Adopted MAGSR Dogs

These are the most recent MAGSR adoptions. Dogs adopted prior to 2016 can be found here.


ADOPTED 08/01/2022!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 3 years 1 month
Color: Balck & silver
Current Size: 58 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 65 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Likely
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Handsome Keith was picked up as a stray and brought to a local shelter. Staff members immediately noticed that Keith was a happy and friendly guy who enjoyed every ounce of attention he could get. Although they waited for his family to come and claim him, no one stepped forward for Keith. Recognizing that this guy would be best placed through a breed specific rescue, he was transferred to the MAGSR family. We promised shelter staff that we would find Keith the perfect forever family. 

Keith is an active and social guy.  Definitely treat motivated, Keith is often an absolute goofball when food is involved. This motivation will be very helpful when it comes to training. Lacking much experience with a leash, Keith is still learning how to walk without pulling. However, he is a smart guy and seems to be picking up new skills quickly. As is true of all shepherds, Keith will thrive in an environment that is structured and has clear routines. He craves leadership and is responsive to a calm and confident handler. Good with other dogs, Keith enjoys the company of other dogs and simply wants to play. As Keith moves forward, it is vital that his forever family continues to social him in a controlled environment with other people and animals. This will help him maintain his skills. It is also imperative that Keith's family enroll him in training. Training is very important as it will not only help Keith establish a healthy bond with his forever family, but it will also help him develop into a good canine citizen. If Keith sounds like the right match for your household, ask to meet this sweet guy today!

MAGSR ID: 11562


ADOPTED 08/01/2022!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 3 years 10 months
Color: Tan
Current Size: 74 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 85 lbs
Housebroken: Likely
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Unknown

Tazz is a sweet and handsome guy. He and his brother Julio found themselves dumped in a Southern shelter for eating one of the free range chickens on their farm. It’s really no wonder these young boys turned to hunting for their own food as they came in skin and bones and desperate for a good meal.  The positive for these boys is that with consistent food at the shelter they have already started to gain some much needed weight.

Although Tazz and Julio are littermates, they are not bonded and we have found they do better apart. We have found that Tazz is a bit more laid back of the two brothers but both boys are sweet natured and extremely friendly. Both were excellent travels on their several day journey to MAGSR and were reported to be easy to load in and out of their crate and friendly to all they met on the road trip.

Tazz is a friendly, playful, and intelligent guy but don’t let any young GSD fool you as they all will push to see what they can get away with when being handled. He has your typical GSD shenanigans going on. As a young dog, Tazz will thrive with structure, clear routines, and leadership. He is beginning to learn basic manners and how to walk on leash without pulling. However, Tazz, like all dogs, will need training. Training will not only help him bond to his forever family but it will also help him develop into the good canine citizen we know he is destined to become. Tazz is looking for a family that enjoys an interactive dog, playtime, and lots, we mean lots, of belly rubs. If this boy sounds like the right match for your family, ask to meet Tazz today.

MAGSR ID: 11481


ADOPTED 07/30/2022!

Embedded thumbnail for Panzer-MAGSR-2022, Embedded thumbnail for Panzer-MAGSR-2022
Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 8 years 5 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 85 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Yes, but will chase
Other Dogs OK: Yes, with proper introduction

Lovely Panzer was welcomed into her family a few years ago when they heard that she would be dropped at a shelter if they didn't welcome her in. Recognizing that Panzer was a special girl, she joined the family and never looked back. Although they loved Panzer and made sure that she had everything they needed, her family recognized that they could not provide her with the time and attention that she deserved. As a result, they made the difficult decision to rehome Panzer. When asked if we could help Panzer find an active household that could meet her needs, we were happy to welcome her to the MAGSR family. 

Panzer is in many ways your typical shepherd. She is active, interactive, and bouncy with her people. Thriving on attention and interaction, Panzer loves to be doted upon. Cuddly and affectionate, once comfortable, Panzer would be happy to spend quality time as a lap dog after a day of play. She doesn't quite realize that she is a full-grown shepherd. Although Panzer lived with a dog in her previous household for a few years, she has not had many interactions with other dogs. As a result, we are still learning about her doggy socialization skills. Already knowing a few commands, such as sit and stay, Panzer will be a delight in training class. Not only will training help Panzer bond to her new family but it will also help her develop the skills needed to become a good canine citizen. Training helps to focus the mind and develop confidence. Panzer will benefit from both. Having lived in a home, Panzer understands the joys of a soft bed, good food, endless belly rubs, and plenty of toys. Squeaky toys are her favorite and she is hoping her new family loves these toys as much as she does. Panzer is looking for a forever family that has time for an active girl, could that be with you?

MAGSR ID: 11299


ADOPTED 07/25/2022!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 3 years 4 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 75 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 85 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: No

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Yes
Other Dogs OK: Yes, with proper introduction

Handsome Scream was picked up as a stray and brought to a local shelter. Although he waited patiently for his family to come and claim him, no one stepped forward. This was surprising as staff members could tell this boy was well socialized with people and had clearly been loved. Recognizing that living in a shelter environment is difficult for the breed, staff members began working to move Scream into a breed specific rescue. When we saw that Scream needed support to move forward, MAGSR stepped in and welcome this sweet guy to the family. 


Scream is a big, beautiful, and sometimes talkative guy. Having clearly been socialized with people, he seems to understand that people are treats, love and attention. Scream is delighted to hang out with his people and loves attention and petting. It appears that Scream has also been introduced to toys. He enjoys a good game of fetch and does know to drop the ball when asked. Although he enjoys many toys, Scream seems most excited with a ball. He is hoping his forever family has a strong throwing arm. Playful but gentle, Scream has definitely learned some manners when it comes to toys and treats. As he moves forward, Scream will benefit from a household that will provide him with the structure, routine and leadership that all GSDs crave. Although he seems to already have a good start with manners, it is essential that Scream attends training with his forever family. Not only will this help him create a safe and healthy bond with his family, but it will also help him further develop the skills needed to become a stable and confident adult. If your family is looking for a very smart, friendly, and interactive guy, ask to meet Scream today!


Scream is starting to settle into a life out of the kennel. His favorite things are cuddles, hot dogs, walks and fetch! He is friendly to everyone he meets, and particularly enjoys his feline foster brothers. He needs a little time to warm up to canine counterparts but definitely wants to play when he decides they aren't a threat. Scream is learning leash manners and how to respect boundaries like doorways and stairs. He bonds to his people very quickly and rather strongly, preferring to be the perfect velcro dog with a practiced shepherd lean. What he really needs is a family he can call his own to love him and show him the finer things in life! 

MAGSR ID: 11489


ADOPTED 07/25/2022!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 4 years 4 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 100 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 105 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: No, I'm a puppy!
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Handsome Midas was picked up as a stray and brought to a local shelter. Although he waited patiently for his forever family, no one came for this big, sweet guy. Recognizing that Midas would be most successful if placed within a breed specific rescue, shelter staff began reaching out for a placement. When we learned about Midas' need for placement, we immediately reached out to help.


Midas is a big, handsome, sweet boy. He enjoys the company of his people and seems particularly drawn to calm and confident handlers. He can be a little hesitant with new people and situations, but with time and patience he warms up nicely. Still learning leash manners, Midas does do some pulling. He will need to build leash manners particularly, since he has a lot of weight behind his pull. Well-behaved in the car, Midas enjoys looking out the window and getting the occasional head rub while traveling. As a young dog, Midas will thrive in an environment where he has structure, routine, and leadership. Training will go a long way with Midas. Not only will it help him develop a strong, healthy bond with his forever family, but it will also help him develop into a stable adult. Midas is looking for a forever family that will give him opportunities for daily exercise as well as extra love. If Midas sounds like the right match for your household, ask to meet him today!

MAGSR ID: 11466


ADOPTED 07/21/2022!

Embedded thumbnail for Annika-MAGSR-2021, Embedded thumbnail for Annika-MAGSR-2021, Embedded thumbnail for Annika-MAGSR-2021, Embedded thumbnail for Annika-MAGSR-2021, Embedded thumbnail for Annika-MAGSR-2021
Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 4 years 7 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 80 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 80 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Yes, older kids
Good With Cats: No
Other Dogs OK: No

Annika was returned to MAGSR's care after incidents with the other dog of the household, as well as the cat. She will be looking for a forever family where she can be the sole animal in the home to be the center of attention. 

Annika is a beautiful young adult with a big personality. She is extremely intelligent and observant of her environment. She also forms strong bonds with her humans and is very affectionate. Annika will be protective of the house once she sees it as her place. She will thrive with a confident handler and structured training to bring out her potential, because she lives for meaningful interactions with her people. She is active and a jumper, and may be a candidate for agility training or other activities that engage her intelligence.

She loves tummy rubs and affection, walks, and interactive games. She learns quickly when pepperoni treats are on hand, and will even play a good game of hide and seek the treat. Annika likes her crate and is fully house trained. She walks well on the leash, learns commands quickly, loves car rides and exploring new environments like trails and parks.

If sweet Annika sounds like the right match for your family, please ask to meet her today. 


Annika continues to practice and learn commands - including sit, stay, lie down, go to bed (she runs into her crate), go find (hide and seek treats), and when waiting for the walk signal at intersections she’ll sit with a snap of the fingers. With a few taps to your shoulder she’ll snuggle up and fall asleep. She loves her humans and is forever ready for a walk, demonstrating excellent leash walking manners (until a squirrel crosses her path, but who could blame her for wanting to catch one?). She has no problem meeting other dogs on walks, she simply doesn’t wish to live with them. Annika is thoroughly house trained, staying at home for hours on her own snoozing on the couch until it’s time to greet you at the door with eager tail wags.

MAGSR ID: 9120


ADOPTED 07/14/2022!

Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Approximate Age: 2 years 6 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 14 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: large
Housebroken: No, I'm a puppy!
Obedience Trained: No, I'm a puppy!
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Yes
Other Dogs OK: Yes

The Hocus Pocus puppies - Mary, Sarah, and Winnie - were picked up as strays in the south and brought to a shelter. Upon their arrival shelter staff contacted MAGSR for help as they were at capacity. Recognizing that these babies needed to move forward, we immediately moved them into the MAGSR family. Although they survived upper respiratory infections, the girls' systems were not as equipped to fight off parvo when they popped positive. In the end, all three of the girls needed to be hospitalized to receive around the clock care. Although they fought hard to survive, sweet Winnie crossed over the bridge leaving her sisters, Mary and Sarah, behind. With a lot of love and a lot of people pulling for them, Mary and Sarah survived. We are so glad to see these lovely girls thriving and know that their sister is watching over them from the bridge.

Sarah is a friendly and outgoing little girl. She is ready for any adventure and is happy to lead the way. She is hoping that her forever family likes to explore and can't wait to learn all about the world around her. Not huge fans of heat, the girls do get warm easily and often prefer cooler surfaces to blankets. Both Sarah and Mary do understand the joy of a doggy cot and can often be found relaxing on one. Already comfortable with toys, the girls are big fans of things that squeak and crackle. An empty water bottle keeps them entertained for quite some time. Having lived in a foster home, the girls have been making great progress with their housetraining and are adjusting well to crating. When crated, they are pretty content most of the time. These girls have already begun to socialize with other animals and people. However, it is critical that their forever families continue this process. A well-socialized pup will develop into a stable adult. As they continue to grow, both girls will also need to attend training. Training will not only help them create a healthy bond with their families, it will also help them develop into good canine citizens. 

Although these little survivors are super puppies, now they have beaten parvo, they are now free to be puppies. Please remember that puppies are a lot of work. They will whine, chew, have accidents, and fill your home with endless puppy antics. With time, patience, structure, and routine, Sarah will develop the skills necessary to become a stable adult. If this little girl sounds like the right match for your family, ask to meet Sarah today!

MAGSR ID: 11539


ADOPTED 07/14/2022!

Mary is home!
Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Approximate Age: 2 years 6 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 15 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: large
Housebroken: No, I'm a puppy!
Obedience Trained: No, I'm a puppy!
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Yes
Other Dogs OK: Yes

The Hocus Pocus puppies - Mary, Sarah, and Winnie - were picked up as strays in the south and brought to a shelter. Upon their arrival shelter staff contacted MAGSR for help, as they were at capacity. Recognizing that these babies needed to move forward, we immediately moved them into the MAGSR family. Although they survived upper respiratory infections, the girls' systems were not as equipped to fight off parvo when they popped positive. In the end, all three of the girls needed to be hospitalized to receive around the clock care. Although they fought hard to survive, sweet Winnie crossed over the bridge leaving her sisters, Mary and Sarah, behind. With a lot of love and a lot of people pulling for them, Mary and Sarah survived. We are so glad to see these lovely girls thriving and know that their sister is watching over them from the bridge.

Mary is a loving and determined little girl. She wants to make friends with all furry creatures and is sure that she can win everyone and anyone over. Really, who could deny that sweet face? Not huge fans of heat, the girls do get warm easily and often prefer cooler surfaces to blankets. Both Sarah and Mary do understand the joy of a doggy cot and can often be found relaxing on one. Already comfortable with toys, the girls enjoy things that squeak and crackle. An empty water bottle keeps them entertained for quite some time. Having lived in a foster home, the girls have been making great progress with their housetraining and are adjusting well to crating. When crated, they are pretty content most of the time. These girls have already begun to socialize with other animals and people. However, it is critical that their forever families continue this process. A well-socialized pup will develop into a stable adult. As they continue to grow, both girls will also need to attend training. Training will not only help them create a healthy bond with their families, it will also help them develop into good canine citizens. 

Although these little survivors are super puppies, now they have beaten parvo, they are now free to be puppies. Please remember that puppies  are a lot of work. They will whine, chew, have accidents, and fill your home with endless puppy antics. With time, patience, structure, and routine, Mary will develop the skills necessary to become a stable adult. If this little girl sounds like the right match for your family, ask to meet Mary today!

MAGSR ID: 11538


ADOPTED 07/09/2022!

Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Approximate Age: 3 years 3 weeks
Color: Black, Tan & White
Current Size: 40 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 50 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: Yes
History: Cobbler was returned at age 8 months. This is her original write-up: Lovely Cobbler, her mom - Sugar Pie - and her five siblings - Tort, Cake, Crumble, Pudding, and Sundae - were dumped in the south when the puppies were just hours old. Fortunately, the right people found them and immediately started networking to help this family move forward. With rescue support provided and a plan in place, the little family was moved into an experienced foster home so that they could receive the love and attention needed to survive. Although they struggled at first, with time, attention, and some extra love, the pups and their mom pulled through.  The dessert puppies are now ready to move forward into their forever families. These adorable little fluffy puppies have had the benefit of living with a loving home. Although they have been well socialized with people and other dogs, it is critical that their new families continue this process as it will help them develop into stable adults. The dessert puppies are absolute sweethearts; however, please remember that puppies are a lot of work and require a lot of attention from their family. Puppies are full of puppy energy and antics. They get into things, whine, and will chew on inappropriate items. With time, training, and patience, Cobbler will develop into the good canine citizen we know she is destined to become. Cobbler is looking for a loving forever home that will commit to her for a lifetime. Could that be with you?

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Yes
Other Dogs OK: Yes, with proper introduction

Lovely little Cobbler is one of Sugar Pie's puppies. Having been born into the rescue, we have had the unique opportunity to watch her grow. Adopted as a puppy, Cobbler's family adored her. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, they could no longer provide for her. Recognizing that Cobbler deserved a safe and loving forever family, they contacted MAGSR to make sure that Cobbler could move forward safely. We immediately welcomed this lovely little girl back into the MAGSR family at 9 months old and promised that we would find her the perfect forever home.

As a young, affectionate, and energetic girl, Cobbler is looking for an active family that will exercise both her body and her mind on a daily basis. She will happily come along for a long walk, run, or hike filling each adventure with puppy smiles and love. As a young dog, it is imperative that Cobbler's family continue to socialize her with new people and animals in controlled settings. This will help her develop into a stable and confident adult. Cobbler has had the luck of having lived in a loving home, as a result, she knows many of the ins and outs of household rules. However, she will need to adjust to the structure, routine, rules of her forever home. This will take time and patience as Cobbler learns expectations. Training will be very important for Cobbler as she moves forward. Not only will it help her develop a health bond with her family, but it will also help her develop into a good canine citizen. Cobbler can't wait to settle into her forever home. Could that be with you?

MAGSR ID: 10183


ADOPTED 07/02/2022!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 5 years 4 months
Color: Black
Current Size: 70 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 75 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: No
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Saxon and his buddy, Ozzy, were victims of a house fire. When their family lost their home, they realized that they could no longer provide their dogs with the care that they deserved. As a result, they surrendered the dogs to a shelter. Upon arrival, it was evident that Saxon and Ozzy lacked socialization. They had lived with a pack of dogs; however, it seems that they had limited exposure to new situations and new people. Shelter staff immediately began working with the boys to build trust and move them forward. However, they recognized that Saxon and Ozzy would likely not thrive in a shelter setting. As a result, they sent out a plea for rescue placement. When we learned about the boys, we put plans together to welcome both Saxom and Ozzy into the MAGSR family. 

Saxom is a stunning guy. Intelligent, confident, and driven he is in many ways the definition of a GSD. Good at reading the handler, Saxom is most successful when working with a calm and clear handler. He will thrive in an environment with structure, routine, and leadership. Although we do not know much about his previous home, we have learned that Saxom is both ball and food motivated. He picks up commands quickly and is always game for a game of fetch. An energetic guy, Saxom is looking for an active family that will exercise both his mind and his body on a daily basis. This is critical as Saxom will find other ways of entertaining himself if activity is not provided. Already picking up a few commands, Saxom will be a star at training class. Training is necessary as Saxom will need to develop a strong and healthy bond with his forever family. He will also need to develop the skills needed to develop into a good canine citizen. Saxom is looking for a loving family that will commit to him for a lifetime. Could that be with you?

MAGSR ID: 11427


ADOPTED 06/27/2022!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 4 years 5 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 60 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 65 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Handsome Murphy was found hanging out at a high school with his buddy Millie. Both dogs were brought to a shelter where they waited for a family to claim them. When no one came forward, the shelter staff started pleading for rescue support as they were at capacity. Who could say no to such sweet dogs?

Murphy is a playful and energetic guy. He is friendly and good with both people and other dogs. However, he can be vocal with new dogs when first meeting them. As a young guy, Murphy has energy to burn and will do best in a home that can exercise his mind and his body on a daily basis. Arriving as a stray, we do not know what Murphy knows about living in a household. However, he seems to be a quick learner who wants to please his handler. As is true of all dogs, Murphy will thrive when provided with guidance, leadership, and consistency. Training will help him adjust to his new family as well as develop the skills needed to become a good canine citizen. Murphy is looking for a forever family that will love and care for him for a lifetime. Could that be with you?

MAGSR ID: 9115


ADOPTED 06/27/2022!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Approximate Age: 10 years 1 week
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 60 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 55 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Yes
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Titan's family adored him. He brought endless love and joy to their family. However, due to circumstances beyond their control, they could no longer continue to care for him. Although this was a devastating decision, Titan's family knew he deserved every opportunity to find a new family who would love and care for him throughout his golden years. We promised them that we would make sure that Titan found the perfect home. 

Titan is a happy, friendly, and joyful guy. A big fan of cuddles and the lean in, Titan regularly seeks out affection from his people. Open to a variety of entertainment options, Titan loves balls, toys, and bones. Although Titan does enjoy his playtime, he is also very good at being a couch potato. He has just the right amount of energy for family life. As a mature fellow, Titan understands the rules of the household. He is housebroken and crate trained. His days of puppy behaviors are behind him. A great companion, Titan keeps an eye on his people and always wants to be part of the fun. 

As can happen with age, Titan does have some special needs. Titan has been diagnosed with chronic progressive cerebellar disease. This condition causes him to have some stability issues and some exaggerated movements. Although he lacks the smooth movements of a younger dog, Titan's condition does not impact his ability to love and be loved. Titan is looking for a household where he can avoid stairs as he is unable to navigate staircases safely. He will also need a home that has carpeted floors or mats to help him more effectively cross surfaces within the household. Titan is an incredibly special guy. If your household is looking for a sweet, affectionate, mature guy, ask to meet Titan today. 


Sweet Titan has adjusted well in his foster home. He enjoys a daily routine that includes a few walks, playtime, opportunities to check on everyone in the family, and of course unending snuggles. Titan loves to be outside with his people. Everyone and everything he sees is exciting. Between regular interactions with neighbors, the brief glimpses of local wildlife, and boundless opportunities for sniffing, his outside time is full of positivity. Although clearly happy outside, Titan exudes joy all day long. When inside, Titan has perfect household manners. He keeps an eye on his people at all times and likes to be in close proximity to them. Although Titan does enjoy some playtime with his ball each day, he is happy to hang out and snuggle too. Titan is looking for a forever home that will love him throughout his golden years. Could that be with you?

MAGSR ID: 9929


ADOPTED 06/27/2022!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 3 years 10 months
Color: Tan
Current Size: 71 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 85 lbs
Housebroken: Likely
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Unknown

Julio is a sweet and handsome guy. He and his brother Tazz found themselves dumped in a Southern shelter for eating one of the free range chickens on their farm. It’s really no wonder these young boys turned to hunting for their own food as they came in skin and bones and desperate for a good meal.  The positive for these boys is that with consistent food at the shelter they have already started to gain some much needed weight.

Although Julio and Tazz are littermates, they are not bonded and we have found they do better apart. We have found that Julio is the more dominant of the two brothers but both boys are sweet natured and extremely friendly. Both were excellent travels on their several day journey to MAGSR and were reported to be easy to load in and out of their crate and friendly to all they met on the road trip.

Julio is a friendly, playful, and intelligent guy. Unsurprisingly, he does like to see what he can get away with when being handled. He has your typical GSD shenanigans going on. As a young dog, Julio will thrive with structure, clear routines, and leadership. He is beginning to learn basic manners and how to walk on leash without pulling. However, Julio, like all dogs, will need training. Training will not only help him bond to his forever family but it will also help him develop into the good canine citizen we know he is destined to become. Julio is looking for a family that enjoys an interactive dog, playtime, and lots, we mean lots, of belly rubs. If this boy sounds like the right match for your family, ask to meet Julio today.

MAGSR ID: 11480


ADOPTED 06/27/2022!

Embedded thumbnail for Rush-MAGSR-2022, Embedded thumbnail for Rush-MAGSR-2022
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Approximate Age: 3 years 4 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 60 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 70 lbs
Housebroken: Working on it
Obedience Trained: No, I'm a puppy!
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Yes, older kids
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes, big dogs only

Rush was picked up as a stray in the south and brought to a shelter. Shelter staff immediately fell in love with this goofy, playful guy. However, due to overcrowding and lack of resources, they knew that Rush would have his best chance at finding the perfect forever home if he was moved into a rescue. When asked if we could help Rush find an amazing forever home, MAGSR stepped forward. 

Wiggly and playful Rush is an absolute joy. Clearly well socialized with people, Rush is a charmer who loves to be with his people. Although Rush is clearly a sweet pup, he does still need to learn about personal space and boundaries. This is typical of any young GSD. In many ways Rush is still very much a puppy. He will fill his family's lives with goofy puppy behaviors and antics. As is true of all young dogs, Rush will thrive in an environment with structure, routine, and leadership. It will be essential that his family continue to socialize him in controlled settings. It is also critical that Rush's forever family exercise both his body and his mind on a daily basis. Training will help Rush as he moves forward. It will not only help him develop a strong and healthy bond with his family but it will also help him develop into a stable and confident adult. Rush is looking for an active family that will both enjoy his charming personality as well as provide him with a safe and loving forever home. Could that be with you?


Update: Rush is settling into his foster home well.  This boy has oodles of puppy energy and is looking for a family that is excited to play, run, and train to exercise both his mind and body.  He's still learning what is expected in a home and can be a bit mouthy, but he is learning quickly as we set boundaries for him.  He is very affectionate, wanting to snuggle into our laps and be close with his people.  He does very well in the crate while we are teleworking. He's not particularly fond of going into his crate yet, but he's learning and settles in quickly for a nap after some good play time or a walk.  He walks nicely on leash, making the much needed walks a pleasure.  He does very well with other dogs his size.  He has not reacted to his alpha foster sister's sass and still wants to play with her after she tells him off which is very impressive!  Sometimes he plays a bit rough and is still learning when other dogs are done, so supervision is important.  As with most young dogs, he will chew on anything he can get in his mouth but we're working on learning what is and isn't allowed as a chew toy.  Have I mentioned that he is beyond handsome?  He's got these soft fluffy curls on his rump that we just adore!    All in all, this young pup is a total blast, making us laugh with his adorable antics and impressing us with his intelligence.  He's going to make a fantastic family member for some lucky family. Think Rush might be the right fit for your home?  Apply to adopt today!

MAGSR ID: 11170


ADOPTED 06/27/2022!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Approximate Age: 9 years 7 months
Color: Black
Current Size: 105 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Working on it

Sweet Sasquatch was picked up as a stray in the south by another rescue. It was clear that this big love bug needed some help. Fortunately, he met the right people. While waiting out his stray hold, rescuers worked with the local animal control to try to find his family. It was thought that a dog this sweet must have had a home. Unfortunately, no one came to claim Sasquatch. Recognizing that this guy deserved a loving forever family of his own, it was decided that Sasquatch would have his best chance at permanency if he was moved to another region. When asked if we could help Sasquatch move forward, MAGSR welcomed him to the family. 

Sasquatch is a gentle giant. As an older dog, he has surpassed the stages of puppy antics and is settled in his personality. Happy to interact with other people and dogs, Sasquatch is a pretty easy-going guy. He likes his walks and play time, but he is also perfectly happy to hang out with his people. Although we do not know anything about Sasquatch's past, we do know that his future is very bright. As Sasquatch moves forward, he is looking for a family that will provide him with the structure and routine that all dogs need to thrive. Sasquatch is also looking for a comfortable bed, plenty of treats, and lots of toys. I mean, can you really blame him? As is true with all dogs, Sasquatch will need to participate in training. Training will not only help Sasquatch bond to his forever family, but it will also help him become a good canine citizen. Sasquatch is looking for a loving forever home that will give him the opportunity to live out his golden years in comfort and safety. Could that be with you?

MAGSR ID: 11154


ADOPTED 06/27/2022!


Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 6 years 9 months
Color: White
Current Size: 95 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 95 lbs
Housebroken: Working on it
Obedience Trained: Partially
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Arrow's family had him since he was a puppy. He grew up with regular socialization with people and children. Although his family loved him greatly, they recognized that they could no longer provide him with the time, care, and exercise that he deserved. As a result, they made the difficult decision to surrender him to MAGSR. We promised Arrow's family that we would find him a safe and loving forever home.

Arrow is a big, beautiful boy. At close to 100lbs, Arrow is a large guy with a good amount of energy. Born into a litter where several of his siblings moved into working positions, Arrow is driven and intelligent. A typical ball dog, Arrow is more than happy to make sure that your throwing arm is in good shape. It is essential that his forever family make sure that they exercise Arrow's body and mind daily. This routine will help him effectively burn his energy. Although Arrow already knows several commands, training will be essential with his forever family. Not only will training help Arrow bond to his new family, but it will also help him develop into a good canine citizen. Arrow is looking for a family that will welcome him into their home with a solid routine and structure. If this interactive boy sounds like the right match for your family, ask to meet him today.

MAGSR ID: 10778


ADOPTED 06/27/2022!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 6 years 4 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 77 lbs
Housebroken: Likely
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Yes
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Sweet Jazz was surrendered to a local shelter in very poor shape. Covered in demodex mange with a severe secondary skin infection that had festered to the point of open, bleeding sores and raw patches throughout his body, Jazz was clearly in significant pain from nose to tail for some time. Although shelter staff did everything they could to bring Jazz relief, they recognized that this guy needed to be moved into a rescue where he could begin working with a private vet to address his medical needs. When our volunteers learned about Jazz's situation, we began working putting things in place to welcome Jazz to MAGSR. 

Although Jazz's condition has been left untreated for sometime and has clearly caused him significant pain, he remains an absolute sweetheart. Jazz enjoys the company of people of all ages. He is friendly and interactive. Not only does Jazz enjoy the company of his people, he also does well with furry friends of various sizes. He really is an impressive guy. At this time, Jazz is resting and recovering under the watchful eye of his foster family. With antibiotics, pain medication, and regular baths, he is beginning to find relief and can relax in the comfort and safety of a home. Jazz's medical needs are expensive; however, we know that this handsome guy is beyond worth the cost. Please consider donating to Jazz's care. Your donation will not only help us continue to move Jazz forward but it will also help us continue to support dogs with medical needs. As he continues to heal, Jazz is hoping to find a loving forever home that will commit to him for a lifetime. Could that be with you?

MAGSR ID: 11424


ADOPTED 06/27/2022!


Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 3 years 5 months
Color: Bi-color
Current Size: 70 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 80 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Working on it
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Older kids, over 10
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Lovely Zayna was welcomed into her home as a puppy. Her family immediately fell in love with her and began implementing a framework for success. They made sure she had all of her puppy vetting completed, had her participate in puppy training, socialized her with people and other dogs, and even began adult training class. Unfortunately, poor breeding put a stop to all of their hard work as Zayna developed severe hip dysplasia that resulted in a hip dislocation. Due to the extentent of the injury, Zayna needed a full hip replacement. Although they loved Zayna, her family recognized that they could not afford the level of care she would need in order to move forward. As a result, they made the difficult decision to surrender her to MAGSR in order to get the care she needed. We promised that we would find Zayna a safe and loving forever family that would ensure she had everything she needs. 

Zayna is young, inquisitive, and energetic. It is highly evident that her family put a lot of work into providing her with experiences and opportunities to develop confidence. Playful and toy driven, Zayna understands the joys of chasing a ball or bouncing around with a favorite chew toy. Having lived in a home, she has a good understanding of the rules of living in a household. Zayna is both housebroken and crate trained. As a young shepherd, Zayna will continue to thrive in a household where she has structure, routine, and leadership. These are key features of a GSD savvy home. 

Unfortunately, due to the extent of her injury, Zayna is unable to participate in many of her favorite activities at this time. Fortunately, our vetting team has already begun to put plans in place to help Zayna move forward. Placed on anti-inflammatories while she gets everything in place for surgery, Zayna is comfortable and seems to understand that she needs to take it easy for right now. In order to correct her injury, Zayna will need a full hip replacement. Although this is a very expensive surgery, we know that this lovely girl is beyond worth the cost. Please consider donating to Zayna's care. Your donation will not only help us provide Zayna with the medical support she desperately needs, but it will also help us continue to support other medical dogs. Over the next few months Zayna will need to take it easy while she rests and recovers. However, she should be back to being her typical self in time. Please continue to watch for updates on Zayna as she continues her journey toward full recovery. 

MAGSR ID: 11214


ADOPTED 06/21/2022!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 2 years 6 months
Color: Black
Current Size: 15 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: Large
Housebroken: No, I'm a puppy!
Obedience Trained: No, I'm a puppy!
Altered: No

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Yes
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Handsome little Ben was surrendered to a local shelter. This little ball of love immediately won over everyone on staff. Although they fell head over heels for this boy, it was recognized that Ben would be most successful finding a safe and loving forever family if he was placed in a rescue. When asked if we could help Ben move forward, team MAGSR stepped up. Ben is an adorable pup. It is very evident that he has had a good foundation and is well socialized. Friendly with everyone, Ben happily soaks up all of the love and attention he can find. Living with an amazing foster family, Ben is starting to learn all of the important things he will need to know in order to develop into a stable and confident adult dog. Although Ben brings endless joy to everyone he encounters, please remember that puppies are a lot of work. Puppies will whine, chew, have accidents and fill your home with endless puppy antics. With time, patience, structure, and routine, Ben will develop into an incredible dog. If this little love sounds like the right match for your household, ask to meet him today!

MAGSR ID: 11436


ADOPTED 06/09/2022!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 6 years 6 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 90 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 90 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Working on it
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: No
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Handsome Beau is an incredibly sweet guy. His family had some changes over the last year that resulted in a move from the family's farm to a suburban townhouse life. Unfortunately, Beau was not adjusting well to these changes. Recognizing that Beau would be happier in a different environment with a family with the ability to spend more time with him, his family made the difficult decision to surrender him to MAGSR. We promised that we would find Beau an amazing forever home where he would have every opportunity to enjoy himself.

Beau is one amazing guy. He has clearly been well socialized with people. He is beyond friendly with everyone he meets, but we are still learning how he interacts with other dogs. Beau loves ear rubs, frisbee, car rides and has been the perfect patient at the vet. It is very apparent that he has a special personality. 

As is true of all shepherds, Beau needs a forever family that can provide him with the time, structure, and training needed to meet with success. Training is key as it will not only help Beau create a healthy bond with his new family, but it will also help him develop the skills needed to become a good canine citizen. MAGSR has already begun working with Beau to build his basic training. However, it will be critical that his forever family continue this process. 

Additionally, Beau has some medical needs that we are in the process of addressing. He arrived with a large lump on his back leg that had broken open and was severely infected. He was taken to the vet and the lump was biopsied. At this time the results are pending. The lump will likely need surgical removal. However, while we await results, we are keeping Beau safe and comfortable with a loving foster family. It seems that Beau realizes that we are trying to help and has been patient with all procedures. 

If Beau sounds like the perfect addition to your family please submit an app today!

MAGSR ID: 11172


ADOPTED 06/09/2022!

Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Approximate Age: 2 years 10 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 41
Ideal/Potential Size: Large
Housebroken: No, I'm a puppy!
Obedience Trained: No, I'm a puppy!
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Likely
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Lovely little Paisley was picked up as a stray and brought to a local shelter. Although she waited patiently for her family to claim her, no one arrived to bring her home. Recognizing that this little lady would be best placed if in a rescue, shelter staff reached out for help. When we heard that Paisley was looking for rescue, our team immediately began putting things in place to welcome her to MAGSR. 

Happy-go-lucky Paisley is a social and interactive girl. She has clearly been well socialized with people and thinks that everyone should take a chance to say hi. Although she loves her people, as is true of all puppies, Paisley will need to learn manners. Not only is Paisley social with people, she is also social with other animals. She is the life of the party and happy to bring joy wherever she goes. Typical of any GSD, Paisley will definitely need play time but she will also need structure, routine, and leadership. This will help her develop the mindset needed to become a confident and stable adult GSD. Although Miss Paisley is cute as a button, please remember that puppies are a lot of work. They will whine, bark, chew on inappropriate things, and have accidents. With time, patience, routine, and regular exercise, Paisley will become the good canine citizen we know she is destined to be. If this little love bug sounds like the right match for your household, ask to meet her today!

MAGSR ID: 11351


ADOPTED 06/03/2022!

Bosco Adopted
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 5 years 8 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 95 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 100 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: Working on it
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Older kids, over 16
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Handsome Bosco was picked up as a stray with his mate, Brandi. These two incredible dogs had clearly been through some difficult times. Recognizing that these incredible dogs would be most successful if they decompressed in foster homes, another rescue arranged for them to stay in foster families while they waited out their stray hold. Both dogs were placed in loving foster homes with other dogs. When their stray hold had ended and they had had some time to decompress, we were asked if we could welcome both dogs into the rescue. Really, who could say no to such a lovely pair of dogs?

Bosco is a big, intelligent, and driven guy. He reads the handler very well but will, like many driven shepherds, will push the line if he has an opportunity. For this reason, Bosco will be best suited for an experienced GSD household. A huge fan of balls, Bosco is hoping that his forever family has a good throwing arm and enjoys play time just as much as he does. As is true of all shepherds, Bosco will thrive in a household that provides him with structure, guidance, and routine. Although Bosco has already begun training, it is essential that his new family continue this process. Training will not only help Bosco bond with his forever family but it will also help him become a good canine citizen. If Bosco sounds like the right match for your household, ask to meet this big guy today!

MAGSR ID: 10984


ADOPTED 06/03/2022!

Persephone adopted
Embedded thumbnail for Persephone-MAGSR-2022, Embedded thumbnail for Persephone-MAGSR-2022
Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 2 years 6 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 15 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: Large
Housebroken: No, I'm a puppy!
Obedience Trained: No, I'm a puppy!
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Yes
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Lovely Persephone was picked up as a stray and brought to a local shelter. Upon arrival shelter staff knew something was very wrong. Persephone was vomiting and had bloody stool. Hoping they were wrong, shelter staff ran a parvo test. Unfortunately, it came back positive. Recognizing that this virus kills countless dogs every year, shelter staff immediately began putting parvo protocols into place hoping that Persephone was a fighter. Although they took excellent care of Persephone, shelter staff knew that Persephone would be most successful if she was placed in a rescue where she could continue to get the care she needed and recuperate in a loving foster home. When we heard about Persephone's situation, our team immediately began putting plans into place to help this little one join the MAGSR family. 

As a young girl, Persephone should be busy playing, napping, and learning about the world around her. Unfortunately, right now, this is not the case. Instead Persephone is under the care of one of our amazing veterinarians while she fights for her life. Positive for both parvo and pancreatitis, Persephone is receiving around the clock supportive care so that her body has time to heal. So far, it appears that this little girl has a lot of fight in her. We are hoping this remains. Please consider donating to Persephone's care. Caring for a pup with parvo is very expensive. However, we know that Persephone is beyond worth the cost. Your donation will not only help us support Persephone as she fights for survival but it will also help us welcome other dogs with medical needs. 

At this time, Persephone is not ready for adoption. However, we hope that in time she will be ready for a forever home that will give her a lifetime of love. Please remember that puppies are a lot of work. They will whine, cry, have accidents, and chew on inappropriate items. With time, patience, structure, and routine, Persephone will develop into the good canine citizen we know she is destined to become. 


I picked up sweet Persephone on Friday the 13th and took her from the animal shelter  to the hospital so she could be treated and monitored further.  She had bright eyes and wagged her tail when I approached.  We were still worried that she might not make a recovery but she is a little fighter!  I picked her up from the hospital the following Monday and what a change!  Her eyes were even brighter and her tail wags were more vigorous.  She has been eating and playing and doing what normal puppies should do.  

You can tell that after her time on the streets, she has learned to fend for herself and fight for what she wants.  She can resource guard food and her favorite person.  I am hand feeding her and teaching her that there is plenty of food, toys and people to love on her.  Her new family will need to work with her so she grows into a well mannered canine citizen.  She is a quick learner.  She sits for food, treats, to leave the crate and at doors (if asked).  She is very food motivated.  She sleeps in her crate at night and loves to be with the pack.  She doesn't like to be left behind.  She  is gaining more weight daily.  She loves to play with her other puppy friends and would enjoy a companion - probably a male or non-alpha female.  She hasn't met any children or cats yet and would likely be fine with them but she is a puppy and has those razor sharp teeth.  We are working on potty training and she is making great progress.  

Look no further if you want a beautiful puppy full of spunk and energy! She promises to love you back ten fold. 

MAGSR ID: 11328


ADOPTED 05/15/2022!

Lucky.  It's playtime!LuckyLuckyLuckyLuckyLuckyLuckyLuckyLuckyLucky.  It's playtime!Lucky.  It's playtime!Lucky.  It's playtime!
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 8 years 9 months
Color: White
Current Size: 80 pounds
Ideal/Potential Size: 80 pounds
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Older kids, over 10
Good With Cats: Unlikely
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Sweet Lucky is looking for a calm and patient household that will commit to him for a lifetime. 


Lucky's foster is happy to report he is settling in nicely with his foster humans and foster siblings.  Lucky is house broken and crate trained.  He acts like a big puppy so his foster is working on his jumping when he gets excited.  He loves playing with toys, will nudge your hand for pets and loves to give kisses.  We think he was taught not to get on the furniture in his previous home as he will lay at your feet quite happy to be close to his human but will not try to get on the furniture.  Lucky has not been well socialized so he can get skittish, but in the week he has been with MAGSR he is calming down nicely.

Lucky is doing great in his foster home. He can be wary of new people and will need to be given time to trust new people and situations.  He warms up after a few days and is very attached to his foster and follows her everywhere and sleeps right beside the bed. He still seeks out his crate for refuge when he is scared and likely a product of being confined to his crate in previous home. Lucky is a sweet boy that just wants love and attention. His jumping has improved immensely but still gets excited when outside playing. Lucky will do best in a home without small children or small animals as he will chase small animals and due to his size may unintentionally knock a child over.   He is working on his leash manners and loves going for walks and gets very excited.  Lucky is hoping a little "Luck of the Irish" will help him find his forever home in the month of March, ask to meet Lucky today. 

MAGSR ID: 10884


ADOPTED 05/15/2022!

Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Approximate Age: 6 years 5 months
Color: Black, Tan & White
Current Size: 70 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Working on it
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes, with proper introduction

Lovely Farrah was adored by her family. They ensured she had everything she needed and was well loved. However, due to circumstances beyond their control, they needed to rehome Farrah. As a MAGSR dog, Farrah returned so that we could find her a new family. We promised Farrah's family that we would find her the perfect match.


Farrah is a social butterfly. She enjoys the company of people of all ages. However, she has a particular affinity for the company of children. She is simply delighted by their presence and has always been gentle with them. Perhaps this comes from being a mom herself at a young age. Although Farrah enjoys the company of other dogs, she would be most successful if placed with stable furry friends who are comfortable with an alpha's personality. She, like anyone, can be a little protective of her food. Then, again, who isn't when they are hungry or have something special? As is typical of all GSDs, Farrah is active and playful. She loves a good game of chase; however, she will need to develop a strong recall before playing this particular game. In order to continue to remain stable and confident, it is essential that Farrah's forever family exercise both her body and her mind on a daily basis. Training will be a critical piece of her exercise regiment; it will not only help Farrah develop a strong bond with her family, but it will also help her stimulate her mind. Farrah already knows several commands and enjoys the interaction. She will likely be the star of the class. 


Farrah is looking for a playful and active family that will care for her for a lifetime. Could that be with you?

MAGSR ID: 11298


ADOPTED 05/15/2022!

Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 4 years 7 months
Color: Black
Current Size: 60 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes, with proper introduction

Sweet Zena found herself in a very difficult situation. She was hit by a car near her home. Unfortunately, her family could not afford her care. As a result, they signed her over to a shelter in the south. With several deep wounds and a bad case of road rash, the shelter immediately had her seen by a vet. Treated with antibiotics, pain medications, and wound gel, Zena was monitored closely to make sure the healing process went well. Recognizing that Zena would need a safe and comfortable home in order to move forward, the shelter began reaching out to rescues for help. Knowing that Zena deserved a chance to move forward, MAGSR welcomed her to the family. 

Zena is a lovely girl. It is highly apparent that she was well socialized with people. Knowing a few commands already, such as sit and down, Zena has had some basic training in her home. She understands how to walk nicely on leash and is beyond happy to be out and about. No stranger to toys or treats, Zena dives right into the toy basket with gusto. With some strong jaws, tough toys are best for this girl. As a young shepherd, Zena is looking for an active household that will keep her body and mind well exercised. She hopes there are lots of toys involved too. Zena enjoys the company of other dogs; however, she is an alpha female. As a result, more submissive friends would be best. Like all GSDs, Zena will need training. Training will help not only Zena create a healthy bond with her forever family but it will also help her develop into a good canine citizen. 

Although we had hoped that Zena's medical needs were solved, we have learned that Zena is heartworm positive. This diagnosis could have been avoided had she been kept on heartworm prevention. Heartworm treatment is expensive; however, sweet Zena is beyond worth the cost. MAGSR will cover the entire cost of Zena's treatment. Please consider donating to Zena as this donation will not only help us provide Zena with the care she needs, but it will also help other dogs with medical needs. Over the next few months, Zena will need to take it easy while she undergoes treatment. However, once treatment is complete, she will be back to bouncing around with toys again. If your household is looking for a lovely lady who could use a little good luck, please ask to meet Zena today. 

MAGSR ID: 11155


ADOPTED 05/15/2022!

AlphaAlphaAlphaAlphaAlphaAlpha & BetaAlphaAlphaAlphaAlphaAlphaAlphaAlpha
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 3 years 7 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 85 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 85 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Unlikely
Other Dogs OK: Better with big dogs

Alpha and Beta appeared outside the home of an experienced GSD family. Recognizing the boys needed a safe place to stay while their family was located, this family brought the boys in and began making calls to local vets, shelters, and lost dog groups. Although word quickly spread that Alpha and Beta had been found and were safe, no one came to bring the boys home. When their stray hold ended, this family began working with local rescues to move the boys forward so that they could be safely placed in a loving forever home. As a member of the rescue network contacted to support Alpha and Beta, MAGSR was happy to step forward and help the boys move into the rescue family.

Alpha is a big, intelligent, and inquisitive guy. His name fits him well as he does like to be the leader. Although more confident than his buddy, Beta, Alpha lacks experience with new people and situations. As a result, he can be unsure and avoidant at first. When given time to adjust, Alpha becomes more affectionate and eager to interact. Clearly an intelligent guy, Alpha reads the handler well. He will be most successful in an experienced household. As is true of all young dogs, Beta will thrive when provided with clear structure, routine, and leadership. Continued socialization is critical as Alpha will need to learn how to navigate new environments and new people in a stable and confident manner. Training is essential as it will not only help Alpha create a healthy bond with his forever family, but it will also help him develop the stability and confidence needed to become a good canine citizen. 

Unfortunately, we have discovered that Alpha is heartworm positive. This diagnosis could have been avoided if he had been provided monthly prevention. Alpha's heartworm treatment has already begun. Although treatment is expensive, this incredible guy is beyond worth the cost. Please consider donating to Alpha's medical treatment. Your generosity will help us provide Alpha with the care he needs as well as other dogs with medical conditions. Alpha will need to take it easy over the next couple of months while he undergoes treatment. However, he will be ready to bounce around again soon. If you are looking for a young, intelligent, and active guy, ask to meet Alpha today.  

MAGSR ID: 11061


ADOPTED 05/14/2022!

Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 3 years 2 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 49 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 60 lbs
Housebroken: No
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Jackie and her family - Axel, Gypsie, Genie, Sally, and Birdie - are victims of cruelty and neglect. All six dogs were living in horrific conditions. Chained in shower stalls, living in filth, abused, and starved, they endured unimaginable suffering at the hands of their owner. When word of their situation spread to local authorities, all 6 dogs were confiscated and charges were brought against their owner. Recognizing that these dogs would need significant support, a plea went out to see if they could be moved to the safety of a rescue. MAGSR answered that plea and immediately began working with local groups and animal services to get all six dogs the resources needed (medically and socially) to begin to move forward.  

In many ways Jackie is still a puppy. At only seven months, she has spent her puppyhood tied out and neglected. As a result, Jackie has not had the chance to be a puppy and will need this opportunity as she moves forward. Unsurprisingly, Jackie needs a little time to adjust to new people and new situations. With time, leadership, and patience, Jackie does start to warm up to her handler. As we continue to work with Jackie, we will begin to teach her that people can be kind, affectionate, and a source of love. At this time, Jackie is looking for an active and experienced household that will provide her with the structure, routine, and leadership that all shepherds need. Coming from a situation with little opportunity for affection or interaction with the world around her, Jackie will need opportunities to learn about the world in controlled settings. As is true of all young dogs, Jackie will need daily exercise for both her mind and her body. This will help her develop the ability to handle new people and environments confidently. Continued socialization is also critical for Jackie as this will help her develop into a stable adult. Providing Jackie with opportunities to interact with other people and other animals in a safe manner will help her develop essential skills that she has missed prior to her arrival in our care. Training will be an essential piece of this process, as it will not only help Jackie learn to develop a strong, healthy bond with her family, but it will also help her develop the skills needed to be a good canine citizen. Jackie is looking for an experienced, patient, and confident family that will help her develop into a balanced and loving dog. Could that be with you?

The GA 6 have been an expensive rescue, but so worth it.  If you can help us donating to the cost of their care, it you be very much appreciated!

MAGSR ID: 11094


ADOPTED 05/14/2022!

Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 3 years 2 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 42 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 50 lbs
Housebroken: No
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Sally and her family - Axel, Gypsie, Genie, Jackie, and Birdie - are victims of cruelty and neglect. All six dogs were living in horrific conditions. Chained in shower stalls, living in filth, abused, and starved, they endured unimaginable suffering at the hands of their owner. When word of their situation spread to local authorities, all 6 dogs were confiscated and charges were brought against their owner. Recognizing that these dogs would need significant support, a plea went out to see if they could be moved to the safety of a rescue. MAGSR answered that plea and immediately began working with local groups and animal services to get all six dogs the resources needed (medically and socially) to begin to move forward.  

In many ways Sally is still a puppy. At only seven months, she has spent her puppyhood tied out and neglected. As a result, Sally has not had the chance to be a puppy and will need this opportunity to expend her puppy energy and antics in a healthy manner. Unfortunately, due to her previous circumstances, Sally has not had the opportunity to live in a home. She does not yet know the joy of a soft bed, plenty of toys, or a home to call her own. Once she finds her forever home, she will have a lot to learn about living in a household. However, as an intelligent and food motivated girl, we know she will adjust. At this time, Sally is looking for an active household that will provide her with the structure, routine, and leadership that all shepherds need. Coming from a situation with little opportunity for affection or interaction with the world around her, Sally will need to learn about the sights, sounds, and smells of the world. As is true of all young dogs, Sally will need daily exercise for both her mind and her body. This will help her develop the ability to read new people and situations appropriately. Continued socialization is essential for Sally as this will help her develop into a stable and confident adult. Providing Sally with opportunities to interact with other people and other animals in a safe manner will help her develop essential skills that she has missed prior to her arrival in our care. Training will be a critical piece of this process, as it will not only help Sally learn to develop a healthy bond with her family, but it will also help her develop the skills needed to be a good canine citizen. Sally is looking for an adventurous family that will help her develop into a balanced and loving dog. Could that be with you?

The GA 6 have been an expensive rescue, but so worth it.  If you can help us donating to the cost of their care, it you be very much appreciated!

MAGSR ID: 11095


ADOPTED 05/09/2022!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 4 years 7 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 65 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Handsome Jack was picked up as a stray in the south. Although he waited patiently for his family to come and claim him, no one arrived. Having been placed at a very crowded shelter, Jack was living on borrowed time. Fortunately, the right people heard about his story and were able to pull him right before he was euthanized. Although they knew that Jack would need to transfer to another rescue, they also knew that this boy deserved to live. When asked if we could help Jack move forward, MAGSR immediately stepped up. 

Jack is a young, inquisitive, and energetic guy. He seems to enjoy the company of people and other dogs. However, he needs a little time with new places and transitions. Having been bounced around so much in the last few months, this seems reasonable. Jack can't wait to find his forever family so that he can settle down and finally be home. As a young guy, Jack is looking for an active family that will exercise both his body and his mind on a daily basis. Due to the lack of consistency in Jack's life, it will also be essential that his forever family provide him with clear structure, routine and leadership. Training will help Jack's family support him within the home as it will help him bond with his forever family. Training will also help Jack develop into a stable and confident good canine citizen. 

Unfortunately, we have learned that Jack is heartworm positive. This diagnosis could have been prevented, had he been kept on monthly heartworm prevention. Jack's heartworm treatment has already begun. Although treatment is expensive, MAGSR knows that this handsome guy is beyond worth the cost. MAGSR will be covering the cost of Jack's heartworm treatment in its entirety. Please consider donating to Jack's treatment so that we can not only provide Jack with the care he needs but can also continue to welcome medical dogs into the rescue. Jack will need to take it easy over the next month or so while he heals. However, this will give him the opportunity to adjust slowly to his forever family. If this special guy sounds like the right match for your household, ask to meet him today. 

MAGSR ID: 11153


ADOPTED 05/09/2022!

Genie Adoption
Embedded thumbnail for Genie-MAGSR-2022, Embedded thumbnail for Genie-MAGSR-2022
Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 3 years 7 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 65 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 65 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Working on it
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Yes, older kids
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Genie and her family - Axel, Jackie, Gyspie, Sally, and Birdie - are victims of cruelty and neglect. All six dogs were living in horrific conditions. Chained in shower stalls, living in filth, abused, and starved, they endured unimaginable suffering at the hands of their owner. When word of their situation spread to local authorities, all 6 dogs were confiscated and charges were brought against their owner. Recognizing that these dogs would need significant support, a plea went out to see if they could be moved to the safety of a rescue. MAGSR answered that plea and immediately began working with local groups and animal services to get all six dogs the resources needed (medically and socially) to begin to move forward.  

Genie is a young, energetic, intelligent girl. She is looking for an active household that will provide her with the clear structure and routine that all shepherds need. Consistency and leadership are essential to developing stable and confident adult shepherds. This is particularly true in Genie's case as she will try to control the situation if she feels her handler cannot. As a result, Genie will be most successful in a household with a calm, confident, and experienced handler. Coming from a situation with little opportunity for affection or interaction with the world around her, Genie is learning about the smells, sounds, and sites around her. She can be a little timid at first; however, patience and confidence go a long way with her. As is true of all young dogs, Genie will need daily exercise for both her mind and her body. This will help her develop the ability to handle new people and situations in a calm and composed manner, as well as help her develop a healthy mindset. Continued socialization is also critical for Genie as she has spent her first year with limited interactions. Providing Genie with opportunities to interact with other people and other animals in a controlled manner will help her develop essential skills that could not be established while chained up. Training will be an essential piece of this process, as it will not only help Genie learn to develop a healthy bond with her family, but it will also help her develop the skills needed to be a good canine citizen. Fortunately, Genie has already learned many of her basic commands. Further practice will help her develop the stability needed to meet with success. With some heavier GSD specific traits, such as herding and guarding of property, Genie is a young girl who is looking for a safe and loving family. It is important that her new family understands the needs of the breed. If Genie sounds like the right match for your household, ask to meet her today. 


Genie has been with us for several months and is doing very well. Her horrible beginning thankfully has become mostly a distant memory. She gets comfortable with new people and dogs at her own pace and you just have to go slow and be patient. The good news is that once Genie bonds to a person or dog, it is true love for her. Genie has become very bonded to us. We give her lots of love and affection and she returns it tenfold. Like most dogs, she does best with plenty of exercise. We take her on several long walks every day and she plays with our dog regularly. Genie can be reactive to strange dogs and people while on walks in our neighborhood. She has an instinctive need to protect the people she loves, even though they don’t need it. It seems to be fear-driven in part as she sometimes barks at strange noises or movements. When a stressor can be anticipated such as a strange dog walking toward us, it is best to shorten the leash, step off the sidewalk, have her sit and gently tell her “it’s okay.” This puts her focus on the handler and helps calm her down. Genie generally does very well on the leash, but she may pull and bark if she sees a dog, person or squirrel. With slow introductions she has recently done okay with house guests. Again, she has to be allowed to get to know new people at her own pace and she does best if they are sitting and don’t reach for her. She can be hesitant to get in the bathtub, but we have worked with her and she is doing much better. She does occasionally jump out, but I have definitely seen worse dogs. Beware: Genie is a persistent sock thief, clean or dirty LOL. She is very smart and will test boundaries. For example, if given the opportunity, she will jump up on the counter and try to take food. We have been consistent in correcting this behavior and she rarely attempts it with us anymore. She knows the word “no” and quickly responds by stopping the behavior. She plays great with our 2 year old male dog and 7 year old son (who is very experienced with dogs; see video). We are able to touch her bones and toys and pet her anywhere when she is playing or eating. Genie does not exhibit any resource or food guarding behaviors whatsoever. She loves all of us and is very affectionate and generous with her kisses. She will gladly roll over for a nice belly rub. She loves to curl up on the couch for a good snuggle. Genie is a great eater. She lets us clean her ears and Dremel her nails without any problems. She also loves to be brushed. All in all, she has made great strides with us and is a beautiful, wonderful dog. If Genie sounds like the right match for your household, ask to meet her today!

MAGSR ID: 11093


ADOPTED 05/01/2022!

CooperCooperCooperCooperCooperCooperCooperCooperCooperCooperCooperCooperCooperCooperCooperCooperCooper and his buds relaxing togetherCooperCooperCooperCooperCooperCooperCooper
Embedded thumbnail for Cooper-MAGSR-2022
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 3 years 4 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 55
Ideal/Potential Size: 65
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Basic Commands
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Older kids, over 16
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes, with proper introduction

Joyful Cooper has been moved about a few times in his young life. However, he was lucky that the right people stepped in and recognized that a young, social guy like him would thrive in a household that had the time and energy to work with him. So, they brought Cooper to a local shelter where staff members fell in love with this interactive guy. Although Cooper easily won over the hearts of the shelter team, they recognized that he would be most successful if he found placement through a rescue. When we heard about Cooper's need for placement, we immediately welcomed him to the MAGSR family. 

Cooper is an interactive and social boy. He clearly has had the opportunity to interact with others throughout his puppyhood. Although Cooper definitely has a great start, continued socialization is imperative to his success as an adult. Typical of most young GSDs, Cooper has a lot of energy. It will be essential that Cooper's family exercise his body and his mind on a daily basis. This will help him maintain a stable and confident mindset. Although Cooper is still very young, he has already begun to learn some basic commands. His intelligence, willingness to please, and his food motivation makes him a great student. Cooper will excel in training class. Training will not only help Cooper develop a strong and healthy bond with his family, but it will also help him develop into a good canine citizen that we know that he is destined to be. Cooper is looking for a loving and active household who will love him for a lifetime. Could this be with you?


Cooper has been with us for a little over a week, and he is already running with ur pack of two GSDs, Nala and Vader.  He clearly looks up to Vader, and he desperately wants to win over Nala (who is not as friendly as Vader!).  He hasd had no issues socializing with Nala and Vader, and he would play with Vader 24/7 if Vader would relent and do so.  He has boundless energy, but he is, thankfully, good at entertaining himself.  He enjoys chewing all shapes, sizes, and types of bones and tugging on the tuffy toy rings.  He is starved for love and comes by regularly for pets and snuggles when we are sitting on the couch.

Cooper came to us after a few weeks of formal training, and he knows and understands his commands.  Temptation sometimes get the best of him, but he gets back in line easily when he is corrected. He is housebroken and can tell you when he needs to go out (he paces in a circle or scratches the door), and he sleeps in our mudroom at night (gated in) with no barking or other issues.  He walks fairly well on the leash.  He is occasionally reactive to another dog, but it is clearly fear rather than aggression. He is a voracious eater, which is good news because he needs to gain some weight! 

The original description uses the best word we can think of for Cooper – he is joyful.  Despite his rough start in life, he is a happy, easygoing, loving, playful dog. Any family would be lucky to have Cooper.

MAGSR ID: 11193


ADOPTED 04/30/2022!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 4 years 7 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 65 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 60 - 65 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Yes
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Older kids, over 16
Good With Cats: No
Other Dogs OK: Yes, Females Only

Axel and his family - Gypsie, Jackie, Genie, Sally, and Birdie - are victims of cruelty and neglect. All six dogs were living in horrific conditions. Chained in shower stalls, living in filth, abused, and starved, they endured unimaginable suffering at the hands of their owner. When word of their situation spread to local authorities, all 6 dogs were confiscated and charges were brought against their owner. Recognizing that these dogs would need significant support, a plea went out to see if they could be moved to the safety of a rescue. MAGSR answered that plea and immediately began working with local groups and animal services to get all six dogs the resources needed (medically and socially) to begin to move forward.  

Axel is a young, energetic, and intelligent guy. He is looking for an active and experienced household that will provide him with the structure, routine, and leadership that all shepherds need. As the only male in the family, Axel seems to have been mistreated more than the other dogs. He can be hand-shy and head-shy, particularly, when fast movements above his head are used. Coming from a situation with little opportunity for affection or interaction with the world around him, Axel is taking every opportunity to explore and enjoy life. He is quickly discovering that people can be kind. Once he knows that you are safe, Axel leans in for head rubs and attention. As is true of all young dogs, Axel will need daily exercise for both his mind and his body. He is already beginning to learn a few basic commands and seems beyond happy to work with his handler. As a food motivated and smart guy, Axel will be the star of training class. Continued training will be an essential piece as Axel moves forward. Training will not only help Axel develop a healthy bond with his family, but it will also help him develop the skills needed to be a good canine citizen. Continued socialization is also critical for Axel as he has spent his first two years with limited interactions. Providing Axel with opportunities to interact with other people and other animals in a controlled manner will help him develop essential foundational skills that he missed while chained up. Axel already seems to be very social with the dogs in his family. They all seem to seek him out for comfort. 

We have discovered that Axel is heartworm positive. This diagnosis could have easily been avoided had Axel been provided with monthly heartworm preventatives. Although treatment is very expensive, this interactive guy is beyond worth the cost. Axel's entire heartworm treatment will be covered by MAGSR. Donations toward his care are greatly appreciated as this will help us not only help this survivor get all of the care that he needs, but it will also help us continue to support medical dogs in need. Axel will need to take it easy over the next few months while he completes his treatment. However, this will give him time to learn about the ins and outs of living in a safe and loving home. Axel is looking for a loving, structured, and experienced household. If he sounds like the right match for your household, ask to meet him today. 

The GA 6 have been an expensive rescue, but so worth it.  If you can help us donating to the cost of their care, it you be very much appreciated!


Axel has made several strides over the last few months. Lucky to have been living in a loving home, Axel was able to complete his heartworm treatment in the comfort and safety of a household. He can now boast that he is heartworm free and ready to move forward. Crate trained and housebroken, Axel's time living with a family has clearly had a positive impact and helped him make significant strides. This is particularly significant for a dog that had never experienced the joy of living in a safe and loving home. Although still working on a few allergy related skin issues, Axel is moving forward and getting the care and support he needs to continue this process. As training is essential for all dogs, it was decided that Axel would benefit from a board and train situation where he can continue to learn about the world around him and develop a healthy response to new environments and items. Training will also help Axel develop into a stable and confident dog. Although training is expensive, we know that with a solid foundation in place Axel will continue to grow and develop critical skills that will help him moving forward. Please consider donating to Axel's training. Your donation will not only help us meet Axel's needs but it will also help us support other dogs with more significant needs as we move forward. Please watch for updates as Axel continues on his new adventure. 

Axel has been with us in foster for more than a month now and he has really come out of his shell! Axel loves playing ball and long farm walks! Axel loves head scratches and being with his people! Axel is house broken and doing well with his basic obedience! He will soon be a graduate of a four week board and train and has absolutely rocked his training! Axel has continued to build confidence each and every day! Axel is a loyal guy who wants nothing more than to please his people. Axel could be an only dog but would not mind the company of a female friend. Axel should only be placed in a home with children 16 and over as little ones may make him nervous. If Axel sounds like a match for your family please apply now! --

Axel is doing great with us and Yuki — my wife calls him snuggle bunny.  He is calm and walks really well on a leash - and is non-reactive to other dogs (as long as Yuki does not go bananas, then he joins in with a half-hearted woof to be supportive).   He has played with Yuki’s BFF, an 8 month old labradoodle, and it was fine.  He loves to run in the backyard and to go on walks.  And he really loves his meals!

MAGSR ID: 11097


ADOPTED 04/30/2022!

Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 3 years 5 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 42 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 55 lbs
Housebroken: No
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Gypsie and her family - Axel, Jackie, Genie, Sally, and Birdie - are victims of cruelty and neglect. All six dogs were living in horrific conditions. Chained in shower stalls, living in filth, abused, and starved, they endured unimaginable suffering at the hands of their owner. When word of their situation spread to local authorities, all 6 dogs were confiscated and charges were brought against their owner. Recognizing that these dogs would need significant support, a plea went out to see if they could be moved to the safety of a rescue. MAGSR answered that plea and immediately began working with local groups and animal services to get all six dogs the resources needed (medically and socially) to begin to move forward. 

Gypsie is a young, energetic girl. She is looking for an active household that will provide her with the structure, routine, and leadership that all shepherds need. Although clearly emaciated and mishandled, Gypsie is ready to move forward. Coming from a situation with little opportunity for affection or interaction with the world around her, Gypsie is taking every opportunity to explore and enjoy life. As is true of all young dogs, Gypsie will need daily exercise for both her mind and her body. This will help her develop the ability to handle new people and situations in a calm and composed manner. Continued socialization is also critical for Gypsie as she has spent her first year with limited interactions. Providing Gypsie with opportunities to interact with other people and other animals in a controlled manner will help her develop essential skills that she has missed while chained up. Training will be an essential piece of this process, as it will not only help Gypsie learn to develop a healthy bond with her family, but it will also help her develop the skills needed to be a good canine citizen. 

We have discovered that Gypsie is heartworm positive. This diagnosis could have easily been avoided with such a young dog had Gypsie been provided with monthly heartworm preventatives. Although treatment is very expensive, this active little girl is beyond worth the cost. Gypsie's entire heartworm treatment will be covered by MAGSR. Donations toward her care are greatly appreciated as this will help us not only help this little survivor get all of the care that she needs, but it will also help us continue to support medical dogs in need. Gypsie will need to take it easy over the next few months while she completes her treatment. However, this will give her time to learn about the ins and outs of living in a safe and loving home. If Gypsie sounds like the right match for your household, ask to meet her today. 

The GA 6 have been an expensive rescue, but so worth it.  If you can help us donating to the cost of their care, it you be very much appreciated!

MAGSR ID: 11092


ADOPTED 04/26/2022!

Embedded thumbnail for Ash-MAGSR-2021
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Approximate Age: 4 years 6 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 25 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: No

Good With Kids: Older kids, over 10
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Sweet little Ash was picked up as a stray in the south. This cute little guy was brought to a crowded shelter where staff knew he would need a little extra TLC so that he could find a forever home that would love him for a lifetime. Recognizing that Ash should be transferred to a rescue, they reached out to MAGSR for help. We knew this little guy would be a great addition to the MAGSR family.

Ash is an absolute sweetheart but it is clear that he has lived through some difficult circumstances in his short life. As a result, he is definitely a shy guy. Often choosing the comfort and safety of his crate as a refuge while he adjusts, Ash is a quiet and somewhat timid guy. It will be critical that Ash's forever family work with him on socialization with people and other animals. This is essential for all young dogs as it helps them develop into confident and stable adults. Training will also be key for Ash as it will help him bond to his forever family as well as learn the skills needed to become a good canine citizen. Ash is looking for a loving forever family that will give him the time, patience, structure, and love he needs to blossom. In return he will provide a lifetime of love and loyalty. If Ash sounds like the right match for your household, please ask to meet this little honey today. 


Ash is doing well transitioning to his foster home. He enjoys following the other dogs and prefers their company over human companionship at this time. He really enjoys running and playing in the yard, resting with a Nylabone as well as the safety of his crate. Ash is very nervous and shy around people. He is not aggressive, and will go into his crate when feeling scared. He will need a calm and patient family to give him time, training and structure. He would love to have a playful canine sibling as a good role model. He would do best with older calm children As he is not aggressive but very scared about sudden actions and loud noises.

MAGSR ID: 9712


ADOPTED 04/22/2022!

Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Approximate Age: 3 years 3 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 60 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 70 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Yes
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Daisy was beloved by her mom. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, her mom was unable to provide her with the lifestyle that she knew Daisy deserved. As a result, she made the decision to surrender her to MAGSR. Although this was a very difficult decision, Daisy's mom knew that MAGSR would find Daisy an incredible forever home that would love her for a lifetime. 

Daisy is an impressive, affectionate, and interactive girl. It is highly apparent that her mom put a lot of work into making sure she would meet with success. Daisy is well socialized with people. She enjoys the company of people of all ages and has an absolute love of children. Affectionate with everyone, Daisy will quickly say hi with a few quick kisses and a good lean-in. Not only is Daisy people-friendly, she is also dog friendly. Age and temperament do not matter for Daisy, she simply wants to be friends with everyone. As Daisy moves forward, it is critical that her forever family will need to continue to support Daisy's socialization as this will help her further develop into a stable adult. Having already lived in a home, Daisy already understands many of the ins and outs of living in a household. She is crate trained and housebroken. Having already participated in training, she knows basic commands and heels well. However, as is true of all young dogs, she will benefit from continued training. This will not only help Daisy develop into a good canine citizen, but it will also help her bond to her new family. Daisy is looking for a forever family that will cherish her for a lifetime. Could that be with you?

MAGSR ID: 11203


ADOPTED 04/22/2022!

Onya adopted
Onion nka OnyaOnyaOnyaOnya
Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 3 years 6 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 58 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 70 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Basic Commands
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Likely

Onya, previously known as Onion, was adopted by her mom a few years ago. They were an incredible team. With the help of her mom, Onya completed basic obedience, started scent work, and had the opportunity to develop more advanced skills. They brought endless joy into each other's lives with activities during the day and plenty of cuddles at night. It was beyond evident that these two were meant for each other. Everything was going according to plan and it seemed like they would bring joy to each other for many years. Unbeknownst to the pair, an unimaginable medical diagnosis was looming. Onya's mom received news of a terminal illness that would upend their perfect world. When she realized that Onya would need a safe place to land, Onya's mom contacted our team, shared her story with us, and asked for help. Our team did everything we could to bring comfort to this family and welcomed Onya back to MAGSR. 

Onya is a stunning, intelligent, and impressive girl. However, her world has shifted dramatically with the loss of her mom. The grieving process is difficult and can shift personalities sometimes causing skills to go a bit backwards. Until she has fully settled, this sweet girl will likely be skittish and potentially a little over protective of her people. Stability and confidence building will definitely help. Fortunately, Onya is working through this process with the help of a loving foster family. When the right match steps forward, it is imperative that Onya is given time, patience, leadership, and structure in order to make one final adjustment. With routine and clear expectations, we know that this lovely lady will rise to the occasion. Although Onya is in the midst of the grieving process, she does know many of the ins and outs of living in a household. She is housebroken, crate trained, and understands general household routines. However, she will need time to adjust to the expectations of her forever family. Training will also help Onya adjust. Not only will training help Onya develop a strong and healthy bond with her family, but it will also help her continue to develop confidence. Onya is looking for a loving forever family that will provide her with endless adventures and daily snuggles. If this amazing girl sounds like the right match for your household, ask to meet her today!

MAGSR ID: 11190


ADOPTED 04/15/2022!

Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 6 years 7 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 50 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 60 - 65 lbs
Housebroken: No
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes, with proper introduction

Birdie and her family - Axel, Jackie, Genie, Sally, and Gypsie - are victims of cruelty and neglect. All six dogs were living in horrific conditions. Chained in shower stalls, living in filth, abused, and starved, they endured unimaginable suffering at the hands of their owner. When word of their situation spread to local authorities, all 6 dogs were confiscated and charges were brought against their owner. Recognizing that these dogs would need significant support, a plea went out to see if they could be moved to the safety of a rescue. MAGSR answered that plea and immediately began working with local groups and animal services to get all six dogs the resources needed (medically and socially) to begin to move forward.  

Birdie is a lovely lady. As the matriarch of the family, she endured years of hardship and neglect. Although she spent years in unspeakable conditions, Birdie remains sweet and interactive with volunteers. Birdie seems curious about the world around her and is clearly read to move forward. She must know that she is safe and loved. Birdie is both affectionate and responsive. Having never had the opportunity to live in a home, she will thrive with structure, routine, and leadership. As is true of all dogs, Birdie will need daily exercise for both her mind and her body. This will help her develop the ability to handle new people and situations in a calm and composed manner. Exercise will also help Birdie move beyond the horrors of being chained in the same place for so many years. Continued socialization is also critical for Birdie as she has spent her first year with limited interactions. Providing Birdie with opportunities to interact with other people and other animals in a controlled manner will help her develop essential skills that she has been unable to develop prior to her arrival. Training will be an essential piece of this process, as it will not only help Birdie learn to develop a healthy bond with her family, but it will also help her develop the skills needed to become a good canine citizen. Birdie is looking for a loving forever home where she can just be a dog. If this gorgeous girl sounds like the right match for your household, ask to meet her today!

The GA 6 have been an expensive rescue, but so worth it.  If you can help us donating to the cost of their care, it you be very much appreciated!

MAGSR ID: 11096


ADOPTED 04/11/2022!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Approximate Age: 3 years 7 months
Color: Black & Cream
Current Size: 71 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 75 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: No

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Handsome Lucas was picked up as a stray and brought to a shelter. This sweet and friendly guy, quickly won over the hearts of everyone on staff. They knew he must belong to someone. So, they waited for Lucas' family to claim him. Sadly, no one came for Lucas. Knowing that a special guy like Lucas deserved an amazing home, shelter staff reached out for rescue placement. When asked if we could help Lucas move forward, our team immediately put things in place to welcome him to the MAGSR family. 

Lucas is a friendly, playful, and intelligent guy. Unsurprisingly, he does like to see what he can get away with when being handled. He has your typical GSD shenanigans going on. Although Lucas was a stray, he is interactive and affectionate. It is obvious that this guy was well socialized with people and dogs. As a young dog, Lucas will thrive with structure, clear routines, and leadership. He is beginning to learn basic manners and how to walk on leash without pulling. However, Lucas, like all dogs, will need training. Training will not only help him bond to his forever family but it will also help him develop into the good canine citizen we know he is destined to become. Lucas is looking for a family that enjoys an interactive dog, playtime, and lots, we mean lots, of belly rubs. If this boy sounds like the right match for your family, ask to meet Lucas today.

MAGSR ID: 11169

Guy & Fieri

ADOPTED 04/08/2022!

Guy & Fieri adopted!
Guy and FieriGuy & FieriGuy and FieriFieriGuyFieriGuyFieriGuy and FieriGuy and FieriGuy & FieriGuy & FieriGuy & FieriGuy & FieriGuy & FieriGuy & FieriGuy & FieriGuy & FieriGuy & FieriGuy & Fieri
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Approximate Age: 5 years 8 months
Color: White
Current Size: 75 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: 75 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Likely
Good With Cats: Likely
Other Dogs OK: Likely

Guy and Fieri were picked up as strays in the south. When they arrived at animal services it was highly evident that they could use a little extra TLC. Underweight, dirty, and needing some medical support, shelter staff immediately moved forward to support both boys. Although the boys had clearly been through a lot together, everyone was simply amazed by how friendly and interactive Guy and Fieri are with everyone they meet. Although shelter staff did everything they could to help both boys move forward, they felt that it would be best if the boys were moved into rescue so that they could find a home with room for two. When asked if we could support Guy and Fieri in the MAGSR family, we immediately stepped forward. 

Guy and Fieri are a bonded pair. As a result, they are looking for a household that has room in their hearts and home for two dogs. Playful, interactive, and friendly with everyone, the boys bring smiles wherever they go. It is clear that these two know just how to win over the hearts and minds of everyone around. Both boys are good with other dogs. They also love people of all ages. Guy has had some additional medical needs having joined the rescue with a very intense yeast infection throughout his body. However, with time, attention, and the right medication, he has made significant strides. These guys are looking for a household that will provide them with structure, routine, and love. If your family has room for two, please ask about Guy and Fieri today!


Guy and Fieri were adopted into a loving household two years ago. They had easily won the heart of their foster family and it was decided that they were officially home. Although the boys loved their family, unfortunately, due to a significant change in circumstances, Guy and Fieri had to be returned to MAGSR's care. We have had a long tradition of caring for our own. Once a MAGSR dog, always a MAGSR dog. When we learned that the boys needed to move back to us, our team immediately stepped forward. 

Unsurprisingly, the boys moved right back in just as sweet and social as they were when they were adopted. Clearly comfortable with varied people and in varied environments, the boys have adapted surprisingly well to their change in circumstance. Big fans of daily playtime and activities, Guy and Fieri keep everyone smiling with their playful antics and goofy personalities. It is highly evident that this is a special pair. Having lived in a home for a few years, the boys understand the ins and outs of living in a household. They are housebroken and crate trained. Although they understand the general expectations of living in a home, it is important that their new family recognize that it will take them time to adjust to the routines and expectations of their new home. As they move forward, training will be key to the boys' success. Training will not only help Guy and Fieri create a healthy bond with their forever family, but it will also help them develop the skills needed to become good canine citizens. Curious and playful, the boys enjoy daily time outside. They love walks, sunshine, and nature. However, they can get a bit too excited about some of the four legged visitors in their yard, particularly the deer. Training will help the boys learn that furry visitors are fun but not necessarily playmates. 

Guy and Fieri are a very special pair. They are looking for a household that has enough room in their hearts for two. If these boys sound like the right match for your family, ask to meet them today!

MAGSR ID: 10987
