Success Stories

This is what we are all about. When we place a dog in a great home, everyone in the rescue is elated. Nothing feels better than helping our dogs on their journey to find a forever home where they can love and be loved.

We thank every one of our adoptive families for opening their hearts and homes to our dogs.

These are the most recent MAGSR Success Stories. Success Stories reported prior to 2016 can be found here.

Posted: 01/30/2019

Rocky loves his hugs in the morning and is doing well

Posted: 01/30/2019

Guess who rules the roost; Sammie, who was an outside dog prior to Feb 2016 adoption, has made himself quite comfortable on coaches, beds, car seats, mom’s lap – I can’t breathe!.  I didn’t rescue Sam, he rescued me. Brings smile and joy to my life each and every day

Posted: 01/30/2019
Bronco! Bronco! Bronco! Bronco!

Bronco is a sweet, spoiled boy. He loves his belly rubs and doesn't want to share the baskets of toys he has around the house. He thinks every amazon box has a toy for him.

He has picked me as his person and never leaves my side, including sitting outside of the bathroom.

Although he loves his walks, he prefers the air conditioning in the summer and to watch us from the comforts of inside when we’re on the back deck.

We love him and he’s our sweet boy.


Mandie Combs-Bosse

Posted: 01/30/2019

Jackson is doing really well!  We are very happy he rescued us.  Here he is resting and so proud after chewing up a toy!

Posted: 01/30/2019

She is doing great full of life given lots of love. We are always interested in fostering. She has free range of the house because she has earned it with her phenomenal behavior. She is the biggest sweetheart. She gets plenty of exercise each day we go on a few mile hikes. 

Posted: 01/29/2019
Cooper (aka Quinn)
Cooper (aka Quinn) Cooper (aka Quinn) Cooper (aka Quinn) Cooper (aka Quinn) Cooper (aka Quinn)

This is cooper, he’s growing fast and loves his new home and brother and sister Bonnie &  Clyde.  He’s a super sweet loving boy and enjoys walks, playing in the yard and snuggling with his human family!

Posted: 01/29/2019
Endy (fka Daina)
Endy (fka Daina) Endy (fka Daina) Endy (fka Daina) Endy (fka Daina) Endy (fka Daina)

Hi there, 
Just wanted to give y'all an update on Endy (fka Daina). 
We have had her for almost 9 months now and often can't remember what life was like before her. What did we do with all of our free time? What did we laugh at, if not for her goofy self? Who did we just sit around staring at? Haha 
The point is, we sure do love this goofy girl and she fits right into our family. Endy loves to run! We found a park close to our house with a huge green space where she can run to her heart's content. She loves chasing her balls. Loves playing tug. Loves to give high fives and get an inner thigh rub. She's quite the character. She loves playing with her cousins (our niece and nephew) and really loves when they sleep over and they all sleep together in a big pile of blankets and pillows on the floor.  Endy also loves going to "school" at doggy daycare to play with her friends. We are pretty sure she thinks she's a human, and who are we to crush her dreams ;) 
Endy has EPI which we have learned so much about since we got her and have established care with a great veterinarian who guides us in her care. She has gained weight and is very healthy and strong! 
Endy was quite the energetic girl on a leash when we got her, but we have completed training with her and she now walks wonderfully on the leash. Her only snafoo is if we see another dog on a walk. She is leash reactive in the strangest playful, aggressive looking way. She just wants to play, but she's just dying to play with them so badly that it comes off as over zealous. We have worked with our trainers on this as well and have definitely made progress. 
Overall, she's our favorite girl and we tell her so all the time :) 
It's hard to choose a favorite photo so I'll have to pick a few! 

Katie, Meg, and Endy Thompson

Posted: 01/27/2019
Dushko (fka Bourke)
Dushko (fka Bourke) Dushko (fka Bourke) Dushko (fka Bourke) Dushko (fka Bourke) Dushko (fka Bourke) Dushko (fka Bourke)

Dushko (formerly known as Bourke) has settled nicely into his home. He loves affection from everyone in the house, especially good belly rubs. He is learning that his humans don’t play the same way as his doggie friends do. Dushko is doing well in the basic obedience class. Dushko loves his long walks around the neighborhood and hikes in the park. He has made a friend with a neighbor’s rescue greyhound and we enjoy walking together. 


Posted: 01/27/2019

As you can see, Chloe is the most spoiled, well cared for dog ever!


Posted: 01/26/2019

Finn has certainly changed quite a bit since his arrival to Maryland. 

Mid - January 2019 - Finn last weighed in at 54 pounds. Is friendly to all he meets. He loves being outside for walks - he is happy to explore new places. He loves training - especially when reward treats are very tasty - is favorite reward is bits of Turkey Hot Dog.   And when the day is done - he is  ready to give a big wet good night kiss.  Finn is doing fantastic for being just over 6 months old. 

Now Finn came to Maryland as part of a litter of 9 - how are the rest of the puppies doing? 

Posted: 01/26/2019

Cane has become a beloved member of our family so quickly over the past three months that it's hard to remember a time before we had him in our lives!  We are so blessed to have this happy boy in our home; he brings such joy and love to everyone he meets.  He is adored by all of his "grandparents" and has met lots of doggy friends over the past few months, but is happiest snuggling up with us at the end of the day.  He also now how has choice of three dog beds throughout the house to choose from to lounge on, but he seems to prefer the couch with us!  He loves to pose with his toys (as you can see in the attached pictures) but his favorite by far is being able to chase tennis balls, although most are shredded in minutes!  He also enjoys being able to explore the yard and keep watch over his domain.  

We are so grateful to MAGSR for bringing Cane to us; we couldn't have asked for a better dog!


Posted: 01/26/2019

Wicke is a loving, sweet baby.   We have an older blind dog that she takes great care of and is so gentle.   She's even gotten cuddly with our cat.   We love her soooooo much!


Posted: 01/26/2019

We adopted PAX on February 6, 2016.

He is doing great!  Loves playing ball and hide and seek. He has lots of energy so his weight is about 79 lbs. He's lovable and goofy at times. 


Posted: 01/26/2019

April and Piper have formed an inseparable bond. These two are are rarely not right next to each other.  Piper loves to read to April and I'll often find them circled up together with a book or staring out the window together searching for squirrels!  If Piper is doing it -April wants to do it too!   The most stressful part of her doggy life is watching her kid struggle with difficult homework while she is learning something new.  If Piper stresses it, April is RIGHT there by her side offering comfort.   She enjoys the comforts of living in a home, finding a soft bed and begging for treats!   We've taught her a few tricks such as "shake", "High five", "Wave" and "crawl". Paw tricks are her favorite.  You just have to be careful if there are small kids visiting because that is a BIG PAW coming through the air. lol.   April constantly talks, making little noises all day long telling us who knows what most of the time.  She does what she can to "protect us" from that shifty squirrel that lives in the tree behind out house.  Any time she she it, she goes into FULL ALERT mode sliding across the kitchen floor to get to the back glass door.  She recently learned that FETCH IS SUPER FUN and begs to play constantly.  She has a couple favorite toys that are her babies and are NOT to be played with.  They are for holding or snuggling ONLY.  She is so funny.   She knows she is supposed to be on her bed while we eat but she thinks she is being super smart when she gets off it search for crumbs on the floor to magically find herself at the table - very well knowing that dad is a sucker for giving her a little treat if she goes back to her bed.  She says mom gives the best ear rubs and will groan and lean in anytime I rub her ears.   If someone else rubs them she will tell them they are not doing it right and come to me.  She has mastered the arm flip.  If you are relaxing on the couch or in a chair she will walk up to, stick her nose under your arm and flip it so it perfectly lands right on top of her head.  She LOVES her head and face rubbed.   It took her a while to fully adjust into our home, but now that she has -we can't imagine our lives without her. 

Posted: 01/20/2019

Lager just celebrated his 5 year adoptiversary with us! He has blossomed into a much more confident, social, and playful dog over the years. His time in MAGSR inspired us to foster and Lager has welcomed 11 foster dogs and 1 foster kitten into our house. We adopted his brother Porter 2 years ago and he’s expecting his first human sibling in March. We’re so happy to have found him!

Posted: 01/19/2019
Manny (fka Manning)
Manny (fka Manning)

Manny has adapted well to our home.  His favorite thing seems to be running around the house as fast as he can in a great big circle.    When he is inside, he enjoys playing with our cat or he gets a dog toy out of his box and entertains us and himself with it.  He is a real joy to be around and we feel very fortunate to have him. 

Posted: 01/15/2019

We adopted Takoda in August 2018 and decided to keep his name, although we also use the nickname Tiki sometimes!  Takoda had his final heartworm injection on November 2nd so he is no longer under treatment restrictions and is living his best life as a 1.5 year old GSD!  When he first came home with us he didn’t know what to do with bones and toys, it took a few weeks to learn how to play.  His favorite things now are squeaky toys, frozen kongs stuffed with sweet potatoes, old t-shirts, and belly rubs.  We also learned on Sunday that he loves the snow!  He has been very easy to train and learned so much during his heartworm treatment restriction that he is skipping beginner and going straight to intermediate obedience classes beginning on Saturday.  We are grateful to MAGSR for rescuing him and guiding us through the heartworm process, now we get to look forward to many healthy years ahead!

Posted: 01/08/2019
Jack Shannon
Jack Shannon

We adopted our Jack Shannon in November of 2013.  He was our first ever rescue and we are so thankful we have him. He is the smartest German Shepherd we have ever had.   He is such a good boy and loves his family and tolerates the cat.  He never lets us out of his sight when we are home.  He loves to go for his walks and play ball in his yard.  He is also very tolerant of our grand daughter. He sits for treats when she tells him to and lets her listen to his heart when she is playing doctor. 

Thank you MAGSR. 
Tim and Jody Witek

Posted: 01/08/2019
Zena chillin'
Zena boatin'

Zena is a good companion dog, adaptable to road trips, boat outings, beach water play, strenuous hiking, quiet sunsets and watching rainstorms together, and going about normal household activities, willing to undertake whatever it takes to be with me.

Posted: 01/06/2019

My daughter reading to Shelby after having tumor removed, Shelby and Lucy spending quality time together, My son walking Shelby, Queen Shelby looking very royal, and snuggling on the couch.
