Adopted MAGSR Dogs

These are the most recent MAGSR adoptions. Dogs adopted prior to 2016 can be found here.


ADOPTED 09/01/2018!

Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 8 years 2 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 66 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: No

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Sophia along with other family members were dumped at shelter.  Not often we are happy when dogs are dumped at shelters, but in this families case they are lucky they were.  The family of Shepherds lived outside, no vet care, no vaccines, no preventatives.  They were all crawling with fleas and ticks.  Sophia has a secondary skin infection caused by the flea infestation.  She is currently on antibiotics.  She is so very sweet, she enjoyed spending time with our volunteers being loved on.  She did well in the car and at the vets for her exam.  Sophia deserves to know what a real family is, one that will love, care for and cherish her.


Sophia has settled nicely into her foster home. It is a big transition from being outside all of the time to being in a home with a family. When Sophia first arrived, she sat by the door expecting to be put outside. Over time, she is understanding that inside with her people is a good place to be. She sleeps in her crate without whining or crying unless she needs to go out. Sophia loves treats and takes them very gently even from the resident children. She also loves walks but is a little hesitant of things she doesn't know. Sophia is getting medicated baths a few times a week to help clear up some skin issues she currently has from her past neglect before MAGSR. But, Sophia is a trooper and takes everything in stride. If you're looking for a dog that will bond to you for life, Sophia is the girl for you!

MAGSR ID: 3592


ADOPTED 08/28/2018!

Rocky adopt
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 6 years 9 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 56 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: No

Good With Kids: Older Kids Only
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Rocky was an owner surrender as his person had no time for him.  It is so important when taking on the responsibility of a pet that you have the time and patience to work with.  Rocky is a 6 month old untrained big puppy.  He was not taught any manners, nor were his puppy behaviors addressed.  He will jump on people, he is mouthy, will chew things he shouldn't and have accidents in the house.  He is in need a good training program and a family that will teach him acceptable behavior.  Socializing him with lots of people and other dogs is critical, as it is with all dogs.  Due to his lack of manners we will not place him in a home with very young children.  He will need a strong leader who is willing to work with him and burn off his high puppy energy.  Prior puppy GSD experience is required.


Rocky has made good progress with socialization and rules in his foster home. He goes for walks with the resident GSD several times a day and passes many other unruly dogs in the community and he is learning to be on his best behavior and waits in a sit until they pass. Rocky is learning he does not have to be jealous of other dogs and getting attention and by waiting patiently for his turn, he gets a lot of love and attention. Rocky is working on sit, place and heel and is learning quickly. Rocky is nervous meeting people and doesn't like people approaching him until he's ready to meet them. Rocky is being desensitized to random objects around the house like trash cans, recycle bins and yard signs - all things that when initially in his foster home, freaked him out. Rocky is an insecure boy that needs confidence that everything isn't going to hurt him. He is learning to trust his foster mom and his loving personality is coming out towards her and he sits at her feet whenever he can. It will take time for Rocky to build trust with his human - patience, commitment and training is a must with Rocky. If Rocky sounds like a good fit for your household, please ask to meet him.

MAGSR ID: 3509


ADOPTED 08/26/2018!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 6 years 6 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 47 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: No

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Sirius along with other family members were dumped at shelter.  Not often we are happy when dogs are dumped at shelters, but in this families case they are lucky they were.  The family of Shepherds lived outside, no vet care, no vaccines, no preventatives.  They were all crawling with fleas and ticks.  Sirius is your typical playful and curious puppy.  Please be prepared for a puppy as they are time consuming, they need training, socialization, lots of exercise and a lifetime of love and care.  Yes, puppies chew things they shouldn't, they get into things, they have potty accidents and they have lots of energy.  

MAGSR ID: 3593


ADOPTED 08/22/2018!

Jackson adopt
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Approximate Age: 9 years 2 months
Color: Black
Current Size: 47 lbs (Underweight)
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Partially
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Yes
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Happy birthday Jackson! Today was Jackson's special day and we are doing everything we can to celebrate his life. Jackson came to MAGSR after he was surrendered to a shelter. We are still learning about him. But here is what we know so far. Stay tuned for updates.

He appears to have been neglected as he is very thin. However, he is interested in his food when his people are with him. He is incredibly sweet and is such a mild mannered boy. He is very quiet but is inquisitive about everything that is new to him. He is very curious about other dogs. Yet is respectful of them and has shown the desire to play with dogs that are respectful of him. Jackson does not seem to know what toys are about which is very sad. But he is  happy to hang out, relax and enjoy head scratches and belly rubs. He stresses during car rides and does not stay in one place. But remains quiet throughout. Today, he was at peace lying on the grass, decompressing as he was watching the squirrels in the trees after all the changes he has been through. He will need a family that is patient, consistent and empathetic for what he may have experienced in his life previous to MAGSR. However, he walks well on leash and is happy to go where you want to explore. He will thrive with someone to show him all the world has to offer. At the present time, he doesn't appear to be a lap dog but at the same time, is a dog who is looking for someone to bond with.


Jackson has settled in nicely to his new foster home. He is house broken and a real love. Jackson loves the resident children and frequently just curls up next to them for some love while he relaxes. Right now Jackson is working on putting on some weight and has a lower energy level. As he gains weight, we are sure his energy level will increase. Jackson walks beautifully on a leash. He doesn't pull or lunge at anything including squirrels, deer, other dogs or cars. If you are looking for a loyal companion, please ask to meet Jackson. He'll be a wonderful addition to any family!

MAGSR ID: 3575


ADOPTED 08/18/2018!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 6 years 8 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 46 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: No

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Axel was surrendered to us as he barked and whined too much.  At only 7 months old he is still very much a puppy that needs guidance, structure, exercise and most importantly training.  A young dog is a busy and energetic dog that needs both physical and mental exercise, without they become bored.  Axel lived with 3 young children in his previous home and did very well with them.  He also lived with another large breed dog who he got along with.  Currently he is underweight, but with good nutrition and regular meals he should start gaining.  With the recent changes in his life he is somewhat shy, but with stability and having the love of a new family he should gain his confidence.

MAGSR ID: 3581


ADOPTED 08/15/2018!

Grace adopted
Embedded thumbnail for Grace-MAGSR-2018, Embedded thumbnail for Grace-MAGSR-2018
Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 9 years 12 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 68 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Yes
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Older kids, over 16
Good With Cats: Likely
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Grace came to us from a shelter we have no history on her.  Since arriving in our care she has been friendly, she rides well in the car and did well at her vet visit.  She previously lived wth another GSD.  She of course needs training, which help her learn good behavior and manners.  Grace is heartworm positive, this could have been avoided had she been kept on monthly heartworm preventatives.  Grace is in the beginning stages of her heartworm treatment, which of course MAGSR is paying for her entire treatment.  She will have to take it slow for the next few months while undergoes treatment, so lots of rest is in order.


Grace has completed her heartworm treatment and is now heartworm free. Once Grace bonds with her human and gets comfortable, she becomes protective of her space. This can be easily managed by putting her away in a secure room and/or crate when people come to the home. She will also benefit from a strong leader, who has prior experience with the breed, and who will provide appropriate correction and training. Grace will not meet families with children under the age of 16. Grace is very excited to be able to run and play just like any other dog once again. Now she’s even more interested in finding her forever home and family to share her love with. Could that be your family?

Miss Grace is just as beautiful, sweet, bouncy, and eager-to-please a dog as you could ask to meet. She’s doing wonderfully in her foster home, crates beautifully, does great out and about in the car and in public places, loves her foster siblings, and bonds tightly to her person. She’s been going to training just about every Saturday for months and has developed very nice obedience – she knows her basic commands, and she is great at staying where she’s been put in a sit or a down and won’t move – well except for her tail which is pretty much always wagging! Grace is protective of her space with people she doesn’t know, and needs consistent handling and proper introductions, but once she warms up to someone, Grace’s wonderfully upbeat and happy personality shines right through – with her bushy happy tail “always on!” Please ask to learn more about Grace if you think she might be a good match for your family.

MAGSR ID: 3370


ADOPTED 08/14/2018!

Sawyer is going home!
Embedded thumbnail for Sawyer-MAGSR-2018
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 12 years 2 months
Color: Black & Red Long Hair
Current Size: 95 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: No

Good With Kids: Older Kids Only
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Sawyer came to us an owner surrender.  In his previous home he lived with young children, unfortunately one of the children is autistic and he was not treating Sawyer kindly.  Sawyer would growl, then get up and move away.  This was not fair to Sawyer so the family felt it was best for Sawyer to find a new home where he would be treated kindly.  He is a handsome long hair boy, his coat does need some care and a good grooming.  His foster mom has been working on getting the matts out and Sawyer will be having a spa day.  He has made himself at home in his foster home, he's a very nice boy. 

MAGSR ID: 3554


ADOPTED 08/13/2018!

Embedded thumbnail for Ballot-MAGSR-2018
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Age: 8 years 6 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 89 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Older kids, over 16
Good With Cats: No
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Ballot came to us an owner surrender as his former person took ill and could no longer care for him.  He is a large, very handsome, long haired male.  His coat is not in the best condition at this time as he did not receive the grooming a long coated dog requires.  He will be a having a spa day to remove dirt and matted fur.  He is a friendly boy, he does need to learn some good manners which training will help with him,


Howdy! Ballot checking in. I'm very happy here and my humans love me a lot. We have a lot of fun. I'm learning a lot too....mostly what not to do. I've started making a list of things I'm not supposed to do:

  • Steal towels, especially when they are wrapped around a human.
  • Get in the shower with my humans.
  • Lift the lid on the toilet to get a drink.
  • Bite the hand of the person throwing my ball.
  • Counter-surf
  • Sit on the tables
  • Sit on the kids laying on the floor
  • Recycling bin inspections.
  • Run off with socks and underwear laid out for the kids
  • Nibble while giving kisses.
  • Run off with and hide shoes.
  • Look the humans in the eye while we're both standing
  • Lay on the kids while cleaning their faces (this is very hard not to do because they are really squeaky when you do this)
  • Pick out my own books from the bookshelves.
  • Put both front feet in the water bowl when drinking.
  • Open the door myself.
  • Grab and eat the fish food containers

Did I mention that I'm pretty? I'm also pretty good at getting in my crate when told, and waiting for the humans to go up and down the stairs first. I'm learning to sit and wait for the humans to go through the door first. I love to play ball and am very good at catching them in the air. They tell me I'm pretty smart and learning quickly, I just have a lot to learn right now. I'm very friendly with all the humans that come in the house and the ones we meet outside too. I don't let my humans get too far away because they like me to keep an eye on them. I love love love the pool and get in it everytime I go outside.

I get fed three times a day and am trying to add a few pounds to help me fill out a bit. My humans comb and condition my hair everyday, it makes me smell awesome and my hair is sooo soft now. I still have a few clumps behind my ears and at the back of my head but we're working on them.

The pool is calling my name so I better get going. Bark at ya laterz,

MAGSR ID: 3307


ADOPTED 08/12/2018!

Murphy adopted
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 9 years 4 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 66 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Older kids, over 16
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Murphy made his way to us from a shelter where he was a stray.  We have no past history for him, so we are getting to know him.  He requires a slower approach when meeting new people.   He is in need of training which will help him learn good manners, build his confidence and bond with his new family.


Murphy is an interesting high energy pup. He’s likely had very little structure in his life to this point and is in need of a strong willed person or family to help guide his future and provide consistent and strong structure, especially with his indoor manners. He’s easy to leash up and walk, both on long and short leash. He’s loves car rides but seems unfamiliar with exiting or entering the car. He is unfamiliar with stairs but is learning to handle them quickly. He has a very high ball drive and will bring the ball back to his human as long as the ball is thrown again. Murphy loves his humans of all ages and wants to be with them always. He needs some work on his manners and is prone to countertop surfing. He also needs help learning that his crate is a safe place to stay. He takes treats gently and is very treat motivated. He is happy to work with anyone willing to give him a chance, could that be you?

Murphy is a sweet boy who takes time to get to know you.  Once he decides you're his friend, you are allowed the honor of bestowing belly rubs!  And then come the kisses!  He's great on leash, sitting at stops while in heel, knows basic obedience and follows his handler. He's VERY food driven, which is a very handy training tool.  He is going to need someone who can commit to the exercise and training he needs to keep his mind and body healthy.  He's such a handsome boy, do you think you have room for Murphy in your heart and home?

MAGSR ID: 3303


ADOPTED 08/12/2018!

Embedded thumbnail for Shasta-MAGSR-2018, Embedded thumbnail for Shasta-MAGSR-2018, Embedded thumbnail for Shasta-MAGSR-2018
Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Age: 8 years 8 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 63 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Older kids, over 12
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes, non-dominant only

Shasta has lived her life in a crate, up to 23 hours a day.  Due to this she is under socialized and fearful.  She needs an adopter that has experience, has the time and patience to help her to adjust to life outside of a crate.  A good training program and commitment from her person is very much needed.  She has met other dogs and handled non dominate dogs the best, she ran away from dogs that were trying to dominate her.  Due to her fearfulness we will not place her in a home with young children.  Shasta is learning to trust our volunteers, but requires a slow approach.  She relaxed some when she was introduced to a squeaky toy, she ran and jumped around like a puppy.

Shasta will only meet potential adopters who have experience with GSD's that are not well socialized.  Shasta needs a home where she is safe, a quieter home without a lot of commotion. At this time she is a flight risk and will require to be on leash when outside.  She will not meet families with children under the age of 12.  


Shasta has made a lot of progress while in our care.  She has come out of her shell and has gained confidence, she  is no longer fearful.  She has become silly, outgoing and playful.   She is friendly with people and excited to see our volunteers.  Shasta still needs to learn how to properly interact with other dogs.  Her overly excited approach when meeting other dogs may not be tolerated by other dogs.  She loves the water and her squeaky toy, a pool keeps her quite occupied and provides her humans with entertainment.  She has energy to spare, so a family who has the time and energy to work with her both physically and mentally will help keep her energy in check.  If you are looking for a laid back dog, Shasta is not for you.  If you enjoy running, long walks and lots of playtime Shasta would be a great choice.  

MAGSR ID: 3304


ADOPTED 08/11/2018!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 8 years 2 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 70 lbs (est)
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Yes
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Tzar came to us as an owner surrender as his human mom recently had surgery that kept her from being able to provide him with any exercise.  Wanting what was best for him, she entrusted us to find him a family that could provide him a life he deserves.  In his previous home he lived with cats and got along fine.  He did well meeting other dogs and children while being walked.  He seems to be a well rounded boy with a great disposition.  Of course training will help not only Tzar, but his new family learn more about each other and set things up for a lifetime of good manners

MAGSR ID: 3526


ADOPTED 08/10/2018!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Age: 6 years 6 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 21 lbs
Housebroken: No, I'm a puppy!
Obedience Trained: No, I'm a puppy!
Altered: No

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Yes
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Apollo cannot be any cuter and is absolutely a great little boy, happy go lucky and loves to give puppy kisses.  Apollo has a lot to learn about going a good canine citizen and will require training.  Please remember that puppies are a lot of work and require a lot of attention from their family - puppies are a ten to twelve year commitment.  Puppies are full of energy and can be mischievous – they will whine, have accidents, get into things, and chew on inappropriate things.  With time, patience, guidance and training, Apollo will become even more of an amazing boy than he already is.  Please inquire if Apollo sounds like a good match for your family.

MAGSR ID: 3498


ADOPTED 08/07/2018!

Xena is going home!
Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 8 years 2 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 56 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: No
History: Xena found herself as a stray sitting in a shelter. She is very sweet, full of kisses and thinks she's a lap dog once she gets to know you. Upon first meeting Xena she is timid and unsure of herself, but given time she relaxes. She seems to be more comfortable with women than she is with men. With the men she has met while in our care she preferred to keep her distance by staying at the end of the leash. Our male volunteers are handling her to help feel more secure with men. She will need a family who can help her build confidence, providing structure, socialization and training will greatly help.

Good With Kids: Older Kids Only
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Xena found herself as a stray sitting in a shelter.  She is very sweet, full of kisses and thinks she's a lap dog once she gets to know you.  Upon first meeting Xena she is timid and unsure of herself, but given time she relaxes.  She seems to be more comfortable with women than she is with men.  With the men she has met while in our care she preferred to keep her distance by staying at the end of the leash.  Our male volunteers are handling her to help feel more secure with men.  She will need a family who can help her build confidence, providing structure, socialization and training will greatly help.  

MAGSR ID: 3508


ADOPTED 08/05/2018!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 7 years 1 month
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 65 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: No

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Takoda is such a sweet boy, he has a wonderful disposition.  He is young and does require training, but with his smarts and wanting to please his people, he will be the rock star of his training class.  He has done well with the many dogs of varying sizes he has met, and he has done well meeting children.  Prior to arriving in our care he tested positive for heartworm, we will have another test done by our vet to confirm.  If Takoda is heartworm positive he will need to undergo heartworm treatment.  This is paid for by MAGSR, Heartworm treatment requires that the dog remain calm, no over exertion.  This means short leash walks for pottying, no running or jumping and crate rest until the treatment protocol has been completed.  If you are considering Takoda please be sure you are committed to seeing him through treatment, following the guidelines without exception.

MAGSR ID: 3510


ADOPTED 08/04/2018!

Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Age: 6 years 6 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 21 lbs
Housebroken: No, I'm a puppy!
Obedience Trained: No, I'm a puppy!
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Yes
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Aba cannot be any cuter and is absolutely a great little girl, happy go lucky and loves to give puppy kisses.  Aba has a lot to learn about going a good canine citizen and will require training.  Please remember that puppies are a lot of work and require a lot of attention from their family - puppies are a ten to twelve year commitment.  Puppies are full of energy and can be mischievous – they will whine, have accidents, get into things, and chew on inappropriate things.  With time, patience, guidance and training, Aba will become even more of an amazing girl than she already is.  Please inquire if Aba sounds like a good match for your family.

MAGSR ID: 3496


ADOPTED 08/03/2018!

Armor Is going home!
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Age: 6 years 6 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 21 lbs
Housebroken: No, I'm a puppy!
Obedience Trained: No, I'm a puppy!
Altered: No

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Yes
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Armor cannot be any cuter and is absolutely a great little boy, happy go lucky and loves to give puppy kisses.  Armor has a lot to learn about going a good canine citizen and will require training.  Please remember that puppies are a lot of work and require a lot of attention from their family - puppies are a ten to twelve year commitment.  Puppies are full of energy and can be mischievous – they will whine, have accidents, get into things, and chew on inappropriate things.  With time, patience, guidance and training, Armor will become even more of an amazing boy than he already is.  Please inquire if Armor sounds like a good match for your family.

MAGSR ID: 3500


ADOPTED 08/02/2018!

Augustus is going home!
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Age: 6 years 6 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 21 lbs
Housebroken: No, I'm a puppy!
Obedience Trained: No, I'm a puppy!
Altered: No

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Yes
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Augustus cannot be any cuter and is absolutely a great little boy, happy go lucky and loves to give puppy kisses.  Augustus has a lot to learn about going a good canine citizen and will require training.  Please remember that puppies are a lot of work and require a lot of attention from their family - puppies are a ten to twelve year commitment.  Puppies are full of energy and can be mischievous – they will whine, have accidents, get into things, and chew on inappropriate things.  With time, patience, guidance and training, Augustus will become even more of an amazing boy than he already is.  Please inquire if Augustus sounds like a good match for your family.

MAGSR ID: 3499


ADOPTED 08/01/2018!

Mochi is going home!
Embedded thumbnail for Mochi-MAGSR-2018
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Approximate Age: 8 years 6 months
Color: Cream & Black
Current Size: 45 lbs
Ideal/Potential Size: Cream & Black
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Mochi came to us as a stray from a shelter.  It is hard to believe that no one was looking for him, he is absolutely a wonderful boy.  He is friendly with everyone he meets, just an overall friendly boy.  He enjoys playing with other dogs, lots of playtime helps him burn off the energy of a young dog.  Mochi is certainly ready to move on and to meet his new family.



Mochi has gotten comfortable in his foster home. Mochi is very social with his foster family and resident dog. He prefers to be in the room that his humans are in - he is a loving boy that will snuggle right up with his humans. Mochi loves to be scratched under his chin and behind his ears. He loves the resident children and everyone that comes to the house to visit. Mochi is housebroken and is learning his basic commands. He walks nicely on a leash, enjoys his time outside and even enjoys being brushed. Mochi loves to play with a ball although he's still working on the fetch component of ball playing. Mochi is great in the crate during the day but also has been no trouble whatsoever if given a room to hang out in while he waits for his humans. Are you ready for a fun loving boy that will adore you forever? If so, ask for Mochi!

MAGSR ID: 3223


ADOPTED 08/01/2018!

Sally is going home!
SallySallySallySallySallySallySallySallySallySallySallySallySallySilly SallySallySallySallySallySallySally
Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 7 years 4 months
Color: White
Current Size: 63 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Older Kids Only
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Sally came to us with no former history, so we are getting to know her.  She is quite skittish, but has shown no aggression, she just wants to hide.  For this reason she is a flight risk and will need to be walked on a leash, even in a fenced yard.  With training, structure and guidance Sally will build her confidence.   Once bonded to her new family, which takes time and patience, trust will be gained.  Due to her being a flight risk this time, we will not place her in a home with young children who could accidentally open a door allowing Sally to escape.  She loves her crate as it is her safe place.  With the crate door open she will freely go in.  She is in a foster home where she is learning to trust humans, becoming accustomed to the sights, sounds and smells of a home and being around humans that love her.  Sally will need a family who will take the time to show her that humans are not mean, that she is safe and loved.  She does not need to be coddled, she needs someone who will take the time to help her move past her fears, relax and learn to enjoy life.

MAGSR ID: 3317


ADOPTED 07/29/2018!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 11 years 3 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 114
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Yes
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Likely
Other Dogs OK: Yes, big dogs only
Kona is extremely affectionate and loving. He's a very big boy, but believes he is a lapdog and would love to show anyone his belly that will let him. He's very strong and active and loves people. He gets a little too excited when people come to his house and barks but quickly calms after a couple of minutes.

Kona has been to obedience training and was deemed a friendly, smart, stubborn dog. He has been gentle with a baby and toddler and never showed any aggression towards people. Kona thrived in a home with another Shepherd, cat, baby, and toddler. He would occasionally play a little rough with the cat but the cat ultimately always put Kona in his place. Kona does have a strong prey drive with small animals like squirrels and sometimes small dogs and cats.

Kona needs to be properly cared for around small animals because he doesn't always know his strength.  He's mostly very easy going and loves to be loved and give love to his family. He loves walks and belly rubs and just laying around the house with his other fur friends and family. 

MAGSR ID: 3424


ADOPTED 07/29/2018!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 8 years 5 months
Color: White
Current Size: 60 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Likely
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Copper was surrendered to a shelter as the family had 8 dogs which was against county pet laws.  He is wonderful with other dogs. He is somewhat timid and looks to his person for guidance and direction.  He feels much more comfortable when his person is a confident handler.  He enjoys curling up in your lap and being loved on.  


Copper is a very gentle and loving young dog, and so handsome with his beautiful white coat.  He is on the sensitive and introverted side of things and so is very comfortable and doing well in his quiet foster home, with the older and easygoing resident dogs.  Copper needs extra time to meet new people, and needs a light touch to learn and trust in new situations, but once he accepts you he is very sweet and very affectionate, and wants nothing more than just to be with you.  With careful exposure he is getting more comfortable each day with crowds, loud noises, unexpected motion, etc., but he has limits and will do best in a more quiet, slow moving, and nurturing environment.  Copper is housebroken, crates well, loves other dogs, and loves to run with his foster dad for exercise. Copper is a gentle spirit that will make a wonderful addition to the right family that can provide the gentle but firm love and leadership he needs to thrive. Could that be you?

MAGSR ID: 3255


ADOPTED 07/29/2018!

Chewy adopted
ChewyChewyChewyChewy and TangaChewyChewyChewyChewyChewyChewyChewy and TangaChewy and TangaChewy and TangaChewy and Tanga
Embedded thumbnail for Chewy-MAGSR-2018
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 12 years 4 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 109 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Yes
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Meet MAGSR's newest bonded pair - Chewy (m) & Tanga (f)! These two were surrendered to MAGSR after their human mom passed away - they are understandably confused and nervous. They are reported to be good with dogs, kids and cats (lived with 2 chihuahuas and cats). MAGSR will make every effort to keep them together.  They are both very large dogs and need to lose some weight, nothing exercise and reduction in food intake won't help.  Do you have room in your home and heart for two?? 

MAGSR ID: 3355


ADOPTED 07/29/2018!

Tanga adopted
TangaTangaTangaChewy and TangaTangaTangaTangaTangaTangaTangaChewy and TangaChewy and TangaChewy and TangaChewy and Tanga
Embedded thumbnail for Tanga-MAGSR-2018
Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 12 years 4 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 120 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Yes
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Meet MAGSR's newest bonded pair - Chewy (m) & Tanga (f)! These two were surrendered to MAGSR after their human mom passed away - they are understandably confused and nervous. They are reported to be good with dogs, kids and cats (lived with 2 chihuahuas and cats). MAGSR will make every effort to keep them together.  They are both very large dogs and need to lose some weight, nothing exercise and reduction in food intake won't help.  Do you have room in your home and heart for two?? 

MAGSR ID: 3356


ADOPTED 07/24/2018!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Approximate Age: 7 years 3 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 100 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Partially
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Yes
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Zeus was adopted from us as an 8 week old puppy.  He was returned as the adopter claims he is moving and could not find housing that would allow a large breed dog.  Zeus is a wonderful, friendly boy.  He needs some brushing up on his obedience training.  He is over weight and could use to lose pounds, walks, and playtime along with cutting back on his food intake will help him reach optimal weight.  He was often left with a pet sitter who had children and cats, he did fine with all.  In his previous home he lived with other dogs without problems.  Zeus will make a great family addition, please ask to meet him.


Zeus is settling in to his foster home. He is very playful and just a big clumsy puppy. Zeus loves to take nice long walks with his foster dad, which is helping him lose a couple of pounds already.  Zeus started off mouthy but is also learning manners in his foster home. Zeus is very affectionate with his foster family and is great with the young child in the home as well. If Zeus sounds like a good fit for you, please ask to meet him.

MAGSR ID: 3320


ADOPTED 07/21/2018!

Piper 07-19-18PiperPiper 07-19-18 2BristolBristolBristolBristolBristolBristolBristolBristolBristolPiper
Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 7 years 4 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 65 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Unlikely
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Bristol was not well cared for by her previous person.  She often went without being fed, allowed to run at large putting her in danger of being hit by cars.  She has had no training and no guidance.  Regardless of her lack of her care and guidance she is a sweet, friendly young girl.  She enjoys the company of and playing with other dogs and she is good with children.  Of course she will require formal training, it not only teaches her how to be a well behaved and balanced girl, but it also helps with creating a bond with her new family.  Please be sure you have the time and patience to commit to Bristol for the rest of her life.


Unfortunately Piper was returned to us after almost 5 months after showing too much interest in the resident cats. Piper is understandably confused why her family gave her up. Her foster reports that she doesn't appear to have had much training. Piper is now in a foster home where she'll wait for the right family and learn what she can learn during that time, along with playing with the resident dog. If you can commit to Piper for her lifetime, please ask to meet her.

Hi.  My new name is Piper – I have had a few names in my short life but this one has stuck.  I answer really well to my new name.

As you can see I am back with the great people of MASGR.  My foster mom says I am all the best things found in a puppy and GSD.  BUT, if those are not what you are looking for, I am not the best fit for you. I am super smart, cute and loyal.  Also I am a puppy and I have a lot of energy and love to play …. all day.  Remember I am a working bread and need to have exercise and mental stimulation to keep me, and you ultimately, happy and healthy.  Please be committed to meeting my activity and mental stimulation needs.  My foster mom says I would be best with a furry brother or sister who I can play with and in an active family. I love kids! But obviously I am a pretty big dog and a puppy – so would be best with children comfortable with big dogs.  I love all people, dogs, toys and belly rubs! Overall, I am a naturally very well behaved dog. Though I do need some additional training - have started learning basic commands, but am not yet consistent. I do need additional training for walking on a lead. I am great about being house trained – but since I play a lot and drink a lot - thus need to get out to do my business. I am an amazing dog and have had a lot of change in my short life – but there are no obvious negative impacts – I have taken it all in stride.  But I deserve a wonderful forever family – one where we are both together a great fit - me for you, and you for me.  If you think you are that family – ask to meet me.  It’ll be hard for you to not fall in love….. 

MAGSR ID: 2885


ADOPTED 07/09/2018!

Soldier Adopted
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 8 years 4 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: Large
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Yes
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Sadly Soldier's person found themselves homeless needing to find a new home for Soldier.  He is now in our care in a foster home.  He has done well with other dogs, cats and children since being in his foster home.  His foster will provide an update once she has gotten to know him better and he has had the chance to settle in.

MAGSR ID: 3361


ADOPTED 07/05/2018!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Approximate Age: 8 years 6 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 73 lbs.
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Partially
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Chauncey has been let down by people 3 times in his short life, he is now looking for his forever family that will commit to him for his for lifetime.

He was first in a shelter at 4 weeks old, adopted at 8 weeks old as a cute adorable puppy only to be returned at 7 months old.  He was too much to handle and no time was spent on training.  He was then adopted again and returned as his family was moving and they were not willing to find a place that allowed dogs.  Chauncey didn't deserve to be treated this way, he is not disposable.  He is 73 lbs but could stand to lose 5 lbs or so.  Nothing that daily exercise, walks and a little less food won't help.  He enjoys the outdoors, playing, going for walks and exploring his surroundings.  Please, when considering adding a dog to your family that you are able to commit to them for their lifetime.  They should be treated as a loving family member.


Chauncey is crate trained, housebroken, sits and lays down when told, and is easy to walk on a leash. Chauncey loves attention and follows his humans around the house every time they move and is always excited to see them. Chauncey loves playing with his toys, brings them back to his handler and waits for them to be thrown again. Chauncey is a very sweet boy who just wants to love and be loved. He definitely needs a fur-ever home. Ask to meet him today.

Hello, my name is Chauncey.  Since I've been with my humans for several weeks, I have learned their routine so I do what I'm supposed to before they tell me.  When it's time to go up to my cage, I'm going up the stairs before they know it. When it's time to go to bed I go up the steps with my humans standing guard because the house dog likes to pick on me.  I start off at one side of the bed, away from the house dog, then in the middle of the night when the house dog is asleep I sneak over and jump up on the bed and lay next to my human companion.  When it's time to go out I love walking my human companions around the block.  At meal time I run over to where I get fed and wait for them to come feed me.  I sit waiting for them to put the bowl down, drooling.  When they tell me it's okay to eat, I chomp out!  I also try to fool them and run over there like it's dinner time on the chance they'll feed me again.  I like going to the park where I can meet other people and see other dogs that I would like to play with. I like other dog buddies.  I like playing with my toys in the house. I really like my rubber bottle and bring it to my humans so they can throw it for me to retrieve. I love jumping my front paws on their lap so they give me attention, and I love all the attention they give me. I love my female human - when she comes home I wag my tail , follow her around and jump up on her with smiles, going a little crazy. I'm looking for a fur-ever home.

My human friend keeps taking me to a store where I get to meet adults and kids.  The adults come up and pet me, and the kids come up and pet me, and sometimes I lay down and roll over so they can rub my belly.  I really enjoy that, but it wears me out, so I sleep in the car on the way home, then I'm ready to go again. The other day we went to the park.  There was a teen age girl and a grandmother I met, and a four year old girl that wanted to pet me rather than the other dog.  She kept giving me small sticks to play with, and was having a good time.  Then she came up and gave me a big hug around the neck and I really enjoyed that!  I really like playing with kids.

MAGSR ID: 3199


ADOPTED 06/30/2018!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 9 years 9 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 94 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Yes
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Older Kids Only
Good With Cats: No
Other Dogs OK: Yes, big dogs only

Ozzie's former person took ill and was no longer able to care for  him.  He was brought to the VA area by a family member and is now in our care looking for his forever family.  Ozzie is a very big boy at 94 lbs  He has undergone formal training but will require further training with his new family.  He has not lived with dogs before but did well meeting another German Shepherd during our evaluation.  Ozzie does have the tendency to herd (nip at) children, for this reason we feel it is best that he not be placed in a home with young children.  A boy of this size can be intimating to small children and he could also accidentally knock them down.  For the most past Ozzie's former person exercised Ozzie on daily 2 mile walks and lots of games of fetch.  Daily exercise is key to  keep energy in check, so please be sure you have the time to commit to his exercise needs, training and of course a lifetime of love and care.

MAGSR ID: 2813


ADOPTED 06/30/2018!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 6 years 7 months
Color: white
Current Size: 32 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Sweet Shrek was surrendered to us as his former person had no time for him.  He was being left in a junk filled backyard.  Shrek has a partially missing ear which we were told his mother bit off.  It seems that he also has some damage to the tip of his other ear.  This in no way takes away from how adorable him, it gives him his own unique look.  He is in a foster home enjoying his time living indoors, having a large clean yard to romp around in with the resident dogs.  His foster family has started working with him on training and he is learning quickly.  It is important that his new family continues with training and keeping him socialized with other people and dogs.  This time in his life is critical for this as it provides a great foundation for him to be a well balanced adult.

MAGSR ID: 3319


ADOPTED 06/25/2018!

Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 10 years 5 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 47 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unlikely
Other Dogs OK: Not good with small dogs

Harleigh was a stray and taken to a shelter.  She is good with other dogs, She is a little shy, but she is just getting to know us.  She is a petite girl, but very beautiful and easier to handle then the larger Shepherds.   


Harleigh is settling in nicely at her fosters house. She is getting along great with both of the resident dogs and loves being able to run around and play. Harleigh knows some basic commands like sit, come and leave it and she is working on stay and lie down. She walks nicely on a leash and loves to roll around in the grass. Harleigh is very goofy and playful but also loves to snuggle up with you on the couch. Harleigh does great in the car and hopes to meet her fur-ever family soon. Ask to meet Harleigh!

MAGSR ID: 3256


ADOPTED 06/23/2018!

Embedded thumbnail for Manning-MAGSR-2018
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 10 years 6 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 61 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Unknown
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Yes
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Manning made his way to us after sitting in a shelter as a stray.  We have no information on him prior to him coming into our care.  He is a friendly boy, he enjoys the company of other dogs.  He needs sometime to settle in to his new life and get use to all of the changes, but he seems to be taking it all in stride.  Manning is now looking for a forever family and a soft bed in his new home.


Handsome Manning is adjusting to life in a foster home. He doesn’t appear to have much prior training or exposure and some of his behaviors are puppyish. He is eager to learn and please his handler and is food motivated which will make training easier.  He crates well and is quiet - only whines softly when he needs to do his business. He will even rest in the crate with the door open when the home is calm.  He doesn’t seem to know what toys are or isn’t interested. He’ll fetch a ball for a little while but doesn’t appear to have much ball drive. He gets along well with the resident small and large female dogs. He is a very sweet and friendly boy looking for you to give him a the good life with structure, training, soft beds, treats, walks, time outside and a furever home. Manning is waiting to meet you!

MAGSR ID: 3225


ADOPTED 06/23/2018!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Approximate Age: 7 years 8 months
Color: Black
Current Size: 70 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Working on it
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Older kids, over 16
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Bolt is a high energy young boy who likes sniffing all things outside, chasing balls, chewing rawhide bones, getting belly rubs, going on long walks and car rides. He's housebroken and crate trained and knows some basic obedience commands. Bolt has a lot to learn and is looking for a family who will commit to him for his lifetime, provide him with structure, love, comfort and lots of playtime.


Update: ​Hi, I'm Bolt. I'm a young pup with lots of energy. I like sniffing all the things outside, chasing balls, chewing rawhide bones, getting belly rubs, going on long walks and car rides. I'm housebroken, and so far I know the command, "Sit." I have a lot more to learn, but I'm currently being taught a couple more commands.

MAGSR ID: 2172


ADOPTED 06/22/2018!

Embedded thumbnail for Jack-MAGSR-2018
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 8 years 4 months
Color: White
Current Size: 75lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Working on it
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Jack came to us with no prior history, so we are getting to know him.  He can be a little unsure of new things and people which results him hiding.  But once comfortable with his person he becomes a 75 lb. lap dog.  He will flourish with training and guidance, this will help him build a bond with his family and relax so that he can enjoy the world around him.  He does have a lot of strength and no leash manners, this is something that needs to be worked on.  If you are looking for a handsome boy and don't mind a large lap dog to cuddle with then Jack is your boy


Jack has been settling nicely into his foster home. Although it takes him a few minutes to get comfortable with new people, once adjusted, Jack is a happy-go-lucky guy. Jack thrives with stability and leadership. This intelligent guy has quickly been developing some basic skills. At this time he is learning sit, down, paw, crate, out and heel. With the correct gear, consistency, and some high-value treats, Jack is more than happy to try new things. 

Although Jack is learning a lot, he also understands that sometimes you need to take a break and simply enjoy life. Jack loves toys. He will play fetch and happily bound around after a ball or a plush toy. However, if you need to take a break, Jack is very capable of entertaining himself. He tends to end up upside down with a goofy smile across his face. As a typical shepherd, Jack likes to be with his people. He makes an excellent shadow and takes every opportunity to cuddle. Sometimes it seems that he really does think he's a 10lb puppy rather than a 75lb dog. 


If you are ready for new adventures, a lot of smiles, and a big companion, Jack is your guy. Please ask to meet him today.

MAGSR ID: 3318


ADOPTED 06/18/2018!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 9 years 2 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 71 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Yes
Altered: No

Good With Kids: Older kids, over 16
Good With Cats: Yes, but will chase
Other Dogs OK: Yes, big dogs only

Reuger is a young, handsome boy who has been through basic obedience training.  It is imperative that he continues training with his new family.  Reuger is not good with small dogs and will not be placed in a home with small dogs.  In his previous home he had escaped the home through an opened door and an electric fence going after small dogs in the neighborhood.  He did live with a cat, getting along fine as long as the cat did not run around.  He also lived with a female GSD and was fine with her.  Reuger does play rough with other dogs, so another dog in the home must be playful and accepting of rough housing.  Reuger also has the tendency to get mouthy with people when he is overly excited.  Training, structure and direction can help with these behaviors.  Reuger will do best with experienced GSD people, who have the time and knowledge to work with him. 



ADOPTED 06/16/2018!

Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 8 years 4 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 71 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Peggy came to us from a shelter where she was a stray so we have no back history on her.  She has been friendly and easy to handle since arriving in our care.  She of course needs training to help her learn good manners and to learn what is expected of her.  Training is also good socialization with other people and dogs, which this breed requires.

MAGSR ID: 3308


ADOPTED 06/15/2018!

Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Age: 7 years 8 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 59 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Annie came to us a surrender as her former person was not properly caring for her.  His family intervened knowing that Annie deserved a better life, one filled with love and care.  Annie is in a loving foster home where she lives with children.  She has adjusted well to her foster home and family.  

MAGSR ID: 3305


ADOPTED 06/15/2018!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 14 years 4 months
Color: Black/Red Sable
Current Size: 64 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Red made his way to us from a shelter where he was surrendered.  Unfortunately we do not have any back history on him.  Since being in our care he has been friendly and pretty laid back.  If you are looking for a refined gentleman to go for leisurely strolls, spend time hanging out, that is past the high energy level of a adolescent dog then Red is the boy for you. 

MAGSR ID: 3309


ADOPTED 06/11/2018!

Samson is going home!
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Approximate Age: 8 years 9 months
Color: Black & White
Current Size: 60 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: No
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Samson came to us as an owner surrender as his former person could no longer care for him due to personal health issues.  Samson is shy when when meeting new people, he requires a little time to check you out.  He is good with children and other dogs, but prefers his home be cat free.  Samson needs to build up his confidence, socialization along with training will help him, along with structure.  He is in a foster home adjusting to the changes in his life.


I'm doing great in my foster home. I love playing with the resident dogs and enjoy my time with the resident children. Sometimes I get a little scared but with patience and gentle coaxing I get over my fears. I don't mind my crate and I know to go out when I need to relieve myself. My favorite activities include playing with the resident dogs, chewing bones and just chilling out.  I look forward to more outside time once the weather gets nicer. If you have patience and are willing to work with me I will be your best friend. Interested? I'd love to meet you!

MAGSR ID: 3284


ADOPTED 06/07/2018!

Murphy adopted
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 9 years 4 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 66 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: No
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Older kids, over 16
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Murphy made his way to us from a shelter where he was a stray.  We have no past history for him, so we are getting to know him.  He requires a slower approach when meeting new people.   He is in need of training which will help him learn good manners, build his confidence and bond with his new family.


Murphy is an interesting high energy pup. He’s likely had very little structure in his life to this point and is in need of a strong willed person or family to help guide his future and provide consistent and strong structure, especially with his indoor manners. He’s easy to leash up and walk, both on long and short leash. He’s loves car rides but seems unfamiliar with exiting or entering the car. He is unfamiliar with stairs but is learning to handle them quickly. He has a very high ball drive and will bring the ball back to his human as long as the ball is thrown again. Murphy loves his humans of all ages and wants to be with them always. He needs some work on his manners and is prone to countertop surfing. He also needs help learning that his crate is a safe place to stay. He takes treats gently and is very treat motivated. He is happy to work with anyone willing to give him a chance, could that be you?

Murphy is a sweet boy who takes time to get to know you.  Once he decides you're his friend, you are allowed the honor of bestowing belly rubs!  And then come the kisses!  He's great on leash, sitting at stops while in heel, knows basic obedience and follows his handler. He's VERY food driven, which is a very handy training tool.  He is going to need someone who can commit to the exercise and training he needs to keep his mind and body healthy.  He's such a handsome boy, do you think you have room for Murphy in your heart and home?

MAGSR ID: 3303


ADOPTED 06/06/2018!

Embedded thumbnail for Manning-MAGSR-2018
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Approximate Age: 10 years 6 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 61 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Unknown
Altered: Yes

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Yes
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Manning made his way to us after sitting in a shelter as a stray.  We have no information on him prior to him coming into our care.  He is a friendly boy, he enjoys the company of other dogs.  He needs sometime to settle in to his new life and get use to all of the changes, but he seems to be taking it all in stride.  Manning is now looking for a forever family and a soft bed in his new home.


Handsome Manning is adjusting to life in a foster home. He doesn’t appear to have much prior training or exposure and some of his behaviors are puppyish. He is eager to learn and please his handler and is food motivated which will make training easier.  He crates well and is quiet - only whines softly when he needs to do his business. He will even rest in the crate with the door open when the home is calm.  He doesn’t seem to know what toys are or isn’t interested. He’ll fetch a ball for a little while but doesn’t appear to have much ball drive. He gets along well with the resident small and large female dogs. He is a very sweet and friendly boy looking for you to give him a the good life with structure, training, soft beds, treats, walks, time outside and a furever home. Manning is waiting to meet you!

MAGSR ID: 3225
