learn the specific ins and outs of his forever family. As is true of all shepherds, Buster will thrive in an environment that has structure, routine, and leadership. A bit of a goofball, Buster enjoys playtime. He understands what toys are and is hoping that his forever family has plenty of them available. Moving forward, it is critical that Buster's family provide him with continued socialization and training. These vital components are essential to his success. If your family is looking for a sweet but playful companion, look no further than Buster.

MAGSR ID: 14467


ADOPTED 06/15/2024!

Eric adopted
Embedded thumbnail for Eric-MAGSR-2024, Embedded thumbnail for Eric-MAGSR-2024, Embedded thumbnail for Eric-MAGSR-2024, Embedded thumbnail for Eric-MAGSR-2024
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Approximate Age: 8 months 1 week
Color: Black & White
Current Size: 14 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: large
Housebroken: No, I'm a puppy!
Obedience Trained: No, I'm a puppy!
Altered: No

Good With Kids: Likely
Good With Cats: Likely
Other Dogs OK: Likely

Marley and her seven incredible Disney puppies (Jasmine, Eric, Phillip, Aladdin, Aurora, Ariel, and Belle) were dumped at a shelter that was over-capacity. Although Marley is an incredible mom who was doing everything to help her babies grow, a crowded shelter environment is not a safe place for any animal, particularly a young family. Recognizing that Marley and her babies needed help and fast, the shelter immediately sent out a plea for help. As puppy season is in full swing, many rescues have been inundated with puppies. This situation has further elevated the importance of spaying and neutering pets as the number of homeless animals is simply unsustainable. Rescues want to help; however, many groups are just as overwhelmed as the shelters. Fortunately, MAGSR's incredible team came together to help Marley and her pups move forward in the safety of the rescue family. 

The Disney puppies and their phenomenal mother, Marley, have been living with one of our amazing foster families. Surrounded by loving and caring people, each member of the family has had all that they needed and more. These babies have had endless opportunities to learn, grow, and explore. This socialization is essential to their success. As the Disney puppies move forward, their families will need to continue to socialize them with varied people, animals, and in different environments. This will help all of the babies develop into stable and confident adults. Although they are being raised together, each of these babies has unique qualities. Eric is the most timid in the bunch. He likes to take his time to get to know his people. He is observant and patient when building new relationships. Once he is comfortable, Eric is playful, affectionate, and cuddly. Although Eric is a delight, please remember that puppies are a lot of work. They will whine, chew, have accidents, and fill your household with endless puppy antics. With time, training, patience and routine, we know that Eric will develop into a good canine citizen. If your household is ready to welcome this little guy into your home, please ask to meet him today!


Eric is just 4 months old.  He is a big, handsome puppy.  He is learning to walk well on the leash and go potty outside.  He enjoys relaxing in his crate, going on walks, playing with the ball, and meal time.  He is very alert and curious about his surroundings.  He follows me all around the house.  He settles by my feet when I'm working on the computer.  He gets a lot of attention when we go walking in the park but its takes him a minute to warm up to strangers.  He is an absolute joy to have around.  

MAGSR ID: 14557


ADOPTED 06/12/2024!

Eenie adopted
Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Approximate Age: 7 months 1 week
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 12 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: Large
Housebroken: No, I'm a puppy!
Obedience Trained: No, I'm a puppy!
Altered: No

Good With Kids: Likely
Good With Cats: Likely
Other Dogs OK: Likely

Emmie and her seven adorable babies (Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe, Cal, Murray, and Bebe) were dumped at an overcrowded shelter in the south. Although Emmie knew that her future was uncertain, she also knew that the 7 little ones (Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe, Cal, Murray, and Bebe) that she brought with her were also in danger. As puppy season is in full swing, many furry families of all sizes are finding themselves in tough situations where, unfortunately, many animals do not make it out alive. Fortunately, for this special family, shelter staff began working with a network of rescues to find options, a loving foster family, and the medical support needed to move forward. MAGSR was lucky to have so many people pulling together to help this family move forward into our care. We are honored to move them forward. 

Emmie and her pups have been lucky to have lived in a loving foster family. This gave them all the opportunity to learn some of the ins and outs of living in a home. All of the babies did an incredible job with their foster family and have since moved onto foster homes where they are getting additional love and attention in smaller groups. Eenie is a curious pup who would love nothing more than to be by her person 24/7! She is inquisitive and confident, enjoying every person, dog, and cat that she has met. She loves a good game of fetch followed by a cuddle session. Eenie is already mostly crate trained and is learning her housebreaking manners rapidly. Eenie is keen to please and is a very fast learner. Like any puppy, Eenie thrives when supported by clear boundaries, patience and a mountain of love and chew toys as she learns the routines of her new home. Having already begun socializing with new people, animals, and in new environments, Eenie is already building a solid foundation. It is imperative that her family continue this process as she moves forward. With the right set-up, we know this little love bug will be impressive. Although Eenie is special, please remember that puppies are a lot of work. They will whine, chew, have accidents, and fill your home with endless puppy antics. With time, patience, and training, Eenie will become a stable and confident adult. Eenie is looking for a forever family that will cherish her for a lifetime. If she sounds like the right match for your family, ask to meet her today!

MAGSR ID: 14696


ADOPTED 06/08/2024!

Suzie adopted
Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 3 years 5 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 48 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 55 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: Working on it
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Likely

Stunning Suzie and her buddy, Bubba, were picked up as strays in the south. Although both dogs were friendly, when the pair arrived in an overcrowded shelter they were on borrowed time. Unfortunately, with numbers at critical levels in most places, many shelters are struggling to keep up with the number of animals needing placement. Hoping to ensure that as many animals as possible make it out alive, shelter staff are doing everything they can to transfer dogs to reputable groups. When Suzie and Bubba were not claimed by a family, they were both placed on the list to be euthanized. Knowing that these dogs deserved the chance to move forward, a plea went out to the GSD community for help. Although we were also sitting near capacity, we knew both dogs were out of options. Team MAGSR began working with other groups in the area to pull both dogs to safety at the last second. 

Suzie is a stunning girl. Intelligent, active, and friendly, she is an adventurous girl with plenty of shepherd energy. As is typical of the breed, Suzie is looking for a forever family that will exercise both her body and her mind on a daily basis. This will help her develop the stability and confidence needed to become a good canine citizen. In many ways a blank slate, Suzie does not yet know general leash or household expectations. However, as a praise and food motivated girl, we know Suzie will pick up these skills quickly. Our volunteers have already begun working with Suzie to begin this process. As she moves forward, training will be critical to her success. Not only will training help Suzie develop a healthy bond with her forever family, but it will also help her develop the skills needed to meet with success. Suzie is looking for an active forever family that will provide her with the structure, routine, and leadership that all GSDs crave. If this special girl sounds like the right match for your household, ask to meet her today!

MAGSR ID: 14708


ADOPTED 06/08/2024!

Emmie adopted
Embedded thumbnail for Emmie-MAGSR-2024
Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Approximate Age: 1 year 5 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 40 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 45 lbs
Housebroken: Likely
Obedience Trained: Working on it
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Emmie, like so many other pups, was dumped at an overcrowded shelter in the south. Although she knew that her future was uncertain, she also knew that the 7 little ones (Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe, Cal, Murray, and Bebe) that she brought with her were also in danger. As puppy season is in full swing, many furry families of all sizes are finding themselves in tough situations where, unfortunately, many animals do not make it out alive. Fortunately, for this special family, shelter staff began working with a network of rescues to find options, a loving foster family, and the medical support needed to move forward. MAGSR was lucky to have so many people pulling together to help this family move forward into our care. We are honored to move them forward. 

Emmie and her pups have been lucky to have lived in a loving foster family. This gave them all the opportunity to learn some of the ins and outs of living in a home. Emmie did very well in her foster home and seemed to be somewhat familiar with living in a household. She is looking for a family that will provide her with the structure, routine, and leadership that all GSDs crave. This will help her adjust to the rules and expectations of her new home. As a sweet, friendly, and playful girl, Emmie has an impressive personality. She enjoys the company of her people and has done well with other dogs. Although Emmie has been an amazing mom to her babies, she is in many ways still a pup herself. Goofy, affectionate and ready for an adventure, this girl is looking for a family that will provide her with daily exercise for both her body and her mind. This routine will help Emmie continue to develop the stability and confidence needed to become a good canine citizen. As she moves forward, Emmie will benefit from training. Not only will training help Emmie build a strong bond with her forever family, but it will also help her develop into a good canine citizen. Emmie is looking for an amazing family that enjoys adventures during the day and plenty of snuggles at night. If she sounds like the right match for your family, ask to meet her today!

MAGSR ID: 14689
