Success Stories

This is what we are all about. When we place a dog in a great home, everyone in the rescue is elated. Nothing feels better than helping our dogs on their journey to find a forever home where they can love and be loved.

We thank every one of our adoptive families for opening their hearts and homes to our dogs.

These are the most recent MAGSR Success Stories. Success Stories reported prior to 2016 can be found here.

Posted: 05/26/2019

I'm emailing with a great update on Takoda, adopted August 2018.  He had heartworm at the time and went through his treatment between August and November.  We just had his 6 month post-treatment antigen test and it came back negative, he is officially cured!  To celebrate, we introduced him to the beach on his first trip to the Outer Banks.  He loved walking, playing, and napping in the sand, wasn't too keen on the waves this year, but he had a great time!

Posted: 05/19/2019

Yesterday at training Macklee's love of water came shining through. She is working on confidence and slowly starting to allow other family members pet her. In our home, she is proving to be lovable and sweet. She is playful, sassy and very much about being on schedule. She uses a nose tap to the door as a signal she is ready to go out.  When the weather is nice, she is outside with my husband and I and her brother's. She is tethered to her 25ft lead and just wanders around smelling and getting used to the sounds. She is growing a little. We are continuing to teach and show her how much we love her.

It's only been a little over 2 months since we brought her home, but everyday she settles in a little more.

Posted: 05/11/2019

We adopted Remington (formerly known as Wendy) September 11, 2012.   She was just 7 to 8 weeks old.   Such a very ornery puppy that has developed into the most loving companion any human could ask for.    We are grateful that MAGSR was willing to take her and her siblings in so that they could find their forever homes.  She does have a brother and sister that were adopted together and it would be amazing to be able to see how they grew up and turned out too.


She is one very well-traveled pup too!   We have an RV and she is always happy to be the co-pilot and navigation system.  I actually think she has been in more places and seen more of the United States than most people.    I would absolutely call her one lucky little pup!    She now has two other “sisters” she lives with and EVERY day is an adventure with her.


THANK YOU MAGSR for doing what you do every single day .. and THANK you to all the FOSTER parents!!!!   Every animal deserves a loving home.


Tammy Brown

Posted: 05/07/2019
Dayse Dayse Dayse

Dayse is doing wonderful in her new home!

Posted: 05/02/2019
Zelda Zelda Zelda Zelda Zelda Zelda Zelda Zelda

Zelda is a 1 year 8 Month old Akita mix. She is all white except for some brown spots on her body and top of head and she has a black mask face.  She also has traits of Husky, Labrador Retriever & Shetland Sheepdog. She is a very confident dog. She has lots of energy. She absolutely loves everyone! She is so friendly. She went through training and is so intelligent and a fast learner too. When she started training, she was very on edge with the other puppies and not very confident at all. By the end of training, she is now very confident of herself, knows all her commands and loves everyone! It was a big turn around to see her just being a puppy. She loves my husband and kids very much but I am her person and she tends to get a little anxious when I have to leave. We noticed that this behavior was getting worse and we needed to do something about it. I worked with her everyday until I noticed that she would just look out the window and watch the birds and whine. She would see a deer and go nuts with whining and running around the house crying. We couldn't get her to play outside with us either. We realized that she was lonely and needed a friend. We rescued a puppy from our local SPCA who was rescued from Puerto Rico during that terrible storm they had. He is now a 10 month old Mega Mutt with a tiny bit of Toy Fox Terrier and Rat Terrier named Link who made Zelda the happiest dog in the world. She is back to herself and no whining at all. They are inseparable. She loves him so much. Zelda is a great, loving, pretty, funny, loyal, super friendly, energetic &  a super intelligent dog. She is so loved with us and we are so glad we could give her a "forever" home because she is also our "forever" furbaby!!

Posted: 04/14/2019


As you can tell by the photos, Macklee has a favorite toy. She loves to play with this football, however when she wasn't sharing her older brother Nate reminded her that she needs to share. 

She continues to work on her confidence with her trainer Miss Kathy. She gets in and out of the back of the car by herself with little anxiouness. We also learned that she loves water and loves to play in it.

She will go on short walks, but never far from our house. When we go for walks and is given the command "home" she walks me straight up the driveway to the door. She does not like things out of their place in our house.  She touches the doorknob with her nose when she wants to go out. She is still most comfortable in our home, with her fur brothers and my husband and I. 

She handled my being gone for a business trip better then I did too. That time gave her an opportunity to become more comfortable with my husband. 

We are all working together to help her be a confident, happy, strong and independent girl!


That's all for now!


Posted: 04/12/2019
Tzar Tzar

We could not be happier with our pup! He has been such a blessing since our son left for boot camp in October. He has truly been our therapy dog. He is loving and we could not ask for a better fit for our family. He keeps growing and is waiting for our cat to become his best friend! He loves rides in the car and visiting other dog friends. He loves the snow but wants to protect all the kids going down the hill. German Shepherds are truly amazing!


Posted: 04/07/2019
Willow v Willow Willow

Our new pup Willow is now going on her fourth week in our home, and things are progressing very nicely! She and our other GSD Emma are getting along very well. Willow is an excellent walker on the leash and is enjoying lots of sniffs and smells. She knows her name and manages to tease us by coming to within a few feet of our hands…unless we have snacks! Each day brings her a bit closer to coming right up to us. We’re getting there! Actually, she just came up to me while I was on the computer and let me pet her. She probably feels my pain…I’m doing our taxes!

Willow has been good in the home and only had one accident that I’m sure she too wasn’t happy about. All in all, Willow is a very sweet addition to our family and we look forward to the near future when we’ll start some level of obedience training. I’m certain she will be a model citizen. We couldn’t be happier with this former Southern Belle!


Posted: 04/04/2019

Hi everyone, it's been a year since my mom and dad brought me home and gave me a 2nd chance at life and what a wonderful life it is!!! It took my brother Jordan a few months to really warm up to me but now he shares his toys and his favorite chair.  We have snacks together each night and sometimes share a frosty paw treat. Mom is a runner so I enjoy it  when she takes me with her.  We exercise together alot. I love meeting new people but am still a little hesitant to meet other pups. I love going for rides in the car and and playing fetch in my big fenced in yard. Mommy tells me I'm such a girlie girl.  I love to lay at her feet in the mornings when she's getting ready for work or taking a bubble bath.  She even gave me my very own makeup brush.  She keeps it in a special drawer and when I tap on the drawer she get's it out and tickles me with it. I also love the vacuum cleaner.  When mom does housecleaning, I love it when she vacuums my belly. It's been a year of overcoming some fears and anxieties but I'm becoming more confident in my self and my surroundings. As you can see in the photo below,  I have the brightest smile and the biggest heart. I love my family and I know that I will be loved and spoiled forever.

Warmest Regards,
Suzanne (and Acadia)

Posted: 03/31/2019


So after one month of Macklee becoming apart of our family, she is really showing us who she is! She is totally house broken, follows and takes cues from her big fur brothers. In the mornings while I get ready for work, she likes to play with her toys. She goes to her "bed" when she is scared or just to take a break.

She has been working with her trainer for 2 weeks now and is really making progress. She is happiest when there is only her human mom and dad and her fur brothers, but she is curious and getting better about checking out her human siblings when they visit. She met her first baby last weekend. He was as curious about her as she was about him. They seemed to really like each other and she showed us that she is gentle with little ones. Every evening she lays on my lap and rests awhile. She's my lap dog. She is sassy and stubborn at times, but she is getting there!

All in all she is making progress and we love her. She has a way to go, but we are going to do everything it takes to make sure she is a happy, loved, and safe.


Posted: 03/22/2019
Harper (fka Cara)
Harper (fka Cara) Harper (fka Cara) Harper (fka Cara) Harper (fka Cara) Harper (fka Cara)

Just a long overdue update....Harper (Cara) was adopted from you back in 2012?  She is the best dog ever.  Shortly after we first got her, she ended up in ICU at South Paws for pneumonia.  Since then she has has two back knee surgeries to repair torn crucial tendons (aka ACL) in humans.  She has recovered nicely and is such a happy and sweet dog.   Just want to thank you for all you do! 

She is a truly a water dog  (go figure) and loves swimming in the river, as well as the human pool.   Even yesterday she took a surprise dip in the river water.... Brrrrr!  And forget about toys... she loves chasing sticks and doing ‘search’ tasks by scent. What joy she is!

Just a big thank you for having her a part of our lives!  You all do GREAT work!

Most sincerely,

 Nathaniel Solberg and Lee Arslan

Posted: 03/17/2019


Week 2 for Macklee has her showing us a little more about her personality.

We have come to learn that she likes to play with toys, does not like not being able to get to her brothers and that she has a sassy side. She is also very loving and likes to give kisses. She also just goes into her "bed" with the door open and lays in there to rest.

Housebreaking took patience but she got it and we are so proud of her! She knows to go to the door to go out to potty. She goes out, does her business and comes in. We are very scheduled here and we are sure between that and following her dog brothers around, that's what helped her.

She is much better with the come and stay commands and we are working on sit and stay. Friday we will begin working with her trainer.

She is still skiddish and unsure but she is really coming out of her shell especially when her dog brother's are close by. She loves to play with Diesel and take behavior cues from Nate.

We are so happy she is part of our family and that her dog brother's chose her! 


March 10, 2019


I have been in my new house one week and it has been a busy week for me for sure.

I have 2 dog brothers here and they are helping me learn. I am very attached to my brother Diesel. My house is so much better then where I lived in Georgia for sure.

When I got to my new home, I had to get a bath because I got so nervous I got sick in my crate. My human mom was patient and gentle cleaning me up.

Since then, I have been exploring my new house and really like my safe spot behind the couch. 

I eat with my dog brother's and have done that since my first day here. My humans got me a slow feeder because I was gulping my food and it was really upsetting my belly. I like my slow feeder and my belly is feeling better.

As for housebreaking, I am getting this down thanks to my schedule and my brothers. My humans are working with me and they tell me good when I potty outside. This makes me happy.

I have learned to get on the couch with my human mom when she has her coffee in the morning. I lay my head on her lap beside my brother Diesel. I really like it.

I am learning through redirection that my human mom's slippers are not chew toys.

I have learned come, out and bed. The humans had to move my bed so I can see them and my brothers at night. I sleep all night in my bed (crate)and I spend a little time there in the daytime too or when my humans aren't home. I like my bed very much.

My first week here has been filled with exploring and learning, but I know already I like it here. My human mom and dad are very patient with me and I am very thankful to have such a nice family and forever home.

Posted: 03/13/2019
Kelly Kelly

Adopted 10-12-2017, Kelly is one of the puppies that came from Tennessee a couple years ago.

She is the best. She is so smart and well-behaved, and knows her place with her feline brother and sister! She loves playing ball and belly rubs! Getting her nails cut, not so much, but she is my best bud. She’s well taken care of(maybe even a little spoiled, but that’s ok.)

She’s one happy dog and that makes me one happy doggy dad!

Posted: 03/11/2019

Our sweet Mia, FKA Guinevere, has been a member of our family since December 2017, after being a great momma to 7 babies. We can't imagine life without her. She truly spoils us with love and kisses. She came to us with very little manners, and learned to trust us and gained manners very quickly. She is so wonderfully gentle with all humans and dogs of all ages and sizes! She quite literally bounces and prances when we pass a family with children on our walks. Mia truly has a sweet, kind, gentle, and loving soul! We won the doggy lottery when we adopted our Mia!

Posted: 03/11/2019

It’s been just over a week since we welcomed this sweet, playful pup home.  At first, we were all a little unsure how it would unfold, but with structure, training and lots of love, it’s all coming along nicely. 

She’s a very playful, curious and smart girl who’s taken to our adventurous walks in between house, crate and general training. She’s been doing very well doing her business outside on command, and it’s something we will continue to work on. We’re training on a daily basis to ensure Monroe is a polite and responsive pup! 

Monroe’s shows she is enjoying her new home life surrounded by her family - a fur-brother (Cadence the miniature dachshund), and a little human who showered her with hugs, rubs, kisses and treats....lots and lots of rewards for good behavior! 

Overall, she’s adjusting very well and we continue to train her to help her be the best she can be! 

Posted: 03/10/2019

Hi there!

Apollo, formerly known as Ellington, is doing amazing after only 1 week in his new home! We absolutely adore him and can’t wait to see his progress! He really is doing great and are so happy we found him. Here’s a little update on him...

Hi I’m Apollo, formerly Ellington, and I was adopted last Saturday. After only 1 week in my new home I am feeling more and more confident every day. I was one of the Georgia dogs and it was clear I had never been in a house before. My first night I was so scared I tried to push on widows to get outside, but calmed down once I was in my crate. Every day I’ve been making progress. I love my doggie sister and surprised my mom one night when I pulled out some toys on my own and was throwing them around. I am great at sharing and don’t like to play alone. I still haven’t been able to relax completely and lay down outside of my crate, I’m still very nervous and pace around a lot but I’m getting there. I wake my mom up crying all night because i don’t like being in my crate alone. I especially don’t like to be in my crate when mom is at work and takes my sister with her. I got caught trying to slam apart my crate by the downstairs neighbor. Mom works for a vet and animal rescue and brings my sister to work every day, and she wasn’t planning on trying to bring me for a couple weeks, but when I tried to hurt myself in the crate she decided to give me a chance. I’ve been going to work for a couple days now and I’m so happy there. I have my own room with a crate, but I like the noise of talking and other animals it makes me feel better. I don’t like people touching me other than my mom, but they can say hi and I don’t get as scared anymore. Mom says I’m doing great and she can’t wait to see my progress, but I still have a long way to go.

Thanks again for helping us find our newest family member, we love him so much!


Posted: 02/24/2019

Gypsy is doing great and is great with our grandchildren who she sees only twice a year!


Posted: 02/24/2019
Keller Keller

These are photos of Keller (FKA Cherokee, MAGSR #5809). The first picture is of her after she passed her BH in Schutzhund. A BH tests a dog's on and off leash obedience as well as their temperament.

Posted: 02/22/2019
Lager Lager Lager Lager

We rescued Lager when he was 1 year old and he has been with us for three years now.  A handsome, well trained GSD that loves attention and fetching balls above all else.  Thank you MAGSR for giving us a great family member!!!


Posted: 02/15/2019
Athena Athena Athena Athena Athena

Athena is turning 3 

-Loves playing fetch and loves running 

-Has one of the best nose that I've ever come across. I'm trying to train her how to sniff things out 

-She's completely housebroken and will let you know when she has to use the restroom

- she loves to give kisses when I come home from work.

- she enjoys eating Ice cream cone and gets overly excited when it's time to go to the park.

- she loves smiling when it comes time to take pictures 

- she enjoys playing tag with her brother and sister and is very protective toward them.

- she is the most mild mannered Shepherd that I've ever had.  

-Needless to say she's spoiled and is doing just fine. 
