
Posted: Mon, 2021-10-18 00:00

Last Sunday, October 10th, we celebrated Blackjack's (formally known as Jinx) one year anniversary at his Forever Home!  

We received BJ at 9 weeks old from the Mississippi mud.  Like many rescues, BJ was scrawny, stinky, starving, and filled with parasites.  Blackjack cleaned up well and filled out fast! At his one year birthday (we are marking as August 1st) Blackjack weighed in at a healthy 86 lbs!!

Blackjack is a quick learner and highly trainable thanks in most part to his older sister, 12 year Belgium Shepherd, Amber.  Blackjack loves to play ball, that deserves repeating, Blackjack l-o-v-e-s to play ball!  BJ would be a great shortstop; he is fast, and always in front of the ball.  It helps we have lacrosse players at home for BJ to play ball with.  BJ has daily playdates with his nextdoor neighbor, a mixed terrier, Marley, adopted at the same time, same age.  Marley's high energy is a great match for BJ at play time.   Blackjack loves his older sister, they are side by side chasing squirrels, on daily walks, hanging out in the backyard, keeping watch over the house, or napping. Blackjack is very people and dog friendly, and his carefree demeanor helps relax Amber, who is always on guard, alert to protect her home, her family.  Blackjack has also brought back a playfulness to Amber in her later years.  

Of course, Blackjack has added more joy and playfulness to the whole family!