Success Stories

This is what we are all about. When we place a dog in a great home, everyone in the rescue is elated. Nothing feels better than helping our dogs on their journey to find a forever home where they can love and be loved.

We thank every one of our adoptive families for opening their hearts and homes to our dogs.

These are the most recent MAGSR Success Stories. Success Stories reported prior to 2016 can be found here.

Posted: 10/08/2020
Keena Keena Keena Keena

We adopted Keena, one of the GA38 dogs, in May of '19.  Like all the other GA38 adopters, we’ve experienced the ups and downs of showing a frightened, formerly abused dog that she’ll get only love here.  We have both had a number of dogs in the past and have loved them all, but Keena brings out a completely new depth of feelings in us.  She was shy and frightened of everything when we first got her in May, but she was also undergoing heartworm treatment so needed to stay quiet.  Gradually she became accustomed to noises like the icemaker, our sneezes, and all those things we take so for granted.  She’s still leery of outside noises, but is learning to ignore them more and more.  Housebreaking was a bit of a challenge because we didn’t recognize the soft touch with her nose as the signal she needed to go out—our fault, not hers.  But she’s a champ now. She runs up and down stairs with wild abandon, and stays with me most all day in my studio, away from the crate which has been her default safe space.  She’s learning to be frisky and play, and to trust us enough for tummy rubs.  Not having any furry siblings here, Keena has had to learn how to be a happy and relaxed dog from us, but she seems to be progressing in leaps and bounds in the last few weeks.  Her training is going well, and she heels nicely and knows sit, down, and come.  We haven’t started working on stay yet!  Neither of us can imagine our lives without this sweet, gentle girl.  Anyone who can open their homes and hearts to one of the GA38 will have great joy, giving these wonderful dogs the loving home they so richly deserve.

Posted: 10/08/2020

Hello MAGSR! 

I wanted to provide an update on lovely Leona....

It is hard to believe it has been shy of  one month - Leona is already Family, no doubt about it. The last few weeks have been an adventure full of laughs and learning (mostly the human is learning!) 

Leona has made new fur friends, and enjoyed connecting with old MAGSR friends at Arrowhead Shepherds where she takes her human on Saturdays. Whether in the woods, mountains or meadow, Leona is happiest in the great outdoors, as is her human, so we are two peas in a pod. 

The biggest thank you to  all those from MAGSR who showed Leona patience, compassion and love during her journey thus far. I’m so grateful we found eachorher. We look forward to staying in touch ! 

Leona & Nikki 

Posted: 09/11/2020
Lola Lola Lola

This is Lola! Adopted March 2020. She is our frisbee catcher, loves to give hugs, thinks everybody that comes over is here to see her, and loves watching TV daily. What a welcome addition to our family she has been️️ Love is in the house ️️

Posted: 09/11/2020
Luna & River
Luna & River

Things are going well for Luna fka Milla with the intro of a new dog. Luna and River are having fun playing and snuggling. Ever since first meeting these to have snuggled like this.

Posted: 07/24/2020
Teak Teak

Teak graduated today!!  As the class clown!!  He did great!!

Posted: 07/16/2020

We adopted Bria in September of 2009.  She is a long haired, red and tan shepherd.  Bria is beautiful, gentle, and very devoted.  She is so good with people, especially our three young grandchildren.  She has never been overly fond of our cat, but in all fairness, the cat does look like a squirrel!  Bria is now almost 12 and totally deaf, but her buddy, our 10 year old lab tries to help her out. (She will run and get her for meals and to go outside!) Bria has back issues but continues to follow me around wherever I go.  We can't thank MAGSR (And Nancy Stec) enough for allowing us to be her fur-ever family.  

Posted: 07/14/2020

Fargo (FKA Garbo) adopted late 2014 & Wilco (FKA Willoughby) adopted spring 2016 are hanging out in the yard enjoying the sun; This is their favorite thing to do. In reality, they were trying to escape a morning brushing.

Posted: 07/13/2020

Luna (fks Milla) is living her best life. We have added a mini dachshund in the mix and Luna has come out of her shell. She has begun to play and has for the first time chased and retrieved a ball that was thrown. As some know the Georgia dogs were very scared of things being thrown around them so this was a huge moment. She made some big progress early and has taken some steps back but is currently doing things for the first time that is overwhelmingly amazing. She is an incredibly loved dog and is thriving.

Posted: 07/10/2020

Mochi (adopted August 2018) is doing wonderful! When he first adopted us, he was a little shy. Mochi graduated doggie school with flying colors. After 2 years, Mochi still knows the commands he was taught. At first, he was afraid of almost everything in the house, any noise loud or soft scared him. He would shut down and hide, but with time and patience, and a lot of love, he was able to overcome his fears. Today, if I run the vacuum, he just sits and watches me with a look that says “shut it off human”. Mochi loves people - he will give kisses after kisses if you sit on the floor with him. He loves to play and chase our kitten, Caly, around the house. Mochi is goofy and lovable and so much fun and loves walks. Our Mochi is one sweet and gentle boy. Thank you MAGSR for bring Mochi to us and for all the hard work and time you all do in rescuing these wonderful fur-babies. We can't imagine our lives without Mochi!!

Posted: 06/28/2020

Teak has been with us for a month now and is making great progress. This was this morning before it got hot out. He loves to play fetch!!  


Posted: 06/25/2020

Bella's a wonderful addition to our family over the past few years. She loves to hike and play fetch (and then nap on her spot on our couch). She, however, is a bit of a little princess when it comes to rain, puddles, and bathtime. She does NOT like getting wet! lol We're thrilled to have her. Thank you MAGSR.

Posted: 06/17/2020

MAGSR alum Jack celebrating his 13th birthday at the Westminster Greene Turtle. "Love you buddy! Monty and Sheri"

Posted: 06/13/2020
Leona Leona Leona

Hello MAGSR! 

I wanted to provide an update on lovely Leona....

It is hard to believe it has been shy of  one month - Leona is already Family, no doubt about it. The last few weeks have been an adventure full of laughs and learning (mostly the human is learning!) 

Leona has made new fur friends, and enjoyed connecting with old MAGSR friends at Arrowhead Shepherds where she takes her human on Saturdays. Whether in the woods, mountains or meadow, Leona is happiest in the great outdoors, as is her human, so we are two peas in a pod. 

The biggest thank you to  all those from MAGSR who showed Leona patience, compassion and love during her journey thus far. I’m so grateful we found each other. We look forward to staying in touch ! 

Leona & Nikki 

Posted: 06/08/2020

Midnight is having her best life in her forever home, with her forever family.

Posted: 05/29/2020
Niner Niner Niner Niner Niner Niner

Niner has been the most amazing companion we could ever ask for! She has settled in perfectly and is right at home with us. Niner loves running around in her backyard chasing the birds and is excellent at fetch and retrieve. She also is obsessed over any toys that squeak! When we first got her, she was extremely timid around new people but she had improved tremendously and is not afraid of new people anymore. She knows that she is safe is loved. We took her to the beach for the first time last weekend and found out she loves the water! We couldn’t imagine our lives without her️

Posted: 05/17/2020
Zeus Athena

It’s hard to believe that we have had Zeus and Athena for well over a year now.  Zeus and Athena are thriving and are well adjusted.  Athena loves playing with her football and Zeus is a Frisbee catcher.  They are a bonded pair but they no longer get stressed if they aren’t in each other’s sight.  And just like any other siblings they have their squabbles.  Athena rules the roost with an iron paw.  She is definitely the alpha in their relationship.  Her toys are her toys and his toys are also hers! 

They are very much loved by our family.  They are protective.  Athena is less reserved and is willing to meet new people.  It takes Zeus awhile to be comfortable with strangers in the house.  Thank you MAGSR for letting us adopt these two beautiful family members!

Posted: 05/17/2020

Vivo is a sweet boy, he loves to be hugged and to sleep on my lap.  He is also, an energizer puppy.  The love of his life is a loud squicky blue ball, which he loves chasing.  

Vivo is a great car traveler and hiker.  When hiking, Vivo is learning to stay on the path, when to lead, and when to follow.  I am also working on camping with him, we have done a few backyard camping trips to pepper for future overnight hikes. Off-leash he does his best to obey commands but mostly wants to play.  

We do visit local dog parks, such as the Quiet Waters Dog Park &  Beach, Ellsworth Dog Park, to include some of the local military base beaches.  It does take him some time to warm up to the other dogs but after a while, he enjoys chasing and playing. I hope to get him out on the water this year if all goes to plan and this virus stuff is done with.

I have been complimented multiple times on his looks to include how well he behaves.   

Posted: 05/14/2020

Our Samson boy was adopted in June of 2018.  Samson settled nicely in our home and quickly became a part of our family.  Samson is smart and sweet and sometimes a little mischievous, but he is a good boy. He loves walks and spending time outside, but mostly he likes to nap along with his brother Rocky. When we have other dogs visit he greets them with much enthusiasm and he is always ready to play. We can't imagine our lives without Samson. We are so happy we rescued him and gave him the home and family he deserves. 

Posted: 05/14/2020

Hi this is Trudi here (although my silly Mommy and Daddy sometimes call me Trudi Love or Baby Love). I cannot believe that is it coming up on a year that I have been in my Furever home my loving parents. Wow what an adventure it has been! I have so much to share, so I apologize for this being so long, but I have been quiet for so long and I am finally comfortable to share with everyone.

First of all, I want to say that you to MAGSR for saving me. Had you not come along, I do not know what my life would have been like and I do not want to imagine. That is all part of my past that I am trying to forget. I am now living a wonderful life in my new home and experiencing some many new things. My Daddy and I found each other at a time when we each needed the other. I never who have though in my life that someone would have needed me so much nor I needed them. What a wonderful turn of events for me, although I am still trying to understand this feeling. It has not come easy for me to accept that Mom and Dad actually loves me for who I am.   

Mommy and Daddy have been very patient and loving with me. They tell me that I take a one step forward in my progression, then I take two steps backwards. I don’t know why this happens but it does on occasion, and we all work through it together.

I have a large house to roam free in, but I prefer to stay upstairs in Mommy and Daddy’s bedroom and sitting room area. I call it my comfort zone. It has a lot of space and I call it safe haven, especially when the wind is blowing or I am hearing loud noises, I don’t like when Mommy is downstairs in the kitchen doing stuff, she makes a lot noises down there. Dad tells me that she is cooking, cleaning or running the dishwasher (whatever that means – all as I know is that those sounds bother me along with fireworks). Although I think when Dad says cooking he means that Mommy is making me my baked chicken!

I enjoy going for walks around the neighborhood (trash cans sometimes still bother me) and chasing the bunnies and squirrels in my large back yard. Although I have yet to catch one!

I have warmed up some towards Mommy and Daddy, but I am not an over affectionate one. I will occasionally sneak a quick kiss to one of them and it brings a big smile to their face. I do however love my belly rubs and will roll over and ask for a rub as one of them walk by. You can see that my personality has been coming out more and more. Mommy and Daddy sometimes tell me that I am crazy (in a kidding way), like when it is time for me to go out and I really don’t want to, I will keep rolling over on my back and asking for a belly rub or putting out my paw for a shake. I think this is pretty clever of me to gain some time to not have to go outside until I am ready even though Mommy and Daddy know it is a game we all play.

Every night at bedtime I get a treat of either frozen peanut butter in my Kong or what Mommy calls my yogi- which is frozen yogurt in a cup (and she thinks I am silly, when she calls the yogurt yogi). After my treat, I will sometimes even get up on the bed with Mom or Dad, which depends on my mood.

I have so many more stories because of all the love and happiness I have found in my home, but those are for another day. I just wanted to check in and let everyone know that I am doing well. I have good days and some not so good days, but as Mommy says that is the life of a Princess, which I am (at least in their eyes).

To my Mommy and Daddy- it is not Happy Found You Day… It is Happy We Found Each Other Day!!! 

P.S. I hope my pics come through OK as Mommy was trying out a new pic app :) 

Posted: 05/14/2020

Hello MAGSR Family,

This is Bentley (adopted March 2019)! I’m not sure what’s going on in the world, but having my family home all the time has been awesome! I’m happy in my home and with a family that shows me love. I have lots of bones to chew, toys to play with, and comfy beds to sleep on. My human mom and brother bake me yummy biscuits and in a few weeks, I’m going to have a birthday party! I’ve fully recovered from my big surgery last year and I don’t seem to mind that my wrist doesn’t quite bend like the other one. I still love to run through the yard and chase tennis balls and Frisbees (although the Frisbees aren’t the same afterwards). One of my favorite things to do is ride in the car. Last summer, we drove all the way to the beach and I got to play in the ocean. At night, I go upstairs to put my human brother and sisters to bed. I lay outside their doors or on the stairs for a while to make sure they stay in bed. My dog brother passed away a few months ago and I still miss having him around. My family loves dogs, so I think I may get a new dog sibling someday. For now, I’ll enjoy being the only dog and getting ALL the belly rubs and treats!
