Success Stories

This is what we are all about. When we place a dog in a great home, everyone in the rescue is elated. Nothing feels better than helping our dogs on their journey to find a forever home where they can love and be loved.

We thank every one of our adoptive families for opening their hearts and homes to our dogs.

These are the most recent MAGSR Success Stories. Success Stories reported prior to 2016 can be found here.

Posted: 01/13/2021
Casen Casen Casen Casen Casen

Casen has been with us since Oct 2020. He has been settling in nicely with us. He loves to go on walks, drop toys on mom's laptop when she's working, play rough with Dad, and play with his sister! He also loves snuggles and getting his ears scratched! He doesn't like other dogs, but he loves watching and playing with the neighborhood kids! 

Posted: 01/10/2021
Buddy Buddy

Wonderful Buddy has been with us since October, 2020 and we are totally in love with him.  He is full of adorable puppy energy and is as smart as any GSD we have had.  Even though it turns out he is half Husky.  He's a friendly player at doggie day camp, swims. and is learning agility, and soon he may be doing the cooking and cleaning.  Thank you MAGSR for our amazing Buddy.


Posted: 01/08/2021
Tango Tango

Tango (adopted Oct 2020) is doing fantastic in his new home. It has taken him a little while to get settled, and we had a few bumps in the road during the transition but it was nothing a little time, patience and advice from our trainer couldn't handle. Although he loves all his new family members, mom is his absolute favorite. He LOVES playing fetch and going on walks around our farm. His favorite spot (besides wherever mom is) is the back pasture where he can play fetch, "keep away" with his little puppy sister or just lounge. He has adjusted to our horses and even let's them groom him. He is very smart and often only needs to be told something once (unless the stakes are high, ... like ham in the trash can or those pesky squirrels who are just asking to be chased). He still wins the award for Most Vocal Shepherd, but even that's improving with time. He thrives on routine, esp at night when he helps us tuck the kiddos into bed and then immediately goes into the kitchen to get his well deserved chew (pig ear, bully stick, etc). He makes us laugh every day! He's come a long way since he came home with more to go, but we just love him to pieces and are so glad he's ours!


Posted: 01/06/2021
Lemon Lemon Lemon Lemon


Lemon is doing a lot better! She is 33 pounds right now and doesn’t have any health issues! She is getting along really well with my sister's dog, Goose. 

Thank you for reaching out! Here are some photos of Lemon! 



Posted: 01/06/2021
Sam and his buddy, Bobby.

Sam has settled in nicely in his new home.  He is definitely a charmer!

Posted: 01/06/2021
Socks (fka Noah) gets festive!

We renamed him Socks and he has comfortably integrated into our family. His 4 and 8 year old boys love him. When he licks Isaac, the 4 year old in the face, Isaac says, “Aw, he loves me!”

He takes orders from the cat and tries really hard to control the urge to play with him.

He is loving the cold weather and little bit of snow we got. He thinks ice is just as fun to rub on as grass!

Posted: 01/04/2021

We have had Jack for ~2.5 years now.  We love him so much. He is an integral part of our family. He loves to play ball,  get pets and go on walks.  He still likes to chase squirrels when possible. He is a great dog- great personality and very sweet.  He is our big baby and we love him very much.

Posted: 12/01/2020
Molly Molly Molly

Molly (adopted July 2020) has settled into her forever home and time is flying! It is hard to believe she has been with me for almost 5 months! In her time with me, Molly has completed a training program, taken her first trip to the beach (where she played in the sand almost every day), and helped welcome a new nephew to the family last month! Molly enjoys walks & playing with her black-lab cousin, car rides with the windows down, cuddles on the couch, and playing fetch with her favorite squeaky toys! She has landed with a family who gives her endless hugs, kisses, and cuddles daily! I couldn’t imagine my life without Molly.

Posted: 11/25/2020

Dolly (aka Princess Bea) is definitely still a princess. She is happy and super energetic. She loves playing and cuddling with her big doggy brother Waylon and even has her gotten her big kitty sister Winnie to warm up to her. She loves playing tug a war with our daughter Maisie and chasing her around. She is very anxious around new people and places but has improved a lot with puppy classes and going on walks on the ncr trail. She has been a great addition to our family. We’re glad to have her.

Posted: 11/20/2020
Lumi & Lincoln

Lumi (White) & Lincoln both MAGSR adoptions. Out enjoying an evening outing.

Posted: 11/19/2020

Here is a photo of our sweet dog Roxy!

Posted: 11/19/2020

Bella (formerly known as Belair) was adopted on July 2, 2020.  She was a little nervous in her new surroundings, was very cautious, and was not ready to fully trust that this was her permanent home.  She gave me the feeling that she had experienced some harsh times somewhere in her past. We showered her with love and patience and as each day went by, she became more trusting of us. Now she follows me everywhere. When I leave the house, she waits at the door until I come home……so cute.

Bella loves to play “keep away”.  She will grab her favorite toy and run around the house and wait for me to come after her. When I come around, she will take off running in the opposite direction.  In the back yard, she has trained me to fetch.  Seriously, when I throw the ball, she runs to it and stands over it until I come to fetch it.  When I get close, she takes off with the ball and drops it again, waiting for me to try to get it. Eventually she gets tired and walks away from the ball and I have to fetch it……funny dog.

Bella loves attention. When my son and his family come over, she gets so excited. Her tail and whole body is wagging a mile a minute until I get her to settle down.  I’m actually a little jealous that she likes them so much.  I’m pretty sure she would go home with them if I let her. Not going to happen!!

We are so happy with Bella.  I can’t imagine our home without her now. Thank you to MAGSR

Jim and Judy Cocchiaro

Posted: 11/16/2020

We adopted Axel 3 yrs ago and we are so happy we did. We are his 3rd and last owners.  On the way home he was giving us kisses.   He is the sweetest dog. He loves to play by catching the ball, frisbee or anything else you want to throw.  He is also loves to be petted and to get his hugs.

Posted: 11/16/2020

Apollo FKA Liberty is a spoiled young man. His favorite things are: sitting on me and his dog sister Autumn, getting beat up by his cat sister Aspen, chasing squirrels and rabbits, licking any human that he comes in contact with, going on car rides, snuggling, and getting rubs while also petting you back at the same time. He is the perfect addition to our family! 

Posted: 11/16/2020

Apache (June 2017) and Hunter (fka Windsor, May 2018) are bedhoggers, roadtrip pros, and well-loved puppers.

Apache loves squeeky stuffies, chasing squirrels, and has opened up to some family members, but is still our shadow.

Hunter has taught her that it's okay to play and be a pup. Hunter loves meeting everyone, snow, and stealing toys from his sister. 

Posted: 11/06/2020

What a wonderful Rescue and what a wonderful dog.  We adopted Buddy from MAGSR less than 2 weeks ago and this 19 month old has won our hearts completely.  A little puppy mischief with a lot of puppy energy.  A little Husky and a little GSD.   And who knows or cares? He's already learning agility and visibly settling into his forever home more every day.  Smart boy. Thank you MAGSR!!!!!

Totally grateful,

Buddy, Shari and Miles

Posted: 10/27/2020
Harley Harley Harley Harley

Our girl turned 1 today!! Harley (former name Harra) is the best thing that came into my life! She is such a sweet and funny girl! We went all out for her 1st birthday and she had the best day!! Thank you MAGSR!!

Posted: 10/20/2020

We adopted Layla (aka Chastity) July 2019. She is the sweetest and most affectionate dog.  She loves her big sister Zoe and her human family.  She is always happy and wags her tail anytime anyone steps in the room even if she is asleep. She is very energetic but gets lots of walks and outside play time. She thinks she is a lap dog and loves to lay on or near us. She has come a long way in the year that we've had her.   We love her and so lucky to have adopted her.

Posted: 10/12/2020
Buddy and his waggy tail

Buddy is the happiest dog we have ever had. His tail is always wagging and he loves everyone. He has been with us 21 months and we couldn’t love him more. He is the best dog and well loved.

Posted: 10/10/2020
Ryder Ryder Ryder Trudi

Update on Ryder and Trudi!  Can't believe it's been 5 weeks, seems like he has been with us for so much longer as he has settled in so well. He is personality is coming out for sure and he is a big lug who just wants love and attention from his Mommy and especially Daddy.  He is definitely a Daddy's boy!

Ryder has indeed helped bring Trudi out of her shell and she has begun to start "playing"with some toys. Trudi has a big job of keeping her eyes on Ryder always wanting to know where he is and what he is doing.

Things are going well so far. Love these pups to death. So thankful they are both in our lives.
